Questions tagged [ovirt]

oVirt is an opensource server and desktop virtualization management system

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3 answers

What is the difference between RHEV and oVirt?

When I read the wikipedia articles about RHEV and oVirt, I can't really figure out why Red Hat have both projects, as they seam to solve the same problem? http://en....
Sandra's user avatar
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How do I upgrade from oVirt 4.2 to oVirt 4.3?

I have a oVirt 4.2 datacenter. I like to upgrade to 4.3. What steps are necessary and where do I get documentation. The oVirt documentation is sparse on this matter to say the least.
itsafire's user avatar
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How should I recover from Ovirt and GlusterFS partial failure?

I am managing a 3 node Ovirt 4.3.7 cluster with a hosted engine appliance; the nodes are also glusterfs nodes. The systems are: ovirt1 (node at ovirt2 (node at ovirt3 (...
Randall's user avatar
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ovirt noVNC console error : Something went wrong, connection is closed

Context : oVirt glusterfs 8.6 Self-hosted engine Problem: Since I update my certificates (with engine-setup) because of the warning that my certs will expire soon, I can't open the noVNC ...
DSX's user avatar
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Convert VM (redhat virtualization 3.5) to a physical server

I have a virtual machine running on red hat virtualization 3.5, i need to convert that VM to a physical server. (mainly due to a performance issue) my volume groups as follows NAME ...
Tharanga Abeyseela's user avatar
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Recover an oVirt Hosted Engine Crash

I have an oVirt setup, and recently yum updated all packages in hosts and hosted engine. Problem is I can't start the hosted engine. After a while if you issue the command: hosted-engine --vm-status ...
Luciano César Natale's user avatar
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Bypassing SSO property on oVirt 4.0

I have upgraded oVirt engine from 3.6 to 4.0, after the upgrade i could not access the webadmin portal, the welcome page displays this message: The client is not authorized to request an ...
ahmedjaad's user avatar
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Un-deploy hosted engine from node before minor upgrade?

A node in our ovirt cluster shows an available upgrade. The node has the hosted engine deployed on it, but it is currently served on another node. Do I need to un-deploy the hosted engine first before ...
itsafire's user avatar
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Public service failover in a cluster

I'm getting started with physical server clustering, and have plans for a 3 node hyperconverged oVirt setup. I currently deploy all my apps and sites on VPSes and API-provisioned cloud instances. I ...
pestaa's user avatar
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Is there any way to lock/unlock a Hosted Engine in oVirt?

I have a weird situation with my Hosted Engine in oVirt. We have an oVirt cluster set up using gluster as the storage for the engines isos and all the information. About a week ago two of the three ...
samaelinfernus's user avatar
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How long does it take to failover with oVirt/RHEV?

I'm trying to get a better understanding of what is achieved by using RHEV/oVirt (or other OSS solutions) in an HA cluster. I'm interested in knowing how long it takes to fail over, and what exactly ...
Paul's user avatar
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2 answers

oVirt or Proxmox with Cloudstack

I am using a cloud infrastructure based on XenServer and orchestrated by Cloudstack for lab purposes, and I want to try another KVM hypervisor on the same cloud. Is it possible to use oVirt or Proxmox ...
Dragon Warrior's user avatar
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oVirt - Running VMs into a Subnet

I am trying to run VMs (and Pools) into a NAT. To reach this target I have: created a new Network in the Cluster; checked "Create on external provider" check box; selected ovirt-provider-ovn; entered ...
Fabio Marzocca's user avatar
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Deploying Pool to users (oVirt)

I am starting exploring oVirt (v. 4.3.6) capabilities, so I have created a base-VM, published a Template from it and then deployed a pool of 10 machines based on that Template. Now, I would like to ...
Fabio Marzocca's user avatar
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Where should iso and data domains be located on oVirt platform?

I'm a newbie to ovirt and i have some questions about nfs storage in ovirt, so where should iso and data domains be located? on the machine running ovirt engine or on a host? and when you add a ...
ahmedjaad's user avatar
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Create an Ovirt cluster Node first, Engine later

this is the current state in my company - non relevant details omitted: we have a production server which hosts a CRM in a VM using virtualbox. Let call this server "SMALL" as it is a small tower ...
matteo nunziati's user avatar
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ovirt vdsm vlan - cant create virtual lan only wan port

I installed ovirt 3.3 on fedora 19 on my server. The Server has one ethernet connection, and it is a WAN so I don't have a LAN ip, or DHCP. I set a bridged interface (ovirtmgmt) on this interface ...
user2675118's user avatar
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Installing oVirt manager on an ovirt-node

Is there a way to install the ovirt manager on to an ovirt-node? All of the documentation points to getting the manager up and running before setting up a node. Wondering if it is possible to not ...
lmickh's user avatar
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Renewing oVirt certificates

When I took over from my predecessor in my current position, I inherited a bunch of machines (as you would expect). One of these was the company's oVirt hypervisor environment (on 4.3, across two ...
Chris Douglas's user avatar
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How to configure multiple interface for cloud_init_nics using variables in ansible

i need some help on configure multiple cloud_init_nics using variable files. Here is my variable files for example: files/dict vm: all: - name: rhel7 hostname: rhel7 dns: "8.8.8....
sloweriang's user avatar
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Ovirt Host not healthy after upgrade from 4.4.0 to 4.4.2 using yum

After I upgraded one of my Ovirt hosts from 4.4.0 to 4.4.2 using yum become a faulty host for the cluster. I tried to uninstall the upgrade but that didn't help. After checking the status of the Host ...
user599298's user avatar
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Migrate from oVirt to oVirt

We are running two independent oVirt Clusters. Issue: Moving/Migrating/Evacuating Virtual Machines from the customer cluster, over to the management cluster, to separate out management systems from ...
StianM's user avatar
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ovirt 3.6 to ovirt 4.2 Migration

We are running Ovirt3.6 version in our prod, we want to upgrade to 3.6 to 4.2. At present we have 2 (hyp A & hyp B)physical host ovirt 3.6 is running with self hosted engine with data domain and ...
techieim's user avatar
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Cloud-init local stage on FreeBSD

I have installed cloud-init on FreeBSD, from the pkg repository. FreeBSD is running on oVirt, using the config-drive datasource. I use it to set a different hostname of the machine on boot. My ...
Kai Hatje's user avatar
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oVirt: access external Provider through Proxy

Today I updated my ovirt-engine to 2.4 and noticed the external Provider "ovirt-node-repository" (Openstack/Glance) that is now configured by default. The URL of this external provider is http://...
powo's user avatar
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Apply Network Filter to Ovirt Guest without Rebooting

I am trying to change the clean-traffic IP address for a oVirt Guest VM. It works as long as I reboot the VM. ( Changed from within the Guest Virtual Machine Network Settings ) But for a production ...
Rahim Khoja's user avatar
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virsh shows only run VMs

I'm a newbie in Ovirt and I can't get list all VMs (domains) by virsh tool. I run virsh -c qemu:///system list --all virsh list --all But virsh always returned only VMs in a running state. There are ...
Paravozik's user avatar
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pvcreate disk filtered while filter is set and no mpath

I have been fighting with an issue on CentOS 7.6.1801 on a HP over HW RAID. I searched a lot and tried many options about I still can't fix this. May be I overlook something. I hope someone can spot ...
Billy K's user avatar
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Is it ok to add the EPEL Repo to a ovirt node ng install?

I am missing some tools on my ovirt nodes, which has been installed via the ovirt node ng installer. My idea is to yum install epel-release. But I don't want to mix up versions of ovirt packages with ...
itsafire's user avatar
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Will disabling global maintenance mode of an ovirt cluster start an accidentally shutdown engine?

Due to upgrading the ovirt self-hosted engine I had the cluster in global maintenance mode. I was not aware, that issuing shutdown -r now within the engine VM will in fact not reboot the engine, but ...
itsafire's user avatar
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Adding an ovirt Node. Which version to choose?

I have an existing ovirt 4.1 cluster to which I would like to add a new node. Do I need to install the exact Node version the other nodes are running on? Or is it ok to use the latest minor version ...
itsafire's user avatar
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2 answers

No High Availability on oVirt Self-Hosted Engine Cluster

I'm trying out oVirt's cluster HA for virtual machines (specifically Red Hat Virtualization 4.0, but I'm not having any luck getting the Manager VM to be highly available. The steps I took are ...
Marc05's user avatar
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Manage oVirt environment

I'm starting to deploy oVirt in one of my works, and I have a lot of questions about how to manage everything when you start using it. First I'll describe my setup. I have three machines, two ...
Luciano César Natale's user avatar
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Ovirt Manual Start Up

Interesting question: Was just interesting. In a worse case scenario you would not be able to start up a VM. Anyone else have a method to start a VM manually using CLI? Of the oVirt Manager GUI (...
Riaan's user avatar
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rhev and number of cpus

I use RHEV-M to manage a cluster which has several RHEV hypervisor nodes. Currently, each node has 2 CPU sockets. My question is can I add to the RHEV cluster another node which has 4 sockets, and ...
Paras Pradhan's user avatar
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Can't expand oVirt VM disk to new size with neither LVM or resize2fs

I have a oVirt server with a VM, the VM was created with a 20GB disk but that quickly ran out of space so I added another 20GB to it and now I'm trying to expand the disk. I have done this once before ...
iTeY's user avatar
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OVirt 4.2 Lost Connection To Nodes

I'm using OVirt version connected to 2 IBM PureFlex servers with 10 nodes (5+5) in total. OVirt suddenly lost connection to all the nodes but the VMs in these nodes are working without ...
newbie's user avatar
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How to "Confirm Reboot" unresponsive host in Ovirt, if "Another power management action is already in progress." prevents it?

Problem: After having a low memory condition, node started to appear as non-responsive, however most of the virtual machines were actually working and even accessible from ovirt-engine, but some VMs ...
Andrew's user avatar
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oVirt Hosted-Engine upgrade filed

I'm getting problems upgrading oVirt Hosted-Engine from 4.2.8 to 4.3.3. After installing this release in Engine VM, I ran yum update, then engine-setup and got this error: --== ...
Aleksov's user avatar
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(libvirt + oVirt) Migrating libvirt server to oVirt

I have two centOS 7 servers using the same network. One with libvirt, with some machines connected on it, and another one with oVIRT 4.2. I'd like to export the libvirt machines to the oVirst 4.2 ...
Natan Hvizdalek's user avatar
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unable to find valid certification path to requested target on oVirt

I installed latest CentOS 7 yesterday. Clean install. And I follow this tutorial: The only different is I configured httpd ...
JK-Hu's user avatar
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Clean LUN on HP MSA P2000 G3

I am trying to deploy a self-host oVirt Engine on a SAN HP MSA P2000 G3 LUN. I created a Vdisk and a volume via the Storage Management Utility (SAN GUI). The volume is already containing data because ...
Ninroot's user avatar
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oVirt qemu-kvm listening on wrong IP

I'm new to oVirt but managed to configure it and take over the console on an IPv4 network, using VNC instead of spice. However, I've noticed that the qemu-kvm process only binds to the IPv4 interface ...
Xabre's user avatar
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How to upgrade librbd1 and librados2 for oVirt 4.2.x (node ng)

oVirt 4.2 comes with librbd1 und librados2 from the Ceph Hammer release which is 0.94.5. I need to update both libraries to the luminous version which is 12.x. because my ceph server is not able to ...
itsafire's user avatar
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Why does ovirt VM using ceph disk stay in "waiting for launch" status

My setup comprises of ceph mimic (centos 7, setup with ceph-ansible), cinder/keystone combo on pike release, and ovirt The external cinder provider is setup and I can create disks. When ...
itsafire's user avatar
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ovirt-node-upgrade command not found

I want to upgrade a oVirt Node offline without using oVirt Engine. I found a pretty good way to do it on the website documentation but the command seems not being installed on the oVirt Node 4.1.7. Do ...
Ninroot's user avatar
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Error 404 for centos-sclo-rh-release when trying to install oVirt 4.2

Hello there, I am trying to install oVirt 4.2 on my CentOS 7.4 machine. Unfortunately, yum keeps telling me that he cannot find
Majork's user avatar
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Access VM Console through Smart Phone

Hey guys I need some little help. I have a KVM and used oVirt for the management of VMs. What I want is that my client will log on to their account and access their virtual machine using their Smart ...
Jer's user avatar
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ovirt self-hosted engine High Availability

I now install a hosted engine on our machine. What we want is if the engine-Vm shutdown,it will migrate to another host and start it's function. But the engine-VM can not set the High Availability ...
hsiuming's user avatar
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How to add LVM logical volume data domain with iSCSI as storage type on oVirt?

I am trying to add a storage domain on oVirt with iSCSI as storage type, first i need to know whether i am doing this correctly.My understanding is there must be a storage server (target) and ...
ahmedjaad's user avatar
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