Questions tagged [traffic-management]

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99 votes
3 answers

How do high traffic sites service more than 65535 TCP connections?

If there is a limit on the number of ports one machine can have and a socket can only bind to an unused port number, how do servers experiencing extremely high amounts (more than the max port number) ...
alh's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

Does anyone really understand how HFSC scheduling in Linux/BSD works?

I read the original SIGCOMM '97 PostScript paper about HFSC, it is very technically, but I understand the basic concept. Instead of giving a linear service curve (as with pretty much every other ...
Mecki's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Sharing Bandwidth and Prioritizing Realtime Traffic via HTB, Which Scenario Works Better?

I would like to add some kind of traffic management to our Internet line. After reading a lot of documentation, I think HFSC is too complicated for me (I don't understand all the curves stuff, I'm ...
Mecki's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Linux traffic shaping using TC

My internet connection goes like this: Internet <-128kbps link-> Cisco Router (Public IP) <-LAN-> Linux router/server (Public IP) <-LAN-> Regular PCs (Public IPs) The Cisco router: the ...
Yanko Hernández Álvarez's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I handle big traffic spikes on my dedicated server?

I have an E-Commerce site, which gains a sudden peak of very high traffic when I turn on different ads campaigns. From this moment on, my current dedicated server (Hostgator, 4GB Memoray, 100mbps ...
aceph ali's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Traffic Management recommendations [closed]

What's your strategy towards traffic prioritization/management. I am not really to just get a list of packet shaping solutions. Instead, I would like to get recommendations about traffic management ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to collect figures of traffic used per-host, broken up by time and destination?

We have a relatively small network, all PSs in one subnet. One PC with two NICs and pfSense installed works as a firewall/router. There is an OpenVPN tunnel to a remote location, created as a site-to-...
Seishun's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I use PFSense to make streaming videos suck?

Is it possible with PFSense and Traffic shaping to make watching movies really not worth it. We had a problem a while back (our inbound pipe was full) and it got people off youtube and back on to ...
boatcoder's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

forward incoming traffic to local listener

I have a service running on localhost which listens port localhost:10000 What I want to do is to forward all traffic coming to publicip:15000 to localhost:10000 where changing the configuration of ...
Harun Baris Bulut's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Limiting incoming traffic with tc police

I have a requirement to limit the total incoming traffic to 5mbit. I know this can be achieved by using the following tc command: tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u32 0 0 ...
Shihab Pullissery's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Having two subdomains on one public IP addres behind pFsense router

I have one public static IP address. I have my main domain register at local Internet provider and their DNS. My main router is pfSense and behind it i have my local network. My WEB server is in ...
adopilot's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Nginx Rate Limiting by Referrer?

I've successfully set up rate limiting on IP addresses like so, limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s; But I was wondering if its possible to do the same on referrers? For ...
SteveEdson's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

SonicWall traffic analysis

I have Sonic Wall PRO 2040 Standard in domain network. I need to see which pc has high bandwidth usage at the moment, for example streaming music or anti-virus trying to download update, to resolve ...
Andrija's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I find out what all this traffic is?

I have seen a consistent spike in traffic over my network since Monday morning and I don't know where it's coming from! I don't have netflow routers (like I would like), I have IPCop firewalls. ...
blsub6's user avatar
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DNS Level Load Balancing

Is it possible in this world to achieve DNS Level Load Balancing? For example, I have a Server A (111.222.333.444) and Server B (555.666.777.888), and there be some third party DNS hosting (like ...
aceph ali's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Monitor traffic by source/destination IP address

I need to monitor traffic coming in and out of my server. Knowing the total in/out bandwidth is good, but ideally I would like to know how much traffic was sent to what address (we are talking about ...
Goro's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Does traffic from accessing locally-shared file via UNC path still go through the switch?

if I'm accessing a local file via UNC path, for example //hostname/abc.txt, Will the traffic still go through the switch or it's clever enough to figure out this is a local machine, i.e. will there be ...
Godsent's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

bandwidth monitoring issue on PfSense router

I have a PfSense router installed , where it has 4 interfaces. one of them is WAN and rest 3 are LAN networks, which have different subnets and IP address ranges. wan interface name = em0 lan ...
Farhan's user avatar
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How to setup a traffic limit per user on OpenVPN?

I am setting up a VPN server using OpenVPN. The authentication method is the certificate one (different certs for client and server). The VPS has 1TB of traffic monthly. I plan allowing up to 4 ...
user6232516's user avatar
2 votes
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Prioritize traffic going to different interfaces

For example, we have regular clients sitting on wlan1 and Bittorrent client sitting on eth2. They access Internet via eth1. Bittorrent download traffic should be given lowest priority. So, that ...
midenok's user avatar
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Best way to prepare for one time digg-like effect

I have a web site which will be featured in a place which will send a large peak of one-time traffic in a couple of weeks. The server hosting the website also hosts the control panel my customers use....
Niro's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use "Set weight" in HAProxy

Hi I have configured an HAProxy server in haproxy.cfg to balance the traffic flow between two servers, say server web1 weight 50 server web2 weight 50 For testing purpose we ...
susil95's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

managing a high traffic media sharing website

i'm in the process of developing a website that i predict will generate a lot of traffic. the site will be similar to many other sites offering free media streaming: mp3's. we are going to start with ...
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2 votes
1 answer

What free and efficient web/trafic filtering options are good for this situation?

The Story (you can skip this if you like) So my girlfriend got a job as pedagog at a small boarding home (around 40 kids, age 10 to 18), 3 weeks ago. I went there once and surfed the web from a ...
Jakob Cosoroaba's user avatar
2 votes
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Linux traffic control u32 hashtable filters based on MAC address

I am currently working with a traffic shaping Linux node. The rule set has grown to about 2500 hosts, all identified specifically by MAC address. The filter configuration is "basic", meaning ...
axon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

tc police rate packets by iptables handle?

I want to limit download speed from any IP to 800kbit, (this works) And I want to limit the download speed of marked packets to 400kbit. I don't get any errors, but it's not limiting the download ...
Josh's user avatar
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3 answers

How to set up an event website?

For my work, I need to set up an event website. The site will be up to 2 or 3 months during the campaign. The site needs to be stable and have high availability, especially during the rush hours. ...
Boris Guéry's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Is there a small business router that shows bandwidth usage graphs in the admin panel?

I support a large number of public libraries that are having their networks upgraded in response to a grant application. These libraries are generally home to between 6-15 computers and have little ...
Robert Drake's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using Azure Traffic Manager for an immediate increase in capacity

I have a REST web-service on Azure which has very high but variable load, it's all set-up to auto scale using Paraleap so that it can handle the peak periods but keep costs down when things are ...
Steven Elliott's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to setup Azure traffic manger to switch between a website and a down (maintenance) page, without disruption?

Once can easily setup Azure traffic manager with two endpoints: the e-commerce site you operate normally the site with a static maintenance page (we user Azure static web) The requirement is to be ...
eos's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get size of HTTP request and response including protocol overhead?

I am working on an IoT-related research project with several devices. However, my project partner responsible for the infrastructure restricted the traffic for each device to a maximum of 500 MB per ...
albert's user avatar
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1 answer

Linux tc htb + prio = very slow link

I'm trying to shape the traffic going out of my DSL link (verified 1 mbit upload) using Linux (3.2) tc, HTB, and PRIO. My Linux box is connected via a Gigabit Ethernet link to the ADSL modem. I want ...
Etienne Dechamps's user avatar
1 vote
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Way Around Empty HTTP_REFERRER From 301 Redirect?

I have a client who is in need of determining the traffic statistics from a large number of "tinyurl" shortened URLs, that all redirect to his site. The services that he's used include TinyURL, X....
Taptronic's user avatar
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LINUX: multiq leaf not replaceable with tc

# uname -r 4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64+debug # tc -s -d qdisc show dev ens3 qdisc mq 8001: root Sent 44589 bytes 340 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 qdisc fq_codel ...
cherusk's user avatar
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Loss of service in GAE's deployment method using Traffic Migrate?

I want to know if there is any possible downtime in GAE's method of "silent" deployments. I'm using inbound_services: - warmup and deploying apps with -no-promote --no-stop-previous-version flags ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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1 answer

munin not showing traffic of interfaces pfsense 2.2

I'm trying out some systems and plug ins for monitoring bandwidth I came to Munin to monitor the interfaces of my PFSense 2.2.6 installing Munin was very easy and on normal debian VM's I could see ...
Roel's user avatar
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0 answers

Redirect traffic of one proxy to another one

I have installed a v2ray client on my server and I can connect to it successfully. Assume it is listening on following address: http://localhost:1089 I also installed MTProto proxy on my server to ...
milad's user avatar
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shape voice linux traffic using tc

How to set up a traffic control policy so voice traffic has maximum bandwidth of an specific interface? I tried tc qdisc add dev $WIFI handle 1: root tbf rate 10mbit burst 32kbit latency 10ms but how ...
user3778640's user avatar
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Multiple servers behind one public IP [duplicate]

I am hosting multiple servers behind one public IP. (Mostly in Proxmox VE) Currently, all the services are on separate ports. I would like to use multiple domains to reach different services and am ...
James V's user avatar
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Can I receive HTTP Format packet (raw data) by using VPC Mirroring on AWS?

AWS launched a new service named VPC Traffic Mirroring. I wonder if I can receive HTTP Format packet(raw data) by using this service on between ALB(src) and NLB(dst). Do I have to decrypt this ...
Gisu  Lee's user avatar
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Setting up an Inter VLAN for new building

Have added a building to our existing motel business setup and looking to utilise a fibre trunk to share a single internet connection between an open guest network (LAN and WiFi to guest rooms) and ...
user392084's user avatar
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Layer 7 QoS Management

I have currently run a medium size SOHO network that can have up to 25-50 users and I am looking to implement a QoS system to better utilize the bandwidth. I currently am using pfSense however, both ...
Nick W.'s user avatar
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How to manage the way router shares traffic

I just came here from stackoverflow, hope it's the right place to ask this question. We share internet in our apartment via a Linksys router (2 people are connected with wireless and 2 people with ...
Denis Tulskiy's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Should I add more RAM or CPU on my server? How do I figure this?

I host a PHP/MySQL application with Smarty caching on my server. It routinely gets short traffic spikes via tweets to thousands of followers. The traffic spike goes up to 6 hits /sec for upto 20-30 ...
Man_Pat's user avatar
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3 answers

Server requirement for running an application having huge network traffic

What I am asking is a very common question that comes to any developer's mind when he/she wants to host a server but a precise answer is not easily available. I need to host a server which returns ...
Vijayendra's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Bandwidth Reservation vs QOS

what is the difference between bandwidth reservation and QOS? for example, if I reserve 30Mbps to VOIP traffic on a router, is that the same of QOS? or does QOS work in a different way?
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Tracking forwarded traffic

I have following set up : a machine with a public IP with several machines with static IP behind it (NAT). How would I monitor the traffic they generate on a per IP basis (the LAN ip to which ...
Lucas Kauffman's user avatar
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How to handle too much traffic

The company I work for has an event coming up in the near future that we believe will generate traffic around 3-4x anything we have dealt with in the past and I am unsure of the best way to deal with ...
Colton Williams's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Server slow, but plenty of CPU & RAM

My site has gone from getting 20,000 visits/day, to 182,000 yesterday, due to being featured on a number of popular sites. The site has become somewhat unresponsive. Many requests will lead to a ...
Kohjah Breese's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Change the port number of outgoing packets originating from local process

I need to change the outgoing port number of all UDP packets originating from a local process. For example: local machine udp dest: port 2222 should become (before leaving ...
Tsvetomir Dimitrov's user avatar