Questions tagged [openvswitch]

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GRE Mesh to GRE Star in open virtual switch

i have 3 kvm hosts running open vswitch with many virtual machines. These vms are on two separate tenants and GRE tunnel carries private traffic between these 3 hosts. But is there a better way to ...
Kevin Parker's user avatar
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openvswitch: connecting two virtual private networks on two different machines with gre/ipsec

Here is the setup: We have a hardware (server) that presents a service to the customer (or "outside world", if you so will). Internally, the services and functions are distributed over several virtual ...
lImbus's user avatar
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./ log.level --DEBUG forwarding.l2_learning not working as expected

I have installed openvswitch on my PC with runs Ubuntu 12.04.I also have virtual box running on my PC with 3 virtual machines (Ubuntu 12.04) running on them. are named vm-1 vm-2 vm-3 I have ...
liv2hak's user avatar
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gateway configuration in kvm guest while live migration

I configured the bridge which are connected to guests to communicate with outside. And In the guest, i configure gateway to indicate the bridge IP. (currently achieve this with DHCP) eth0 <--> ...
jinhwan's user avatar
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Openvswitch Installation Issue

I am trying to install openvswitch on my ubuntu 12.04 Machine for KVM. But it is showing "Module has probably not been built for this kernel" tried "module-assistant auto-install openvswitch-...
krypto's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

connect Open vSwitch switch to real network : iptables masquerade

I'm using Open vSwitch to create a switched network between virtualBox guest machines, and i want that the host OS (Ubuntu 12.04) join this network and to configure it as the gateway of this virtual ...
LokmanDz's user avatar
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