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How to set speed limit per IP in IP range in Ubuntu

What I want: I've setup a openvpn-server and want the clients in range of limit their speed to 10mbit for each IP as a total limit of 100mbit. wan interface : eth0 openvpn interface : ...
Root's user avatar
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Which values for Netem to emulate WAN?

I am developing a distributed application, which I'm currently running on a cluster of Ubuntu VMs over LAN. I'd like to evaluate the performance of my application over WAN. So I decided to use Netem ...
ePezhman's user avatar
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Network shaping using `tc netem` doesn't seem to work

I'm trying to simply delay traffic targeted for certain IP address on Ubuntu 16.06 box with no luck. There are plenty of resources as this this this or this that I studied. I ended up with these two ...
peetonn's user avatar
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How to measure the speed for tc (traffic control) in Ubuntu?

I have the following settings: tc qdisc del dev $ETH0ORSIMILAR root tc qdisc add dev $ETH0ORSIMILAR root handle 1: htb default 30 tc class add dev $ETH0ORSIMILAR parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate ...
Houman's user avatar
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Configure OpenVPN with many users [closed]

Similar to this question I am looking at connecting 1000's of concurrent users: OpenVPN performance: how many concurrent clients are possible? To save CPU cycles I would like to know if there is ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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HTB scheduler unexpected behaviour, low priority traffic starving high priority traffic

I am working on assuring low delay for UDP traffic at the home gateway level. At this home gateway I have two types of traffic, TCP and UDP, and I assure differentiated treatment by using HTB. The ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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RTNETLINK answers: File exists when using netem with tc

So I simply get this error when I enter this command in my master VM: sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 97ms RTNETLINK answers: File exists Any idea how that could be fixed? I am running ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar