I'm trying to install Ubuntu or higher on KVM.

I have tried installing 14.04.6 LTS / 16.04.7 LTS and 18.04.5 LTS

First i create Qemu Disk Image :

qemu-img.exe create -f raw hdd.img 5G

and when i boot to the ISO :

enter image description here

after selecting Install Ubuntu Server it shows a black screen and stuck there.

i also tried to set nomodeset by pressing F6 (Other Options) and marking x on nomodeset

it's also showing a black screen.

enter image description here

Note : it's not rebooting itself, it's just stuck at black screen.

(only for testing on KVM) i had successfully installed Ubuntu 11.04-desktop-i386 (Natty Narwhal) but it's support has ended and became too old and once i ran some updates with difficulty and rebooted, it didn't boot at all (hanging on blank screen with loading spinner at bottom right).

So to install any newer version of server/desktop if possible on this KVM.

Here's a BIOS boot information :

enter image description here

I'm running this KVM on RouterOS v5.25 (mikrotik) so i can't update anything individually, i have to upgrade the whole RouterOS and i'm not capable to do that at this moment. i'm not even sure if i upgraded the RotuerOS to newer version it will work, maybe it's currently working but all i need is to set or configure soemthing to make it boot.

Here's RouterOS configuration :

enter image description here

Host CPU : Intel E8600 with VT-x enabled in (Host machine BIOS)
Host Memory : 4GB
Virutal Machine CPU count : 2
Virutal Machine Memory : 1024M

What causes this problem?

  • You also need to remove that vga=788 bit. Feb 16, 2021 at 21:29
  • i did that but it's still stuck at the black screen. i also removed "quiet" and "splash" and wrote "text" instead but didn't work. Feb 16, 2021 at 21:50


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