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When installing neutron ovn from openstack-ansible, ovs will be installed automatically if install_method is set to distro

We are trying to install openstack through openstack-ansible and configure neutron with ovn. The installation version was yoga/zed, and ovn was configured by referring to the link below. yoga : https:/...
Aaron's user avatar
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OVN Cluster Health Command

Is there any command-line tool for the OVN Cluster Health check? Or each of its components? and a command or commands which gives stats about the cluster. For example, without a functional test, I ...
Milad Jahandideh's user avatar
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How i can assign /32 ip address to openstack nova instance without float ip?

I'm developing a custom panel for my openstack home lab via rest api. I've investigated Hetzner cloud ip (v4) addressing mechanism and i found it is like this: It is assigning /32 valid ip v4 address ...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
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Tunnel packets get filtered or stripped off, also certain packets like BGP

I was trying to figure this out for quite some while now. So I am trying my luck here now... I have some VMs that should communicate with non VMs. There are 2 use cases. The first are BareMetal ...
thurlimann's user avatar
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open vswitch and open virtual network in openstack

I have a local lab which does not have a physical switch and consists of 3 servers which are connected to each other Nics. Now I want to implement vlans, want to know is it possible to setup vlans ...
AliReza NaSRi's user avatar
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Why on network node not create tap* interface when created instance?

OS RHEL 7.2, openstack release - kilo. I have 4 node: controller, network, compute and block storage. I have some problem. When I create instance on Horizon, he get IP, but in network node not create ...
akashavkin's user avatar
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QoS/traffic-limit on internal ports in OpenVSwitch

I am currently trying to put traffic control on our OpenStack cloud and my questions in one sentence would be: is it possible at all to rate-limit particular port with type internal? The whole story ...
guoger's user avatar
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Traffic Control in OpenStack Neutron with either TC or OpenVSwitch

As far as I know, QoS in OpenStack Neutron is still under development and not production-ready (I could be wrong on this point though, shout at me if so...), but we are required to implement traffic ...
guoger's user avatar
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Openstack Neutron stabilty problems

I have a fairly simple Openstack setup for a PoC. 2 nodes, both running Nova, and everything else on node 1. It is running CentOS 6 and was set up using RDO. Importantly I am using Neutron for the ...
chriscowley's user avatar