Questions tagged [tc]

TC is the linux tool used to manipulate the traffic control functionality in the kernel.

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2 answers

How to limit speed for every device per MAC address in the gateway via Linux command "tc"?

I have a gateway whose OS is Linux.Assume my downlink bandwidth is 100 Mbps. I want to limit the max download speed to 1Mbps for every device which uses this gateway.In other words, if there are 100 ...
Shuangfeng He's user avatar
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LINUX: multiq leaf not replaceable with tc

# uname -r 4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64+debug # tc -s -d qdisc show dev ens3 qdisc mq 8001: root Sent 44589 bytes 340 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 qdisc fq_codel ...
cherusk's user avatar
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Is it possible to control network traffic per url with TC?

I need to slowdown a specific call to a Web-service but only for a specific url on the same host: I have my program configured to call (GET) URL1 =
рüффп's user avatar
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Minimum bandwidth limit on Linux systems

I need to limit the minimum bandwith from an IP to specific services/ports, by dropping all the packets that will not satisfy that minimum rate. I saw the attribute rate in the HTB class of the Linux ...
Lucap's user avatar
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Bandwidth limit for multiple network destinations with a default (slow) match with Linux TC

I'm playing with Linux traffic control features to restrict KVM VM output bandwidth and got stuck while using filters to match destinations for a fast class and for a (default) slow class for a given ...
vroman's user avatar
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Measuring effectiveness of qdisc

I am trying to set the incoming and outgoing bandwidth of a particular interface. I set the outgoing bandwidth in the following way. sudo tc qdisc add dev f30e888e9a857_c handle 1: root htb default ...
user3249763's user avatar
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Create IFB with name or ID in Ubuntu server

I am doing some work relate to limit income bandwidth (ingress) of a NIC in Ubuntu 16.04. Seem like we cannot limit the income bandwidth directly but have to use IFB. In this this post we have a good ...
Andiana's user avatar
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My tc script just limit outgoing traffic or both outgoing and incoming traffic?

I create this script to limit bandwidth all traffic through card eth1, I can test download speed with wget command but don't know how to test upload speed. Can anyone answer my question or show me how ...
You're awesome's user avatar
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Why I can't limit bandwidth with tc command

I want to limit bandwidth for interface eth1, I read command in this link. sudo tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1:0 htb default 10 sudo tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:0 classid 1:10 htb rate ...
You're awesome's user avatar
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How to slow traffic on a proxy?

I'm trying to slow down the traffic on my TCP forking proxy. The code is no longer located on the proxy, I'm still testing on my laptop; all HTTP(S) requests on Chrome are redirected with ...
elmazzun's user avatar
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Set large buffer/queue on a network interface to emulate bufferbloat

I want to emulate large buffer delay on a specific interface. I have a simple dumbbell topology like: PC1 eth0 <-----------------------> eth0 PC2 It would be good if I ping PC1 from PC2, ...
SPYFF's user avatar
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Network performance low when using OpenVPN

When transferring larger amounts of data using an OpenVPN client from a specific internet connection, the internet connection from the OpenVPN servers network completely breaks down. Other OpenVPN ...
Christian Rudolph's user avatar
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Limit bandwidth per connection in Linux

I wasn't really able to google this which surprises me but maybe I was just looking the wrong way... I would like to limit bandwidth per one TCP connection ie. all the connections are coming to a ...
NZT's user avatar
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How to check all active netem rules?

I have been adding rules/settings (not sure what the correct terminology is here) with tc/netem, such as tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 25ms, and have been removing them after use. However, ...
wcarhart's user avatar
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Gradual throttling total bandwidth

I have a server with a 30TB traffic allowance hosting (mostly) history images and would like to throttle one particular directory (the download image sizes) when necessary to avoid going over the ...
chx's user avatar
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How to add latency and bandwidth-limit interface using tc?

I know I can add latency to an interface using this command: # tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 50ms In addition to latency, I want to limit the bandwidth of this interface to 100kbps. How ...
Runcible's user avatar
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TC not classifying packets correctly based on iptables MARK

I have machineA that is connected to the internet via eth0. MachineB on the other hand is connected to machineA through a mesh and is connected to the internet via machineA. I am trying to give lower ...
Ogoose's user avatar
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2 answers

OpenVPN Variables Passed via Script

Can someone explain and/or direct me to a summary of the variables that are available to be passed to OpenVPN upon a client connection? For example, what do the following $1, $2, $3, $4 values ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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Configure OpenVPN with many users [closed]

Similar to this question I am looking at connecting 1000's of concurrent users: OpenVPN performance: how many concurrent clients are possible? To save CPU cycles I would like to know if there is ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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Bash Script Not Working

I hope this is an easy answer Problems: I placed the following bash script called in the following folder: vi /etc/openvpn/netem/ Added the following (2) lines ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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How to do traffic shaping (rate limiting) with TC per OpenVPN client

This question is related to another question with a great answer and script from @Oliver. The goal: I want to modify/extend the script provided in this answer to suit my requirements, which are as ...
Server Programmer's user avatar
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Bandwidth throttling linux to external subnets

I am looking to start up a new open-source mirror for my enterprise, but would also be interested in opening it up for external clients as well. However, for obvious reasons, I would like to limit ...
ereisch's user avatar
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HTB scheduler unexpected behaviour, low priority traffic starving high priority traffic

I am working on assuring low delay for UDP traffic at the home gateway level. At this home gateway I have two types of traffic, TCP and UDP, and I assure differentiated treatment by using HTB. The ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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bandwidth larger than tc htb ceil in 10-Gigabit network

In classid 88:201, I set ceil 200mibps, but in fact data can be send at 218 Mibps. Any one have any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Cheers! tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 88: htb default 202 tc ...
dd520's user avatar
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How to setup a netem box

I'm trying to simulate different network condition based on factors such as latency, bandwidth and so on. I found that Netem is the best way to simulate different network condition. So my desired ...
Chandana's user avatar
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Traffic control - bulk downloads with scp makes sshd to lag

My goal is to limit bandwidth per system user with tc, IMQ interfaces and iptables. Right now i have problem with bulk downloads (i.e. scp) that is creating lag on interactive programs such as ssh ...
Abc Xyz's user avatar
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cannot identify YouTube traffic with ndpi-netfilter, when using Google Chrome

I have ndpi-netfilter installed on Ubuntu and I need to shape the youtube traffic to 100kbps using tc module. I classify all youtube traffic to a one class through the iptables and apply tc class to ...
Shamin Weerarathne's user avatar
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linux tc: unstable rate using tbf qdisc

This is the first time I am experimenting with tc. What I am trying to achieve is to limit the download rate that passes through a Virtual Machine that acts as gateway. The VM has two Ethernet ...
stois21's user avatar
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tc filters not working with DRR

I am trying to control the outgoing traffic from two VMs with the DRR qdisc. This is the hierarchy I want to have: root | qdisc drr ...
Backswitch's user avatar
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Percentual dynamic bandwidth control with tc

Does anyone know if tc (iproute2) can be used to percentually divide the currently available bandwidth? We're on a GPRS connection on which the available bandwidth changes frequently. What I want to ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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linux tc qdisc pie (aqm) configuration with limited bandwidth

I would like to configure AQM PIE by using tc-qdisc, but at the same time I would like to limit the bandwidth to 1Mb/s. I have used similar configuration with fq_codel, i.e. I have limited the ...
FasolkaPoBretonsku's user avatar
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Add latency and random packet drops excluding SSH packets

I want to add some random delay/drop to all packets excluding SSH packets. I can do that to all packets this way: tc qdisc change dev $NIC root netem delay 100ms 10ms 25% tc qdisc change dev $NIC ...
ehsun7b's user avatar
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RTNETLINK answers: File exists when using netem with tc

So I simply get this error when I enter this command in my master VM: sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 97ms RTNETLINK answers: File exists Any idea how that could be fixed? I am running ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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QoS Traffic Shaping based on packet loss and latency for VPN

I am currently having the following situation: I am using a VPN (OpenVPN) over a rather unstable internet connection. This means the maximum bandwidth varies between 100kbs and 1mbit. Whenever the ...
user2071301's user avatar
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traffic shaping using ifb redirect

I would like to use ifb to perform some shaping for multiple virtual interfaces. However, I am not sure how to tell the ifb interface to egress to a dedicated egress interface Right now vnet0 -> ...
user2066671's user avatar
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Limit input on a given port with tc filter and u32 match

I'm trying to rate-limit all incoming traffic on ports 8128-8191. I've read everything I found, checked everything ten times, it still doesn't work. The commands: tc qdisc del dev eth0 root tc ...
Laurent Caillette's user avatar
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Traffic shaping linux shell users on a per-user basis

I have a debian 7 server with a number of shell users and I would like to limit upload and download rate on all interfaces (eth0, gre1, sit1) on a per user basis so each user has his own 75KB/s upload ...
Chris Kessler's user avatar
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RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument while specifying packet loss by tc command

I am trying to specify packet loss by tc command on interface (port) 1 of switch part of network I have created using mininet : sudo tc qdisc change dev s1-eth1 root netem loss 0.1% but gettring ...
sinhayash's user avatar
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Is there a way to limit bandwidth per ip using HTB + a CIDR range in Linux?

I can create rules to limit a entire subnet or to limit individual ip addresses with tc and htb. I am looking to use CIDR ranges to keep things somewhat elegant. The machines in question are all ...
user274562's user avatar
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Bandwidth Policing on Linux gateway - not QoS

I have a linux server providing NAT to a large subnet (/16) using iptables to-destination + multiple external ip's to survive port exhaustion. I've looked at using tc / htb such as here Limiting ...
SomePoorTech's user avatar
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Traffic Control in OpenStack Neutron with either TC or OpenVSwitch

As far as I know, QoS in OpenStack Neutron is still under development and not production-ready (I could be wrong on this point though, shout at me if so...), but we are required to implement traffic ...
guoger's user avatar
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How can I do traffic shaping in Linux by IP for both way communication?

Well, I've already gone through How can I do traffic shaping in Linux by IP? on serverfault & what I'm trying to achieve is pretty much same. Internet--------Linux Router----Switch-----Clients ...
Neel's user avatar
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Limiting bandwidth on Ubuntu Linux

I am in the situation where I have to simulate a P2P-environment (for my masters thesis in computer science). To do that I am using Docker with Ubuntu to create a bunch of virtual machines that is ...
Kasper Vesth's user avatar
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How to limit outgoing traffic per IP Address using Linux TC

I want to limit outgoing traffic per IP address. For example I have a network interface eth0, having 1Gbps of bandwidth. I want to limit the whole network interface to 1Mbps each destination IP ...
Hamid Soltani's user avatar
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How do I cap each individual tcp stream, to a fixed maximum rate?

I've read but not in depth all the various traffic shaping docs and seen the long question on HSFC scheduling Does anyone really understand how HFSC scheduling in Linux/BSD works? looked at the ...
user2603628's user avatar
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Advanced dynamic routing with external program

I need to build a system in which i am able to route packets based on a number of parameters, such as port/protocol etc, which are somehow "normal", but also on other aspects, such as queue length, ...
lbedogni's user avatar
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Using tc to delay packets to all IP address except for a single IP address

I'm familiar with this post here: Using tc to delay packets to only a single IP address Which will delay outbound packets to a single IP address. I want to do the opposite, which is to delay all ...
Im_Matt_Murdock's user avatar
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Linux Traffic Shaping: ceil rate never reached

My application run on port 8080. I have this iptables command: iptables -A OUTPUT -t mangle -p tcp --sport 8080 -j MARK --set-mark 10 I have also theses TC rules: tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle ...
GPointer's user avatar
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Understanding a shell script [closed]

there i am trying to understand the purpose of this shell script. If anyone can help out i would appreciate it. Thanks! This is located in android system at system/etc/ #!/system/bin/sh # ...
risto's user avatar
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Linux: limit specific port rate by combining tc with iptables does not work as expected

The script blow tries to limit the incoming rate of the port 2000, when using iptables to mark the INPUT packets does not work, but OUTPUT works fine. I use nc -kl 2000 on machine and iperf ...
tianchaijz's user avatar