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2 answers

Database (MySQL) and SSD lifetime - "lot" of writes to DB

In company where I work we started using SSD for our internal 3 GB MySQL database Difference in perfomance is HUGE, which is great. What I am worried about is lifetime of SSD Writes to DB are ...
Peter's user avatar
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MySQL Cluster on SSD

We are planning to implement a four node MySQL Cluster and are considering using SSDs as the storage. We would like to get a high level of performance and very low latency on disk IO from the small ...
somecallmemike's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

fio numjobs & iodepth Values to Simulate Database PostgreSQL Workload?

I am trying to benchmark a ZFS RAID-10 array of SATA SSDs using fio with settings that are somewhat representative of database workloads like for PostgreSQL. For example, for random reads: fio --...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Consumer vs Enterprise SSD [closed]

I'm deciding what SSD's to use in our infrastructure. Enterprise drives are obviously more reliable but storage items are expendable and will fail anyway. So considering that we have proper RAID, ...
Poma's user avatar
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