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Linux control packet size for specific IP address

I would like to get Linux tool/script to control packet size of specific IP or MAC. For example if IP reach 10 MB then DROP packages with IP tables. I have idea how to DROP, but I don't have idea how ...
aze2201's user avatar
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How to slow traffic on a proxy?

I'm trying to slow down the traffic on my TCP forking proxy. The code is no longer located on the proxy, I'm still testing on my laptop; all HTTP(S) requests on Chrome are redirected with ...
elmazzun's user avatar
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Limit bandwidth per connection in Linux

I wasn't really able to google this which surprises me but maybe I was just looking the wrong way... I would like to limit bandwidth per one TCP connection ie. all the connections are coming to a ...
NZT's user avatar
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How do I cap each individual tcp stream, to a fixed maximum rate?

I've read but not in depth all the various traffic shaping docs and seen the long question on HSFC scheduling Does anyone really understand how HFSC scheduling in Linux/BSD works? looked at the ...
user2603628's user avatar
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TCP packet filter based on TCP sequence

I need to build a test environment with a very precise packet loss based on specific TCP sequence or, optionally, on payload content. I couldn't figure out how to do it with tc or iptables. What tool ...
jackhab's user avatar
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