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How to apply `fq_codel` to balance traffic in multiple VLAN connections?

I have an Ubuntu server connected to multiple VLAN networks over a single physical 1 Gbps network port. The network connections are configured via /etc/network/interfaces like this: auto lo iface lo ...
Mikko Rantalainen's user avatar
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Which values for Netem to emulate WAN?

I am developing a distributed application, which I'm currently running on a cluster of Ubuntu VMs over LAN. I'd like to evaluate the performance of my application over WAN. So I decided to use Netem ...
ePezhman's user avatar
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Measure packet latency / drop between ingress and egress interface of a rate-limiting pass-through host

Somewhere between my sender and receiver, there is host explicitly limiting my transfer rate. I know it's a Linux host. The ingress interface for my traffic is eth0 and the egress interface is eth1. ...
rikinet's user avatar
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Using tc to decrease bandwidth to a specific destination address

I am trying to find the shortest path between two hosts H1 and H2 using Dijkstra code. Setting a condition in one of the switches on that path. the condition is: if the packet sending to H2 then ...
a66a's user avatar
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Adding some delay to a specific port on localhost using tc and netem

I'm going to simulate a network latency on three different ports of local host by using tc (traffic control for Linux) commands. I run the following code: !/bin/bash tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1:...
Folani's user avatar
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