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1 vote
2 answers

How to "align" a Linux file system with a SSD?

I'm interested in getting a dedicated server with a SSD, probably Corsair Force series CSSD-F120GB2-BRKT. It'll be an Linux server, most likely running XFS (but I'm open to other alternatives). ...
-1 votes
1 answer

8 x 15k SAS hdd disk with raid 0 performance vs single SSD disk for database [closed]

Which one has a better performance for database application (e.g. postgres) if we just consider read/write operations speed and not fault tolerance 8 x 15k SAS hdd disk with raid 0 single SSD disk
26 votes
7 answers

Third-party SSD solutions in ProLiant Gen8 servers

I was wondering if anyone had any specific experience using Intel DC3700 SSDs (or similar) in the HP (DL380p) Gen8 servers? I'm upgrading a set of database servers that use direct-attached storage. ...
0 votes
1 answer

fio numjobs & iodepth Values to Simulate Database PostgreSQL Workload?

I am trying to benchmark a ZFS RAID-10 array of SATA SSDs using fio with settings that are somewhat representative of database workloads like for PostgreSQL. For example, for random reads: fio --...
-1 votes
1 answer

Unexpected shutdown and data loss

We have several rack servers, all with SATA3 Transcend SSD's. Most SSD's are 250GB and they usually have 50% free space most of the time. When there are unexpected shutdowns, not all the data is ...
2 votes
1 answer

Third-party SSD solutions in ProLiant Gen9 servers

has anyone experience with using consumer SSDs like the Samsung 850 Pro in an HP ProLiant Gen9 server with a Smart Array P440ar controller? Judging by various reports about older versions (Gen6 to ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is the optimal strip size/full stripe size on a RAID 10 array for a database server?

I'm setting up a new SqlServer database server at work. The machine is a HP Proliant DL368 Gen9 with the SSD disks. When trying to create the array, I have to select the stripe/full stripe size. This ...
1 vote
2 answers

cassandra data migration from regular drive to SSD on production server

we want migrate our data from regular drives on production server to new SSD drives. how we can do that without taking down the node no longer than 4 hours(hinted hand-off is 4 hours) our data is in ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Consumer vs Enterprise SSD [closed]

I'm deciding what SSD's to use in our infrastructure. Enterprise drives are obviously more reliable but storage items are expendable and will fail anyway. So considering that we have proper RAID, ...
4 votes
2 answers

Database (MySQL) and SSD lifetime - "lot" of writes to DB

In company where I work we started using SSD for our internal 3 GB MySQL database Difference in perfomance is HUGE, which is great. What I am worried about is lifetime of SSD Writes to DB are ...
-1 votes
1 answer

webserver on linode and database on digital ocean

Currently hosting drupal websites on linode using apache + php5 fpm+ fastcgi. Among websites one is drupal commerce(max_execution_time,memory_limit are taken care) and all others are low hitting ...
2 votes
2 answers

Database server (MySQL) on SSD - trim command

I can't seem to find much expert information about using a database servers on SSD with regards to trim. I know I can enable RAID and LVM discard, and use an fstrim / cron job or the discard mount ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to benchmark maxCache 3.0 with SSDs? [duplicate]

We're a software development company and previously outsourced the HW side of business but now we're looking into building our own private cloud. We recently purchased a few servers, one of which is ...
1 vote
0 answers

SSD Performance under Oracle

I have serious performance issues with oracle running over ssd. I have two OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS drives (firmware 2.15). It runs on a INTEL C600 SATA Chipset. Windows 2008 R2. So the issue is ...
0 votes
2 answers

database on SSD: data only or the DBM program too?

I plan on moving the data I use for statistical analysis (100-ish Gb) onto an SSD. The data is either sqlite single-file db's, or postgresql-managed data. The SSD is 240 Gb, 550 MB/s read and 520 MB/s ...
1 vote
1 answer

MySQL Cluster on SSD

We are planning to implement a four node MySQL Cluster and are considering using SSDs as the storage. We would like to get a high level of performance and very low latency on disk IO from the small ...
3 votes
3 answers

Using SSD drives in a raid in an operation involving little to no deletes

From what I've been able to understand when reading about the case with Solid State drives and raids, the problem is that TRIM cannot be used for them in a raid configuration, thus, resulting in the ...
25 votes
6 answers

Scaling databases with cheap SSD hard drives

I hope that many of you are working with high traffic database-driven websites, and chances are that your main scalability issues are in the database. I noticed a couple of things lately: Most large ...
4 votes
4 answers

MySQL, disk I/O and SSD drives

We have a LAMP box with 2x mirrored 1 TB WD Black Caviar disks running the whole OS and MySQL. 8 GB / RAM, 2x quad core CPUs. We're really taxed on disk I/O, and I've been thinking of ...
1 vote
3 answers

Experience with Intel X25-M 160GB and Oracle

We're considering building an Oracle database with 12 Intel X25-M G2 160GB drives in software RAID10. It'd be running Linux. Database gets some very heavy write activity during the early morning data ...
7 votes
3 answers

Dell SSD options and 3rd party SSDs in Dell hardware

Anyone have any experience with Dell's SSDs? We're looking at using them for a machine running a key value database like Tokyo Tyrant. They're expensive as well as being pretty small. Only 25/50GB ...
1 vote
4 answers

SSDs + RAID5 + Database = Fail?

I have a database running on a RAID5 array of SSDs. Could this be killing its performance? When I do many inserts in a row, the entire computer starts blocking up. Even things like firefox start ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why would anyone want to put DB log on a SSD?

I keep hearing about people who want to get SSD for their databases. But instead of putting their tables on SSD, quite often people want to put their DB log on SSD while leaving their tables on ...