I want to connect 2 VM together using tap interface on Ubuntu. VM2 will connect to VM1 by a tap interface on VM1. I will use OVS switch to forward traffic from VM1 to VM2.


Router from ISP provide IP subnet dhcp:

VM 1: has OVS switch, ryu controller with flow manager and 1 tap interface.(Ubuntu 20.04) and interface name ens33 VM 2: has IIS server running on host.(Windows 8) I want traffic to pass through the OVS switch and then go to the backend of Vm2 webserver. I will use ryu controller to redirect web traffic to the web backend of VM1.

Find below my setup on OVS VM 1: At start vm had already 1 interface as default ens33 with IP Create a bridge br1 add to controller ryu localhost. Create a tap interface and connect to br1. Provide IP to tap interface

Add nat to allow traffic through ens33 for internet connection : -A POSTROUTING -s -o ens33 -j MASQUERADE

VM2: IP address : Gateway: (Tap interface) DNS:

VM2 will get internet connection only if VM1 has connection.

Does anymore has a better solution, how to connect VM2 to VM1 ? I will pass all traffic through VM1 in the ovs switch then forward to VM2? VM1 will be a central switch for traffic and hence I cam use ryu controller in the future to redirect traffic. My VM2 will have a web server port 80 in the future.

Thank you


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