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What is the optimal strip size/full stripe size on a RAID 10 array for a database server?

I'm setting up a new SqlServer database server at work. The machine is a HP Proliant DL368 Gen9 with the SSD disks. When trying to create the array, I have to select the stripe/full stripe size. This ...
ArMaN's user avatar
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SSD Performance under Oracle

I have serious performance issues with oracle running over ssd. I have two OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS drives (firmware 2.15). It runs on a INTEL C600 SATA Chipset. Windows 2008 R2. So the issue is ...
Aldarund's user avatar
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fio numjobs & iodepth Values to Simulate Database PostgreSQL Workload?

I am trying to benchmark a ZFS RAID-10 array of SATA SSDs using fio with settings that are somewhat representative of database workloads like for PostgreSQL. For example, for random reads: fio --...
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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webserver on linode and database on digital ocean

Currently hosting drupal websites on linode using apache + php5 fpm+ fastcgi. Among websites one is drupal commerce(max_execution_time,memory_limit are taken care) and all others are low hitting ...
kiranking's user avatar
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