Questions tagged [sql-server-cluster]

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4 answers

Upgrade SQLServer 2008 hardware

Forgive me if I'm not able to be totally clear here. It is not intentional, I'm a senior level developer in a very small company having to act like a manager at the moment. Anyway, the story is that ...
John's user avatar
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Scalability in a High Availability Environment - SQL Failover Cluster 2012

I have created an environment where 1 SAN is connected with 2 Nodes (part of SQL Server 2012 Failover Cluster) of SQL Server. Windows Server 2008 R2 is used, and single DB is stored in SAN. We have ...
Ashish Jain's user avatar
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3 answers

Sql Server 2005 cluster - unable to rename to old server name

We have a sql 2005 cluster on W2K8 cluster. It is a named instance say SRV1\A. Then I built a new W2K8 (with a diff cluster service name) but the same service account. Then I installed a new sql 2005 ...
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SQL cluster instance names for large project

We're setting up two clusters. One dev and one prod. The Production will host two SQL instances - a OLTP and a DW. The development will host 4 OLTP non-production environments and at least one DW ...
Sam's user avatar
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Overlay Network on Windows Server 2016 for WSFC + SQL Server HA

I'm trying to create an Overlay Network on Windows Server 2016 to create a separate address space for Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC). This cluster will eventually be used to host a SQL ...
Bhavit Naik's user avatar
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Failing SQL Server Cluster installation, Addnode: Remote registry call failed

I'm adding a node to a SQL Server failover cluster. The installer throws the error "Addnode: Remote registry call failed. Unable to retrieve primary node Filestream settings" when adding node two ...
Eric Herlitz's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL 2008R2 Failover Cluster without File Share

We are looking to set up a failover cluster for our SQL 2008R2 database. To accomplish this, we have 2 servers, both equipped with Fusion I/O cards that will both have identical copies of our ...
RockiesMagicNumber's user avatar
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Single node SQL Server 2014 cluster at DR environment

We are setting up a new Disaster Recovery environment. On Production we have SQL Server cluster with two nodes. For DR we decided that one node should be enough. The plan is to add the second node ...
Alex Aza's user avatar
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