Questions tagged [scheduling]

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126 votes
11 answers

Prevent duplicate cron jobs running

I have scheduled a cron job to run every minute but sometimes the script takes more than a minute to finish and I don't want the jobs to start "stacking up" over each other. I guess this is a ...
Tom's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Count number of allowed CPUs in a Docker container

My specific scenario is the following. I launch a docker container with a specific cpuset: docker run --cpuset-cpus="0-2" # ... inside that container I run a shell script as the entry point and that ...
pmr's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How can I prevent a scheduled task from running if the same task is already running?

I have written a php script to check if there are any new files in a folder and, if any new files exist, upload them to a server. These files can be quite large. I want to run this script frequently-...
Oren Hizkiya's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Why is Windows Task Scheduler trying to launch multiple instances?

We have a number of Windows Scheduled tasks that run on one Server 2008 Webserver (not R2) which is in a cluster. We recently moved from an original webserver Cluster to a new webserver Cluser (...
Paul H's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between renice and chrt commands in Linux?

What is the difference between renice and chrt commands in Linux?
halp's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Program to manage process workflow across machines?

I have an in-house Perl script that is in great need of refactoring. In the interest of not reinventing the wheel, I'm looking to see if an open-source equivalent to it exists, and I'm having trouble ...
Justin Ellison's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

ionice vs. Software-RAID

Does ionice work in Software-RAID environments? I cannot set the CFQ scheduler for the md devices, because there is no file /sys/block/md0/queue/scheduler . It seems that the scheduler settings for ...
der_flo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

AD: Roll out an MSI application at midnight

Using Windows Server's Active Directory and Group Policy, is there a way to roll out an MSI file at a scheduled time, like midnight?
Vlueboy's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Preventing double booked appointments in Outlook

At our organization we use a series of shared Outlook calendars to schedule out our conference rooms. All domain users are setup as authors of these calenders. We are now running into a problem ...
Psycho Bob's user avatar
3 votes
10 answers

Batch processing on Linux

We're currently setting up a server to some heavy lifting (ETL) after another process has finished within the business, at the moment we're firing off jobs either via scheduled cron jobs or remote ...
Andrew Williams's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

nice renice and ionice

I've read about nice renice and ionice to control the scheduling priority of running processes. However, I still don't understand when and how are they useful for. For instance doing something like: ...
Jeffrey Darrow's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Debugging and fine-tuning the linux process scheduler

When debugging sporadic web application slowdowns, I've found that all the processes have quite high maximum scheduling delay. # perf sched record -- sleep 10 && perf sched latency --sort max ...
Mikulas Dite's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Outlook 2010 Calendar - Unable to See Free/Busy Scheduling

I am having an issue where random user cannot see others Free/Busy Scheduling in Outlook Calendar 2010. The set up is pretty simple with one domain. I have been Googling all morning, I am unable to ...
Arief's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

SQL Server Job system silently fails

We run numerous scheduled jobs using MS SQL 2005 job scheduler. Over the past few weeks, we've been witnessing that a running job will simply STOP and will not record any history in the Log File ...
Brett Veenstra's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does ionice has any effect on NFS client?

I need to remove millions of directories recursively on a NFS share and to avoid any performance issues, I ran the command with: ionice -c 3 -t find /dir -type f -exec rm {}; which will delete all ...
GP92's user avatar
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2 answers

What are front merges in I/O scheduling and how can I tune this parameter?

My Linux uses the Deadline algorithm for I/O scheduling. One of the parameters is the front_merges parameter under /sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/front_merges. By default it is set to 1, which means ...
Ely's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Give pthread_setschedparam() permissions to non-root user (linux)

How can I give a non-root user permission to execute pthread_setschedparam() to set thread priorities? Thank you
Nash's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can KVM CPU assignment count differ from physical hosts CPU count?

I have read this question. I knew already that I could for example, have a quad core machine with four guests each having two vCPUs. As they don't all be require 100% CPU usage all the time, the ...
jwbensley's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you recommend an operational scheduling/workflow management tool? [closed]

We have a lot of scheduled jobs that do a variety of things-- moving logs around, ingesting and cooking them, fetching data from external sources, building reports, etc. Some of it happens hourly, ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Delayed software release using pre-fetched update data?

I am currently specing out the software requirements for a new project which will be in locations with intermittent network connections. Since some of our locations will have intermittent network ...
scragar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Intelligent Task Scheduler

Is anyone aware of a tool for creating optimal schedules for tasks? I have numerous servers, running multiple databases, with various scripts that import and transform data to and from each database. ...
Cerin's user avatar
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Three server processes consume no more than 50% of Dual Core CPU

I have three processes running on Intel Core 2 Duo CPU. From watching output of 'top' and graphs of CPU load (drawn by MRTG, data collection via SNMP) I can see that CPU load is never more than 50%, ...
thor's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is the Kubernetes scheduler a separate process from the controller manager?

This is a question about the design of Kubernetes, I don't have a specific technical problem to solve, but I'm trying to understand the thoughts behind some of its architecture. All explanations about ...
Jakob Odersky's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

cron.weekly runs on wrong day of week on Ubuntu

I have this line in my /etc/crontab: 47 6 * * Sat root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly ) So the cron.weekly should be started every Saturday ...
valk's user avatar
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0 answers

Exchange 2003 to 2010 migration: Can I remove free/busy public folder once all users are moved?

Now that all my mailboxes are on the 2010 server, can I remove the schedule+free/busy public folder? I am having scheduling synchronization issues, and I believe it may be at fault. All clients are ...
Nick's user avatar
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1 vote
6 answers

MYSQL Scheduled backups?

I have mysql installed on my web server, which I am accessing using PHPMyAdmin. My client asked me following: Install PhpBB Setup MYSQL Scheduled backup I have installed PhpBB successfully but hwo ...
djmzfKnm's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Prevent multiple cron jobs from running concurrently [duplicate]

My server runs a number of cron jobs at midnight. Each job creates a backup of something, by creating a tarball and compressing it with xz. Since xz is a CPU and memory pig, I added a random delay to ...
lonix's user avatar
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3 answers

Crontab schedule monthly

I would like to schedule my tasks every x months on day 1 starting for example, March. I am unsure if this is the syntax I'm looking for (for repeating the job every 4 months): 0 0 1 3/4 * /path/to/...
Octav O's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Guideline for `nice` priority number?

I'd like a more systematic way for prioritizing my tasks with nice(1). Obviously 0 is "normal", 19 is "lowest priority" and -19 is "highest priority", but what about all the other numbers? If I have ...
bukzor's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Finding wasteful or over-provisioned pods on a "full" but underutilized Kubernetes cluster

I work on a Kubernetes cluster where, right now, about 95% of the CPUs and 90% of the memory have been allocated to pods. However, according to the Kubernetes Dashboard, the overall instantaneous CPU ...
interfect's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

open source job/process management/monitoring/control system [closed]

I'm looking for an open source solution for the following: I have jobs that need to run continuously. The jobs are applications or scripts. If they fail, they need to be restarted. If they fail, ...
Aaron Frantisak's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is a "virtual context switch"

IBM's AIX has a "virtual context switch" column in lparstat but neither IBM's redbooks nor google searches will tell me what exactly a virtual context switch is and how its different from a regular ...
bot403's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Howto check on arcgisserver if service (published map) is started?

I have an ArcGIS Server from Esri running and I need to check every hour if some published services (maps) are running. WMS and WFS.
wurlog's user avatar
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0 answers

How to see contents of output queue of NIC in Linux and introspect frame delay

I am experimenting with tc tool to implement prioritization of specific data coming from my computer and would like to see exatly how the frames are scheduled and how much time they spend in the qdisc ...
Hadarelv's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Making Linux processes schedule based on other prcoesses

I am using CentOS release 6.7. I have 2 services, say A and B. Service B is dependent on service service A. For example, if service A stops, I want service B to stop automatically. Similarly, if ...
kosta's user avatar
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1 answer

tc filters not working with DRR

I am trying to control the outgoing traffic from two VMs with the DRR qdisc. This is the hierarchy I want to have: root | qdisc drr ...
Backswitch's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

How to prevent a particular CPU core from being used?

Is it possible to prevent a CPU core from being used by the OS in Linux? The maxcpus=<n> boot parameter prevents specified number of cores from being seen in the OS. I want that all cores be ...
tejus's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

No Pods reachable or schedulable on kubernetes cluster

I have 2 kubernetes clusters in the IBM cloud, one has 2 Nodes, the other one 4. The one that has 4 Nodes is working properly but at the other one I had to temporarily remove the worker nodes due to ...
deHaar's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can kubernetes move pods that begin to have interfering workloads?

Consider that I have two pods: one is serving webpages and another is performing consistent computation, like a Flask server on one pod and a Spark Executor as the other. Suddenly a new feature ...
Bots Fab's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

WSUS GPO - Specific week specified, but ignored

I have configured a GPO to force updates via GPO in a scheduled maintenance window since these boxes were previously getting updates and just rebooting outside of active hours. I would prefer that ...
awdrt's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I run a few tasks consecutively that I usually execute manually

Ok, first of all let me describe my working situation so that is is clear why this is a question pertaining to system administration. I work at a larger IT solution company that is running operations ...
Alex Lehmann's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

crons are not working, but scripts are... any idea what is it?

I checked on internet , this might be a common problem, but I dont know how to solve it, all things that they said are not my case... The cron is running, I checked, still, I have no log files (at ...
user156355's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I/O limits in FreeBSD

I am searching for a method to implement per Jail I/O limits in FreeBSD, as linux have from a long time now. During my research I stumbled upon: My ...
Mascarpone's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

cron time is not correct or cron is running with delay

my cron jobs are executed half an hour later than when they are supposed to. Does cron refer to the system time when it executes its jobs or refers to its own time(if it has one)?
user1356163's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How does WIndows Scheduled Task detect that the scheduled application has not started?

in windows server 2003. Does it assume that if it hasn't returned an error code, it must be running? or is there some kind of start code? Thanks, P
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Hardware Status update

I am running vcentre 4.0.0 and the Hardware Status page is showing good information about my hosts but it doesn't appear to automatically update. If I hit the update link it does so but is there a way ...
ToreTrygg's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I schedule background tasks for delayed execution in IBM 4690 OS?

Background applications can be configured to start automatically when a controller is powered on, or when the controller assumes the role of master/file server. Is it possible to schedule activation ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to ping backup interface?

this is my network configuration: bond interface has two salaves: eth1 ( that is connected to and eth2 ( that is connected to 192.168.101....
raffaeledp's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can a linux process be configured to run ANY time it is ready?

I have a process that does a small amount of work, then goes to sleep for 1-5ms. When that sleep time is up, I want that process to get the CPU IMMEDIATELY! Whatever process is already on the CPU ...
user37244's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

User's Free/Busy status not viewable in "Scheduling Assistant" in Outlook client only

This is a weird one, and I've been Googling for days without any luck. I have a client who runs Exchange/Outlook 2016. Jane Doe is in the Marketing department, and her AA (John Smith), and a few ...
Josh B's user avatar
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