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How to drop arp requests trying to resolve a particular IP address at a logical switch port?

I am using l2gateway port to attach a physical L2 segment to a logical network. But both the logical network and the physical segment has one common IP, say I want to prevent the traffic ...
Amogh M K's user avatar
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OVN Cluster Health Command

Is there any command-line tool for the OVN Cluster Health check? Or each of its components? and a command or commands which gives stats about the cluster. For example, without a functional test, I ...
Milad Jahandideh's user avatar
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How i can assign /32 ip address to openstack nova instance without float ip?

I'm developing a custom panel for my openstack home lab via rest api. I've investigated Hetzner cloud ip (v4) addressing mechanism and i found it is like this: It is assigning /32 valid ip v4 address ...
Vahid Alimohamadi's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting up DHCP with OVN

I'm trying to set up an environment similar to the one described here in which OVN will provide DHCP service to logical networks. I have a logical switch named `net0 with two ports: [root@ovn0 ~]# ...
larsks's user avatar
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