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How can I limit incoming/outgoing connection speeds based off IPs?

I want to limit the speed each IP can download/upload files for every application on my server to 1Mb/s Example IP is downloading at sustained 900Kb/s through FTP server if the IP then ...
Toodarday's user avatar
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Limit bandwidth for two sources of traffic together but not one of them

There are 2 sources of traffic The first one of them shouldn't be impeded in any way, it should be able to draw as much available traffic as it wants. The second one, on the other hand, should be ...
Michael Ivko's user avatar
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How to configure per IP bandwidth control using TC?

Requirements: There is an arbitrary number of users per group. Bandwidth for any particular group is 1000kbps. Bandwidth for each user in a group is 70 kbps. At any time no user should not consume ...
techiek7's user avatar
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Why I can't limit bandwidth with tc command

I want to limit bandwidth for interface eth1, I read command in this link. sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1:0 htb default 10 sudo tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:10 htb rate ...
You're awesome's user avatar
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Gradual throttling total bandwidth

I have a server with a 30TB traffic allowance hosting (mostly) history images and would like to throttle one particular directory (the download image sizes) when necessary to avoid going over the ...
chx's user avatar
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How to do traffic shaping (rate limiting) with TC per OpenVPN client

This question is related to another question with a great answer and script from @Oliver. The goal: I want to modify/extend the script provided in this answer to suit my requirements, which are as ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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HTB scheduler unexpected behaviour, low priority traffic starving high priority traffic

I am working on assuring low delay for UDP traffic at the home gateway level. At this home gateway I have two types of traffic, TCP and UDP, and I assure differentiated treatment by using HTB. The ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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linux tc: unstable rate using tbf qdisc

This is the first time I am experimenting with tc. What I am trying to achieve is to limit the download rate that passes through a Virtual Machine that acts as gateway. The VM has two Ethernet ...
stois21's user avatar
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linux tc qdisc pie (aqm) configuration with limited bandwidth

I would like to configure AQM PIE by using tc-qdisc, but at the same time I would like to limit the bandwidth to 1Mb/s. I have used similar configuration with fq_codel, i.e. I have limited the ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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tc qdisc tbf - calculate sensible latency and burst from rate

I want to create a simple script that lets me limit the outgoing speed of an interface somewhere between 56k (modem speed) and 1MBit/s. I found that something along the following does the job: tc ...
josch's user avatar
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Linux Traffic Controller (Linux tc): hierarchical token bucket (htb) packet queue size

In my Linux router, I am using the following configuration to limit the rate of traffic towards port 44444 of a client in the LAN (client address is, connected through the router's eth1 ...
bmarcov's user avatar
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VLAN based rate limiting using tc

I have been trying to perform VLAN based rate limiting on an academic project I am working on. The project uses Openflow (with Beacon controller) and the network is emulated using Mininet. The network ...
user1449265's user avatar
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Incoming rate limiting

I have a ubuntu machine with two interfaces. eth1 is the NAT interface and eth2 is the WAN iterface. I have a 4 mbps internet connection. I want to limit it to 2 mbps for the eth1 NAT network. So I ...
nixnotwin's user avatar
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