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2 votes
1 answer

KVM Networking - assign IP to each VM by outside DHCP

I am new to KVM and am having a problem with setting up the networking. I want each VM to get its IPs assigned by the network's DHCP, not the internal DHCP that the KVM keeps trying to set up. In ...
Hubert Oliver's user avatar
-1 votes
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Blocking mac spoofing on libvirt guests using openflow

I have a couple of kvm vms running with libvirt and they are using openvswitch bridges. I need a mechanism to prevent mac spoofing on a guest. I tried libvirt filters no-mac-spoofing and clean-traffic ...
igalvez's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does my ethernet interface not get added to my openvswitch bridge on startup, with debian 10.5?

I am setting up a kvm/qemu/libvirt host (debian buster 10.5) with two ethernet interfaces: eno1 for the host traffic and eno2 for the VM traffic. eno2 is connected to a trunk switch port carrying the ...
Andreas Schuldei's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

libvirt & openvswitch VLAN tagging on the fly

I'm working on a project using libvirt with qemu and openvswitch on Debian 10. I would like to be able to modify the configuration of a network card of a domain in bash with the update-device command ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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libvirt: create a bridged network using openvswitch with dhcp enabled

I am trying to use libvirt + dsnmasq + openvswitch to create a bridged network with dhcp enabled. I created a libvirt network with the following XML: <network connections='1'> <name>ovs-...
mooroj's user avatar
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3 votes
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OpenVSwitch with Libvirt

Here's my situation: I'm running CentOS 7 with Openvswitch and Libvirt/Qemu. My domains are configured to use the virtualport type openvswitch, so when I start a VM it creates a port in the ovs bridge....
user165222's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Persistent Network Configuration using KVM and libvirt

Our environment will have a KVM host setup dynamically using kickstart (easy enough). The hard part is dealing with network configuration and keeping VLAN configuration (and possibly bridge/host ...
cheesesticksricepuck's user avatar
3 votes
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How to make my linux vm attach to an openvswitch bridge?

I am following this tutorial: In brief: br0 is connected to the actual net, br1 is an isolated bridge to ...
Phate's user avatar
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1 answer

<virtualport type='openvswitch'/> is NOT recognized

In order to make my vm use the openvswitch interface I have to add the following lines to a vm xml config file: <source bridge='ovsbr'/> <virtualport type='openvswitch'/> I edit the ...
Phate's user avatar
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