Questions tagged [routeros]

Linux-based operating system known also known as MikroTik RouterOS that runs on x86 and RouterBOARD systems.

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3 votes
2 answers

NAT to two different servers on the same port via hostname with Mikrotik RB2011

I have a Mikrotik RB2011 router, running RouterOS which connects to the internet via a static IP. In my lan I have two different servers, one that is on IP and another on ...
pataroulis's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Use Mikrotik as a switch and route subnets through another router

I've got the following network configuration: Comtrend 5813 FTTH Router, connected to WAN, let's say in 192.168.50.x (being .1 router's address) and a DHCP server active, giving addresses from .150 ...
F3RD3F's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to hack airport extreme to support USB 3G modem? [closed]

Has anyone out there ever tried to hack the Airport Extreme, specifically with regard to the USB port? There are many cellular routers available that provide WiFi sharing of a USB modem link. However, ...
Mike Caron's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Manually subnet an IPv6 Prefix Across Multiple MikroTik Routers w/out Prefix Delegation

I want to configure my network so hosts can IPV6 auto-address Global Unicast Addresses ("GUA") using SLAAC. I have a ::/48 (assigned by Hurricane Electric) that I want to divide into subnets and ...
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