Questions tagged [oauth]

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16 votes
2 answers

Service account does not have storage.buckets.get access to bucket

I'm trying to get a list of buckets in a project, using python like this: from import storage storage_client = storage.Client(project='[project-id]') bucket = storage_client.get_bucket([...
Dimitri's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Is there any solution to make OpenVPN authentication with Google ID?

Or, maybe any oauth? All I could find - is 2factor authentication with google. But I'd like to use Google Apps base for OpenVPN auth. I believe that it is possible to make something like gitlab. ...
Psychozoic's user avatar
10 votes
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How do I access a google cloud storage bucket using a service account from the command line?

I thought it would be pretty straight forward to do this, but I can't get it to work: I'm trying to push files from a server (GCE) to a google cloud storage bucket. To avoid granting the gsutil ...
bjoseru's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Support for refresh tokens in ADFS 2.2 OAuth flow

My colleague and I are trying to enable OAuth in ADFS 2.2. Everything is working except the server only passes back an access token (w/ expiration) and does not include a refresh token after ...
Matt Dearing's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to allow login to a SMTP server better than with password?

I'm planning on creating a mail server, but I don't want to use passwords at all. They seem a wrong security choice to me. I'd love to use a certificate to login. This seems easy to do in HTTP, but I ...
Yajo's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there a way to setup oAuth with Openvpn or wireguard?

I'm looking to build a set of services that require a single sign on. Basically, you login to my oAuth provider, and you have access to an openvpn connection(or wireguard) and a website, without ...
SoftwareRocks's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I connect to an Exchange 2013 server with OAuth?

Our goal is to have our customers grant permission to access their email on an Exchange 2013 server with OAuth, without us having to store the customers' usernames and passwords. We already do this ...
Wolfram Arnold's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I Generate a Bearer Token for cURL to Get Thru IAP (GCP)?

I need to cURL a web app hosted behind IAP on GCP. Normally, users log in through IAP and use the web app, but I need to run some cURL commands (interactive and non-interactive) that hit the web app ...
user450409's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Exclude specific web page from access restrictions with GCP / IAP

I have a Node.js/Express web app running on the Google Cloud Platform App Engine. I'm restricting access to this application using the Identity Aware Proxy (IAP), so that only people in my company can ...
Patrick Hund's user avatar
3 votes
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Intermittent OpenID Connect login error in ADFS 4.0

We have a Windows 2016 ADFS 4.0 farm (WID database, not SQL Server) hosted in Azure. We are working with a new OpenID Connect application, and want to use ADFS to authenticate and populate user ...
RyanM's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why Domain Admin Cannot Enable Domain Wide Delegation for Service Accounts?

We need to use service accounts for our application instead of individually end users to call some Google Apis such as Admin Directory Api. There are 3 members of this project which are me as owner, ...
AshleyCam's user avatar
3 votes
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Domains have been verified, but Google still says app has not been verified

Message in the consent screen settings: Comply with domain verification requirements Ensure your application's domains have completed the Search Console verification process But... all my domains on ...
Victor Alisson's user avatar
3 votes
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ADFS: Convert SAML Assertion to OAuth Token?

We have Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) as our authentication/federation provider. We use it for performing identity federation via SAML to several external vendors, SaaS ...
Shadowman's user avatar
3 votes
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IIS - How to force Windows Authentication first then fall back to Anonymous Authentication

I have a website running on IIS, it works on Windows Authentication (intranet ActiveDirectory), and I am planning to open it to Internet with token-based OAuth (anonymous authentication). In my ...
Miles Fan's user avatar
3 votes
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Setting up oauth for JIRA 6.4

I want to setup oauth for third party application to log jira issues in jira 6.4. I am familiar with twitter oauth process. But looking at jira oauth, its taking too much time. I have been able to ...
codeofnode's user avatar
2 votes
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Firebase auth: Error getting access token from GOOGLE_OIDC

I have two Firebase projects, with one I can login using Google auth, no problem. But the other gives me this error. I can't find any difference in settings between the two. With both, I'm running the ...
rm.rf.etc's user avatar
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gcloud service account oauth token timeout causing container service auth failure

First time question, and I am also new to attempting to configure/administer google cloud services. Please be gentle. My employer uses gcloud ontainer registry to store images, and on the client side,...
user6005293's user avatar
2 votes
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How do OAuth servers deal with a `refresh_token` requested multiple times?

In the OAuth2 authentication process refresh tokens should be used only once. When the refresh_token is used it will return a new access_token and a new refresh_token. This is also in the RFC6819 spec:...
Wilt's user avatar
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Configuring Netbox to get authorization information via REMOTE_AUTH?

I'm trying to set up an oauth2 proxy in front of Netbox (to authenticate against a local Keycloak instance). I have the following configuration in the /etc/netbox/config/ REMOTE_AUTH_ENABLED=...
larsks's user avatar
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Use user (and not service account) token for kubernetes dashboard

I've a Kubernetes deployment on Azure (AKS) and I also deployed the k8s dashboard. I've connected the k8s deployment to our Azure Active Directory (AAD) so we can use the kubectl command with our AAD ...
Matthias's user avatar
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Adfs 3.0 Redirect Uri Length Limit

I'm using ADFS 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2. I have an application that uses OAuth2 to request an authorization code and then obtain an access token using that code. The application requires some ...
RMD's user avatar
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Do I need my own oauth and/or openid connect provider [closed]

Sorry .... I want to completely rephrase this question:, and I've asked the same question on Information Security now The system I'm working on will have a mobile application, a web portal and an ...
Johan's user avatar
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5 answers

Controlling access to my API using SSH public key (not SSL) [closed]

I have the challenge of implementing an API to be consumed by relatively non-technical clients -- pasting some sample code into their WordPress or homegrown PHP site is probably as much as we can ask. ...
Tom Harrison Jr's user avatar
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5 answers

Error installing php extension OAuth via pecl

I'm trying to install the php extension OAuth in my local environment. suggests it's super easy. You just run pecl install oauth. I tried this, and here is the output in terminal: (Update: I ...
PJ.'s user avatar
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Error installing php extension OAuth by pecl, please help me

I'm trying to install the php extension OAuth in my centos 6 linux server. suggests it's super easy. You just run pecl install oauth I tried this, and here is the output in terminal: [root@...
boo's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the difference between Cloud IAP and Cloud Endpoints OAuth?

With regards to authentication and authorization, what does Cloud IAP do that Cloud Endpoints doesn't? (and vice versa?) Is Cloud IAP doing both Authorization and Authentication? And if so, is it ...
swigganicks's user avatar
1 vote
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Error installing OAuth on CentOS 6.0

I'm not sure what to do here cause I'm getting the same type of error overall as i try to install oAuth on this cloud slice. I'm not sure what to do but I would think that I need to update or ...
Quantum's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I install PHP with JSON and OAuth on Mac Snow Leopard? [closed]

I want to use the Dropbox API via this library, I installed MAMP, and then I tried sudo pecl install oauth but I got the following. >>>> ...
meilas's user avatar
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401 Unauthorized when trying to log on to Openshift 4.5 with Google identity provider

I recently deployed a version 4.5 OKD cluster and everything seems fine, but I can't get the Google identity provider to work for signing in. I followed the instructions here, but with no success. ...
JSM's user avatar
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ADFS 2019 OAuth Access Token Lifetime

Is it possible to change the access token lifetime in ADFS? I have an Application Group configured that issues tokens perfectly fine. I just want to know if I can somewhere change the lifetime of ...
Thomas Lazar's user avatar
1 vote
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OAUTH / OIDC - Client auth using a signed JWT instead of a secret

I'm sending out the signal flare after exhausting my search efforts. I feel I'm real close to getting this working but hit the wall. Below details an example of what I'm trying to accomplish and the ...
Jarred's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure AD - Unable to Issue Tokens

Using a server back-end web application ("Authroization Code" flow) to allow users to authenticate to my app using Azure/MS logins, I ran into an odd (and google-unhelpful) issue - Following this ...
Coyttl's user avatar
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Is it possible to revoke or invalidate a refresh token in ADFS 4 (ADFS 2016)?

I have searched the documentation and I don't find how or if it is possible to revoke a refresh token in ADFS 4 (ADFS 2016). I'm worried about what may happen if a malicious user steals a refresh ...
Eloy Roldán Paredes's user avatar
1 vote
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SSO between gitlab and azure AD doesnt work

### OmniAuth Settings ###! Docs: gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['azure_oauth2'] # ...
Brendan Jennings's user avatar
1 vote
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GitLab and OAuth to Azure AD

I've been tinkering with GitLab and Azure ActiveDirectory with OAuth and allowing AD users to connect to GitLab accounts. This is set up and works just fine. However, GitLab won't create users for ...
Ross's user avatar
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1 answer

NextCloud as Oauth Provider

I've noticed that in some of the current versions of NextCloud that there is an admin menu option for adding Oauth 2.0 clients. Doing so gives you a Client ID and a Client Secret as you would expect ...
Jake Hewitt's user avatar
1 vote
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Jenkins login using GitHub Authentication failed being administrator

I was setting up authentication mechanism for our organization jenkins, which had no security mechanism, "ananoumos" can do anything, delete jobs,build etc. I did Install github-oauth jenkins plugin ...
sandejai's user avatar
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migrating several accounts from office 365

I need to migrate our mail service from office365 to a local mail server. In the past I did use imapsync to do mail migration but with office and it's ouath2 authentication mecanism I am stuck. I have ...
Wodel's user avatar
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Google cloud OAuth api verification

We submitted our Google cloud OAuth api verification on 21-Nov-2022 and seeing the same status "Verification in progress" for long time. There is no way to contact support about this inquiry....
Ariel Shlahman's user avatar
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what's wrong with my setup on google Oauth? and what is my next action?

I received an email saying Verification Not Required from Google Cloud Platform. I have confirmed ownership and refused to use the icon, so I received your email as above. However, there are still ...
agnes hn's user avatar
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How long does Google Cloud OAuth verification need?

I want to use Google ads API, but now Google tells me my project needs to pass Google OAuth verification. I have applied for verification; how long does this verification take ?
wolfwithsheep's user avatar
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Why does the content owner needs a CMS account to retrieve revenue data from youtube api?

I am trying to retrieve revenue details from YouTube API from content owner's account (using OAuth) but I am getting the same 403 response. Do the content owner needs a CMS account to retrieve revenue ...
John Moore's user avatar
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Connect G Suite to Microsoft Cloud App Security

Noob here: Attempting to follow guidance from this article: On step 7, the &...
Michael Cazier's user avatar
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Azure AD - App Registration - Creating a new scope

I'm looking for a way to create a new Azure Active Directory application registration via a PowerShell script. I can create the application using the following script: $appName = "CliApp" az ad app ...
Matt Ruwe's user avatar
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Google Restricted Scopes OAuth verification: project-id does not match

I received the following email from Google a few days ago: Hi Google API Developer, We sent this email because you’re listed as a contact on the following Google Cloud Project(s) using OAuth 2.0 to ...
Jude Hungerford's user avatar
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Use Gitlab oauth service for Nexus3

I've a brand new Nexus Repository Manager version 3.6.1 and a Gitlab 10.0.3. I'ld like to use Gitlab as a oauth provider for authentification (I'm already doing that for Jenkins & SonarQube). ...
Rémy's user avatar
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Nginx proxy for OAuth2 validation

I have an own OAuth2 provider where you can ask for a token and validate it. I want to protect my REST API (resource server) with OAuth2, so, in every single request, the access token must be ...
Héctor's user avatar
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How to install the PHP OAuth Extension on Amazon Linux

In order to connect to QuickBooks from my PHP application, I need to install OAuth. I was following these instructions (substituting yum for apt-get) but after the first line sudo yum install gcc ...
Tomaso Albinoni's user avatar
1 vote
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request hangs if made over domain

I have an app where a user can login using github. When I log in, the app hangs for about one minute. This is the log Started GET "/" for at 2013-08-11 15:26:01 +0000 Started GET "/...
Luiz E.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Install PHP OAuth Extension In Snow Leopard

I am trying to install the PHP OAuth extension in Snow Leopard, I'm using the bundled Apache Web server and PHP 5.3.2 by Apple, which is working just fine. When I type in Terminal: sudo pecl install ...
Jonathon David Oates's user avatar