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Ingress traffic shaping with OVS port

I have a ovs topology like this: h1 | | [SW 1] / \ / \ [SW 2] [SW 3] \ / \ / [SW 4] | | h2 Traffic is sent ...
Hai Pham's user avatar
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Traffic control on an interface for all sessions

On an interface that is connected to a 1G port I want to limit all users/sessions to have no more than 20Mbits download speed individually. I mean If two of them tried to use bandwidth at the same ...
PouJa's user avatar
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How can I have different delays for different IP Addresses using tc and netem?

I have been using tc with netem to delay packets being sent from my computer to a specific IP address. I have managed to get this to work but I would like to have unique packet delays to each IP ...
P Malone's user avatar
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Limit bandwidth for incoming packets to specific ip and port

I have a Linux server application running on a specific IP and PORT. Incoming packets need to be manipulated and put into an nfqueue based on sources and ports, for example: iptables -t raw -A ...
seq16's user avatar
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Traffic control with tc qdisc taprio

Currently, I am working on a TSN project and I am trying to implement a TSN scenario in a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. I leverage on tc qdisc command: tc qdisc replace dev gateway-eth0 parent root handle 100 ...
Gpapa's user avatar
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Linux traffic balacning over multiple interfaces using traffic control

I have a server with virtual machines on libvirt. The server has an eth0 external interface. Each virtual machine has its own tap interface (tap0, tap1, tap2, etc.). I need to balance the traffic ...
arykalin's user avatar
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Huge lag with linux Traffic Control - TBF failed?

I've been working with Ubuntu18.04 and trying to shape the traffic with linux tc. Things went well in the passed few months. Here's my commands: # init queue sudo tc qdisc add dev enp2s0 root handle 1:...
MingXuan Yan's user avatar
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Dynamic bandwidth in Tc (Bandwidth Changes over time)

Basically I wanted to change the bandwidth after every 10 seconds using tc. So how to do that thing in tc. This is my script. !/bin/bash # # tc uses the following units when passed as a parameter. # ...
Abhishek Chapla's user avatar
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traffic control (tc) filter not working

i am using Debian and am trying to limit the upload-bandwidth on an ip basis. The configuration is the following: #!/bin/bash tc=/sbin/tc $tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null $...
Christian's user avatar
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Does tc guarantee network bandwidth for a process or run as best effort?

I have a tc rule as follows: qdisc tbf 1: dev bwp93ce2ea9d929 root refcnt 2 rate 100Mbit burst 100Kb lat 25.0ms Is this rule guarantee network bandwidth to be 100Mbps or it'll throttle if not enough ...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
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Reduce the network traffic priority in Linux

I want to reduce the priority of specific network traffic using tc in particular tc-u32 in my Linux server. In other words all other traffic must have higher priority than traffic with specified IP-...
red0ct's user avatar
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Linux traffic control u32 hashtable filters based on MAC address

I am currently working with a traffic shaping Linux node. The rule set has grown to about 2500 hosts, all identified specifically by MAC address. The filter configuration is "basic", meaning ...
axon's user avatar
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how to proritize UDP port in tc

I have this TC code sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip dport xxxx 0xffff flowid 1:1 where XXXX is the port number. ...
striker69's user avatar
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Unable to set bandwidth limit on ingress wireless interface with netem and ifb

I am trying to limit the bandwidth on the ingress of a wireless interface using an IFB virtual interface. I followed the instructions here Summary of the steps: Bringing up ifb: sudo modprobe ifb ...
bobsaccamano's user avatar
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Traffic Control - is it possible to distinguish between www browsing and www bulk (iso download) traffic?

Lately i was working on uploading big files to website, this upload eat whole bandwidth and crippled my network. So i implemented chunking one 1MB chunk per second and its working but now I'm thinking ...
Abc Xyz's user avatar
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How to remove the ingress delay introduced using tc

I learned that we can introduce delay to ingress packets using tc by following the commands specified in :
Dinesh's user avatar
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throttle outgoing linux network traffic under high latency

I want to slow my outgoing traffic when it encounters congestion, and measure "congestion" by packet response times. The intent is to avoid one NFS client starving all the other clients when ...
bukzor's user avatar
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Using tc qdisc, class, and filter to limit bandwidth (both ingress and egress) based on DSCP marks

I'm looking to set-up traffic shaping program that limits both incoming and outgoing traffic based on 6-bit DSCP field in IPv4 packet header. The user should be able to specify different rates for ...
dooble's user avatar
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Deleting root pfifo_fast (tc) on Linux

I'm trying to delete all qdiscs to do "fresh" configuration: % tc qdisc del dev enp0s25 root RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory But it's there: % tc qdisc show qdisc noqueue 0: dev lo ...
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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Adding some delay to a specific port on localhost using tc and netem

I'm going to simulate a network latency on three different ports of local host by using tc (traffic control for Linux) commands. I run the following code: !/bin/bash tc qdisc add dev lo root handle 1:...
Folani's user avatar
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Advanced tc filtering flow map for SFQ queue

I'm trying to change the default filtering for a SFQ to one based on source IP, where each IP goes to a class. I know I can create a SFQ with more divisors with something like: tc qdisc add ... sfq ...
Xavier Trilla's user avatar
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Linux HTB number of levels

Re-modified Linux HTB by adding a single printk message in htb_dequeue function. static struct sk_buff *htb_dequeue(struct Qdisc *sch) { ... original code ... original code for (level = 0;...
Tony Tannous's user avatar
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Limit traffic on by user OpenVPN server using tc (traffic control)

I run an OpenVPN server with a 1 Gbps bandwidth and I need to limit it to 5 Mbps per user. Searching the internet I've come up to this bash script: $U32 = "tc filter add dev tun0 protocol ip parent ...
DomeWTF's user avatar
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Limit packet rate, open connections, and IP addresses

On Linux, can I use tools like tc, iptables or others to control/shape network traffic on a network interface, for the following purposes: Control the network packet number rate (or the total number)....
WindChaser's user avatar
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htb multiply root rate by 8

I am changing the queue discipline to HTB, creating a parent node, and 3 children which are the classes. sudo tc qdisc add dev em1 root handle 1: htb sudo tc qdisc add dev em1 parent 1: classid 1:1 ...
Tony Tannous's user avatar
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tc qdisc with GRE in openwrt

I'm trying to implement traffic control to GRE interface in an openwrt board. For this i followed below steps, Create GRE interface named gre1 in both tunnel end devices. Tested reachability with ...
Shihab Pullissery's user avatar
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force tbf qdisc to drop traffic

I have several virtual netspaces on my server connected via the virtual adapters. One of the connections between the netspaces is limited to 10 Mbps: root@core-wkst:/var/log# tc -s qdisc show dev ...
jpou's user avatar
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Bandwidth shaping for an ipset using qdisc and tc

I am trying to do bandwidth control for an ipset using these tutorials 1,3,21. And this script. I have modified it to get ipsetnames. This is my bandwithshaing script. TC=/sbin/tc IF=wlan0 ...
Sachith Muhandiram's user avatar
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How to set an general network limit per client + priority for TCP acknowledgements

Following situation: Network A is connected to network B over an slow connection. Different hosts in network A would like to send traffic to hosts in network B. Hosts in network B sending commands to ...
Mr Mueseli's user avatar
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Limiting incoming traffic with tc police

I have a requirement to limit the total incoming traffic to 5mbit. I know this can be achieved by using the following tc command: tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u32 0 0 ...
Shihab Pullissery's user avatar
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Limit download speed to single LAN IP using TC on router's WAN interface

Currently I police the rate on my download speed with tc filter add dev ppp0 parent ffff: protocol ip prio 50 u32 match ip src police rate 9900kbit burst 10k drop flowid :1 I've got one ...
Josh's user avatar
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Traffic shaping with iptables, ipset and tc (--match-set and --set-mark)

I am having some trouble with what I believe should be a fairly straightforward traffic shaping problem. I have an Ubuntu (16.04) server that is acting as a router/nat. I want to allow most users to ...
Gav's user avatar
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tc police rate packets by iptables handle?

I want to limit download speed from any IP to 800kbit, (this works) And I want to limit the download speed of marked packets to 400kbit. I don't get any errors, but it's not limiting the download ...
Josh's user avatar
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shape dropbox on linux router with tc and iptables

Another machine on my LAN is uploading to Dropbox and saturating my internet connection's upload bandwidth. When that happens my pings to take 3000-6000ms. When dropbox is not uploading my ...
Josh's user avatar
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How to configure per IP bandwidth control using TC?

Requirements: There is an arbitrary number of users per group. Bandwidth for any particular group is 1000kbps. Bandwidth for each user in a group is 70 kbps. At any time no user should not consume ...
techiek7's user avatar
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Inject Delay between Virtual Machines in a VLAN

We'd like to simulate the impact of locality using VMs within a on a public cloud (say AWS EC2). To do this, we would like to inject delays in packets such that we can simulate a particular network ...
Jedi's user avatar
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Minimum bandwidth limit on Linux systems

I need to limit the minimum bandwith from an IP to specific services/ports, by dropping all the packets that will not satisfy that minimum rate. I saw the attribute rate in the HTB class of the Linux ...
Lucap's user avatar
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How to check all active netem rules?

I have been adding rules/settings (not sure what the correct terminology is here) with tc/netem, such as tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 25ms, and have been removing them after use. However, ...
wcarhart's user avatar
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How to add latency and bandwidth-limit interface using tc?

I know I can add latency to an interface using this command: # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 50ms In addition to latency, I want to limit the bandwidth of this interface to 100kbps. How ...
Runcible's user avatar
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HTB scheduler unexpected behaviour, low priority traffic starving high priority traffic

I am working on assuring low delay for UDP traffic at the home gateway level. At this home gateway I have two types of traffic, TCP and UDP, and I assure differentiated treatment by using HTB. The ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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cannot identify YouTube traffic with ndpi-netfilter, when using Google Chrome

I have ndpi-netfilter installed on Ubuntu and I need to shape the youtube traffic to 100kbps using tc module. I classify all youtube traffic to a one class through the iptables and apply tc class to ...
Shamin Weerarathne's user avatar
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linux tc: unstable rate using tbf qdisc

This is the first time I am experimenting with tc. What I am trying to achieve is to limit the download rate that passes through a Virtual Machine that acts as gateway. The VM has two Ethernet ...
stois21's user avatar
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tc filters not working with DRR

I am trying to control the outgoing traffic from two VMs with the DRR qdisc. This is the hierarchy I want to have: root | qdisc drr ...
Backswitch's user avatar
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Percentual dynamic bandwidth control with tc

Does anyone know if tc (iproute2) can be used to percentually divide the currently available bandwidth? We're on a GPRS connection on which the available bandwidth changes frequently. What I want to ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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linux tc qdisc pie (aqm) configuration with limited bandwidth

I would like to configure AQM PIE by using tc-qdisc, but at the same time I would like to limit the bandwidth to 1Mb/s. I have used similar configuration with fq_codel, i.e. I have limited the ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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RTNETLINK answers: File exists when using netem with tc

So I simply get this error when I enter this command in my master VM: sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 97ms RTNETLINK answers: File exists Any idea how that could be fixed? I am running ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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QoS Traffic Shaping based on packet loss and latency for VPN

I am currently having the following situation: I am using a VPN (OpenVPN) over a rather unstable internet connection. This means the maximum bandwidth varies between 100kbs and 1mbit. Whenever the ...
user2071301's user avatar
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traffic shaping using ifb redirect

I would like to use ifb to perform some shaping for multiple virtual interfaces. However, I am not sure how to tell the ifb interface to egress to a dedicated egress interface Right now vnet0 -> ...
user2066671's user avatar
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Limit input on a given port with tc filter and u32 match

I'm trying to rate-limit all incoming traffic on ports 8128-8191. I've read everything I found, checked everything ten times, it still doesn't work. The commands: tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc ...
Laurent Caillette's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit bandwidth per ip using HTB + a CIDR range in Linux?

I can create rules to limit a entire subnet or to limit individual ip addresses with tc and htb. I am looking to use CIDR ranges to keep things somewhat elegant. The machines in question are all ...
user274562's user avatar