Questions tagged [pstools]

PsTools is a suite of Windows command-line tools to manage and administer Windows Machine in respect to process management.

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30 votes
9 answers

How to use psexec without admin privileges on target machine?

Is it possible to use psexec to execute a command on a remote machine without having admin privileges on the remote machine? I tried running psexec \\<machine> -u <username> -p <...
HighCommander4's user avatar
21 votes
9 answers

Capturing output of remote process from sysinternal's psexec

I'm trying to capture the output of the remote process from psexec (i.e. not psexec's own output). So, for example I could run "ipconfig" and print the output to a log file. I have tried: psexec \\...
joshcomley's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Why does PsExec hang after successfully running a powershell script?

The script is fairly straight forward. Simply tries to start a bunch of windows services. Execution locally works fine when on the target machine. The script is actually executing fine as well when ...
Matt's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

PSexec is not connecting to machine using supplied username and password

I'm trying to connect from a Win 7 machine to a Win2k8R2 machine using the command: psexec \MACHINE_NAME_HERE -u MACHINE_NAME_HERE\Administrator -p PASSWORD_HERE notepad When I try this I get the ...
Zipper's user avatar
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10 votes
10 answers

psexec: "Access is Denied"?

Inspired by my previous question here, I've been experimenting with PSExec. The goal is to trip off some fairly simple scripts / programs on one WindowsXP machine from another, and as PowerShell 2 ...
Electrons_Ahoy's user avatar
7 votes
10 answers

How can I restart a windows service remotely using a script?

I have a Python web application running in a CherryPy server, which is running as a windows service. I have a batch file to deploy this application, but I'm still having to remote desktop in to the ...
Jason Baker's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

How to use psexec to start installation or other task that requires UAC interaction?

I'm trying to remotely start installations and I'd like not to disable UAC. If I start the processes remotely using psexec, the installer will just get stalled waiting for the UAC prompt. Other tasks ...
Miguel Ventura's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

PsExec will copy the .exe but won't let me pass arguments to it

This command copies the program test.exe to the remote system and executes it interactively: psexec \\marklap -c test.exe However I need to pass some arguments to the text.exe program. This doesn't ...
Luca Matteis's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to run PsExec specifying a user name and password (-u -p) when running as Local System?

I have a Windows Service running as Local System on Windows Server 2003 and I'm trying to use PsExec to run a command as another user (using the -u -p parameters) but I keep getting Access is denied. ...
Jesse's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

PSTools psexec and PCI

I am just wondering if anyone knows of any reason why using psexec would cause the failure of a PCI DSS audit. I have never been able to find information, though have always been told that it can't ...
89okl's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to execute bat file remotely using Psexec from team city inside the powershell command

I have a powershell command which runs in TeamCity. When I try to run a batch file remotely using psexec from this .ps file, I see once the remote execution started, nothing happens. I tried several ...
user158537's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to Run multiple command remotely using PSEXEC?

I am try to use multiple command with psexec tools but i am only remotely entered in that computer but it won't be perform another command psexec -i \\ -u username -p password cmd &...
Giriraj's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
4 answers

Interactive mode of PSExec not working for console application

I am trying to use PSExec to kick off a console application on a remote computer in an interactive state. When I run something like this: PsExec.exe -s -d -i 1 \\MyServer notepad.exe It launches ...
Focker's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

psexec Windows Server 2008 Firewall

I am trying to use psexec to run a program on my windows server 2008 boxes. It returns with the message "Can't access myserver: The network path was not found." If I turn off Windows Server ...
ConsultUtah's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

PsExec and Windows 2008 R2: 'Access is Denied'

Here's my scenario: I'm attempting to remotely start & stop IIS 7.0 sites on my server from my local machine, using PsExec. Some important points: Local machine runs Windows Vista. Server runs ...
David Elner's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

start exe in a Remote Session with PsExec

I would like to start an application remotely. I am using the following PsExec command: PsExec \\computerOne -u Domain\User1 -p 123456 -x "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe" I tried to use -i so that the ...
andreaspfr's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

psexec Couldn't access \\IP/computername The system cannot find the path specified

Tried psexec \\ -accepteula -u local_admin -p cmd.exe psexec \\computername -accepteula -u local_admin -p cmd.exe psexec \\computername.fdqn -accepteula -u local_admin -p cmd.exe where ...
Tathagata's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I troubleshoot simple psExec problems?

Over the past couple of weeks I have been scouring the internet to figure out a problem I have been having of simply getting "calculator" to open on a remote computer using psExec. Eventually I asked ...
Alamb's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do I launch a command on a remote computer with an invalid domain trust? (using local creds)

I intend to use WMIC to reset the trust of a machine that is remote, and off the network. All of the following variations result in an "access denied": The following works fine: net use \\patterson-...
makerofthings7's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Does psexec support input redirection?

I am trying to control a remote Python script, which reads commands from stdin, via psexec 1.98, but I need to redirect psexec's input since psexec itself will be launched from another program. ...
aknuds1's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why does my PowerShell script hang when called in PSEXEC via a batch (.cmd) file?

I'm trying to remotely execute a PowerShell script using PSEXEC. The PowerShell script is called via a .cmd batch file. The reason we do this is to change the execution policy, run the powershell ...
Kev's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Block psexec?

I wondered whether anybody knew how to prevent other systems from using psexec to run services on my machine, assuming running the windows firewall is not an option? In addition, I have read that a ...
ljs's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why is psExec hanging indefinitely and giving no error?

I'm simply attempting to open calculator on a remote machine in order to test the connection before I write a bigger script. I'm no pro with psexec yet, but I have never seen before what is happening ...
Alamb's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to restore IE8 Default settings on Windows XP from a remote machine

Here is my goal. This will be run on one Windows XP machine only, for trouble shooting purposes. We need to be able to remotely execute. psexec \\computername -d -e -u domain\administrator -p ...
NobleMan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

PsExec will not work due to File and Print Sharing disabled in firewall

We run in a Citrix/Wyse Terminal environment (200+ terminals) All users Wyse terminals are not connected to a Domain and users log in with a local user account with no password (there is another ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How a batch file runs on a remote machine started by PSEXEC

I am having an issue running a Batch file on a remote machine suing PSEXEC. The file runs but does not run like it does when run through remote desktop. The batch runs a file which is a 32 bit ...
RisingCascade's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Pop up a message or run a program on remote windows 7 computer so currently logged on user can see it

How can you pop up a message or run a program on remote computer so the currently logged on user can see it. We have done this on WinXP, but these don't work with Win7. at.exe \\computername time /...
Patrick's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

PsExec Alternative

Is there any alternative utility to replace PsExec? If I mostly use batch script for automation work. Due to instability of psexec, like hanging/ not responding, I may need another solution. Can the ...
Stan's user avatar
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3 votes
8 answers

PsExec and Remote Environment Variables, Logging, Etc

When I run PsExec on a remote computer, I always fall short of what I want. What I would like ideally in most situations is a) a log on an admin server where each individual log has the name of each ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Remote installing programs by scripts or batch files

Firstly, I can't use Group Policy as our team doesn't manage that. The company is a massive FTSE company with a team for every aspect of IT you can think of. Our team needs a way of installing ...
stead1984's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Use winexe to start a Windows process

When I'm on Windows I use PsExec to start processes on other Windows machines. I now have the case that I want to do that from a Linux machine. Fortunately there is winexe, a small program which ...
MOnsDaR's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Psexec: "unknown user name or bad password" in workgroup

I have 2 machines with Windows XP SP2 Professional on the same workgroup; I can ping each of them from the other one; My psexec command(run from machine with ip: psexec \\ -...
ayyob khademi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to run multiple commands with psexec? [duplicate]

I need to run a command to uninstall forefront on some of our workstations and am having a bit of trouble formatting the command. Here's what needs to happen (in multiple commands) xcopy \\...
seffland's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does PSEXEC work if I don't specify a password?

When I run SysInternals PSEXEC to launch a process on a remote machine, if I specify the password in the command line it fails with: PsExec could not start cmd.exe on web1928: Logon failure: unknown ...
Kev's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Execute command on remote computer and show UI to logged on user

since I could not find any proper solution online, I'll ask here. I have a bunch of computers where I want to execute a program and show the programs GUI to the currently logged in user. Afaik this ...
pinas's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

PSEXEC from powershell

I have been struggling getting powershell to run Psexec. It works fine for single line commands. but i need to call SCOM to put the server in maintenance mode through Psexec... $output = .\...
user98805's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Passing CMD via PSEXEC to a remote computer via .BAT file

Using PSEXEC to call CMD for a DEL command on a remote computer through a batch script. PSEXEC \\hostname -u username -p password CMD /C DEL /Q /F C:\Folder\File.txt The script pauses with a new CMD ...
Anthony Miller's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Enable RDP using WinRM or other alternatives to psexec

I am writing a program that takes a list of servers and enables/disables RDP. Currently I am utilizing psexec and up in till this morning, everything worked. I made no change in code/usernames/...
nGX's user avatar
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2 answers

Passwordless psexec on windows

I'm looking at deployment options at the moment. I'm using Jenkins on a Windows machine to control deployment to multiple remote Windows servers. The deployment involves executing a batch script on ...
Hippyjim's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What are the differences between runas and psexec?

runas is already installed on many systems (maybe by default) psexec is shipped with the awesome PsTools. Why would I use psexec (an external tool) instead of runas(an included tool) ? What are the ...
user454322's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Imposible to login with psexec

I'm using psexec and I cannot execute a simple cmd into a machine. The same response it's always the same "incorrect username or incorrect password" (also returning error code 6). This is the command ...
Killrazor's user avatar
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1 answer

PsExec hangs. Error launching installer

On certain remote computers when I use PsExec to run installers (.exe files), PsExec just hangs there. When I try running the installer, that PsExec transferred, directly from the remote computer (...
Luca Matteis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to install MS hotfixes for XP on remote machines?

How might I install a hotfix obtained from Microsoft to machines on the network? The hotfix in question comes packaged as an .exe file. I tried using psexec but the process never completes...I ...
Boden's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Exception when running PSExec on remote computer

Running this command $processesToSpawn = 3 for($i= 1; $i -le $processesToSpawn; $i++){ psexec \\computername -i 2 -u "username" -p "password" "c:\myapp.exe" } Produces the ...
MrBliz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Provide Administrator credentials within script

I am writing a script that runs from a user account. The script needs to execute another script as the Administrator account. Tried AutoIt's RunAs - didn't work. Tried PsExec - the same. Tried CMD's ...
Omar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

PsExec hangs intermittently when calling AppCmd

We have an automated deployment process which is primarily managed by a batch file. One of the first steps in that process is to stop an IIS AppPool so the updated files can be safely copied. To do ...
p.s.w.g's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is "php exited with error code 1"?

I'm running a php script through the webserver to execute psexec which in turns executes another php script. When I run this from the command line normally, everything works fine and there are no ...
Rob's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Remotely start VNC server on computer with no Admin password

I'm trying to remotely access a particular computer of mine and it seems that VNC has stopped. I can tell that the computer is still running because I can VNC into another machine on the same network ...
Joe M.'s user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Send a batch file to a Windows machine, and execute it

I know PsExec is perfect for sending files over a computer on a network and then execute it on that remote computer, however I can't use PsExec because I'm developing a piece of software and I can't ...
Luca Matteis's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Running psexec on a remote Windows 7 Enterprise workstation

I can't seem to get psexec commands to work on a remote Windows 7 Enterprise workstation. I'm trying to execute the following command: psexec.exe \\ -u jc -p testing123 -c -f -i cmd....
Jimmy Collins's user avatar