Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

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125 votes
5 answers

How do you do load testing and capacity planning for web sites?

This is a canonical question about capacity planning for web sites. Related: Can you help me with my capacity planning? How do you do load testing and capacity planning for databases? What are some ...
gWaldo's user avatar
  • 12k
61 votes
12 answers

Is virtual machine slower than the underlying physical machine?

This question is quite general, but most specifically I'm interested in knowing if virtual machine running Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud will be any slower than the same physical machine without any ...
Michal Illich's user avatar
53 votes
7 answers

filesystem for millions of small files

Which Linux filesystem would you choose for best speed in the following scenario: a hundred million files ~2k file size on average >95% read access pretty random access high concurrency (>100 ...
bene's user avatar
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49 votes
7 answers

What is the best Linux filesystem for MySQL (InnoDB)?

I tried to look for benchmark on the performances of various filesystems with MySQL InnoDB but couldn't find any. My database workload is the typical web-based OLTP, about 90% read, 10% write. Random ...
Continuation's user avatar
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40 votes
7 answers

Xen vs. KVM in performance

What is faster on the same hardware, Xen or KVM? I'm trying to pick-up a virtualization technology to work, which gives the best performance. There are some benchmarks here that I found on the ...
SyRenity's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

How do you do load testing and capacity planning for databases?

This is a canonical question about capacity planning for databases. Related: Can you help me with my capacity planning? How do you do load testing and capacity planning for web sites? I'm looking to ...
gWaldo's user avatar
  • 12k
35 votes
1 answer

Apache ab: please explain the output

I've looked around, and can't find any detailed explanation of the output at all. Most is indeed easy to understand, but there is one part that flummoxes me: Time per request: 109537.505 [ms] (...
Mei's user avatar
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34 votes
9 answers

How to duplicate TCP traffic to one or multiple remote servers for benchmarking purposes?

Infrastructure: Servers in Datacenter, OS - Debian Squeeze, Webserver - Apache 2.2.16 Situation: The live server is in use by our cusotmers every day, which makes it impossible to test adjustments ...
Sise's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

Alternatives to apache benchmark? [closed]

I'd like some tools for ubuntu that I can use to test my server, how much it can handle. Any suggestions? I've used apache benchmark before, but I'd like to try out something else. (As a side ...
Matthew's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

What are the best possible ways to benchmark RAM (no-ECC) under linux / arm?

I want to test integrity and global performances of no-ECC memory chips on a custom board Are there some tools that run under linux so I can monitor system and global temperature in the same time ? ...
moul's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Estimate FLOPS in Linux?

I am looking for a quick and easy program to estimate FLOPS on my Linux system. I found HPL, but getting it compiled is proving to be irritating. All I need is a ballpark estimate of the FLOPS, ...
molecularbear's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

Understanding this error: apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104)

So, if I do some benchmarking with apache benchmark (ab), and I use large numbers of requests. Then sometimes in the middle of a test I get this error. I don't even know what it means. So how can I ...
Matthew's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

How to disable perf subsystem in Linux kernel?

I'm running some benchmarks. My benchmark runner monitors the dmesg buffer between experiments, looking for anything which could impact performance. Today it threw this up: [2015-08-17 10:20:14 ...
Edd Barrett's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Apache Bench: SSL handshake failing directly related to concurrency level

I ran some tests on ab and when I use a concurrency level of over 155 I get the following: SSL handshake failed (5). SSL handshake failed (5). SSL handshake failed (5). SSL handshake failed (5). SSL ...
C_B's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Network latency: 100Mbit vs. 1Gbit

I have a webserver with a current connection of 100Mbit and my provider offers an upgrade to 1Gbit. I understand that this refers to throughput but the larger the packets, the faster they can be ...
Andreas Richter's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Anyone seen a meaningful SAS vs SATA comparison/benchmark?

I hear lots about SATA being slower than SAS but I've only found 1 decent benchmark. In this, SAS ...
boatcoder's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Apache AB (ApacheBench) : -no-check-certificate option available?

It seems there is no option to avoid this error : "Verify return code: 20 (unable to get local issuer certificate)". Is there a way to avoid issuer ssl check with AB (like wget's -no-check-certificate ...
hotips's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How to generate CPU load on Linux server

I would like to test fake load on the server, I'm looking for some burn-in or benchmark command line utility that would generate CPU load on the system. I would like to be able to burn-in only CPU (...
Maxim Veksler's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Are there any benchmarks for virtual machines with and without VT-x?

Where can I find benchmarks of virtual machines running common OSes like Ubuntu or WinXP, with and without VT-x? I am using xVM (VirtualBox), but also have the option of VMWare or Xen hypervisors. ...
Jeff Meatball Yang's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Xen image file vs partition/LVM volume performance

I read quite a lot of advice to switch from file-image VM storage, to partition/LVM volume based. The claim is that partition/LVM are much faster then image files. The downside in my opinion, is ...
SyRenity's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Linux: Why does the CPU frequency fluctuate when using the performance governor?

I'm using a Debian 8 amd64 machine for benchmarking. During experimentation, I would like the CPU to operate at a fixed frequency (preferably the maximum possible). This will rule out the CPU clock ...
Edd Barrett's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How much data does Linux read on average boot?

I wonder how much data in total does a freshly installed vanilla Linux system (like 32-bit CentOS 5.10) read in order to get to a virtual console shell prompt? You know, reading all the configuration ...
Armen Michaeli's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why do sequential writes have better performance than random writes on SSDs?

An LBA (logical block addresses) is a mapping table implemented in the FTL to match between logical and physical pages/blocks in SSDs, my guess is that most SSDs (at least when they are empty) keeps ...
SamTh3D3v's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Understanding ZFS NVMe benchmarks with FIO

I'm trying to benchmark an all-NVMe ZFS disk array. I'm familiar with extremely fast benchmark results, with very little disk activity due to efficient ZFS caching. I ran into the reverse: massive ...
Frank Vermeulen's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Generate 10 Gbps traffic across nodes

I want perform a network performance benchmarking test so need to generate a 10 Gbps traffic in the network. The nodes are running RHEL 5.x. Can anyone please point me out to suitable binaries etc. ...
Iliyas Shirol's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Adding CPUs puts MySQL 5.5 (Debian) performance down

I am about to setup a database server (MySQL) in OpenVZ container and I've been wondering how many CPUs I should assign to it. I decided to benchmark it. I compared two OS/MySQL distributions and ...
Greendrake's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How can I benchmark my website with SPDY support?

I'm currently running a lot of configuration benchmarks on my server using siege, and I would like to try the SPDY protocol (with mod_spdy for Apache) - but siege use HTTP. Do you know any tool which ...
Damien's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Disable all disk caching for apache2 on linux

For benchmarking purposes I want to force Apache 2 to load each requested file from disk instead of loading it from a cache in memory. From what I have read doing a sync followed by echo 3 > /proc/...
davitenio's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Desktop CPU VS server CPU performance - is passmark relevant?

I am replacing my SOHO server (desktop-grade components) with a used server. A quad-core i5 is being replaced with dual quad-core Xeons X5355, here are the details: i5-2300, passmark score 5276: ...
petr's user avatar
  • 185
6 votes
7 answers

I/O Performance Benchmarking Linux

Just finished setting up a poor mans SAN with iSCSI and want to benchmark it. What are some good I/O performance benchmarks for Linux besides: hdparm -tT /dev/sda1 How do I get a IOPS measurement? ...
Justin's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Benchmark linux box

What's the best tool to benchmark a linux machine? I'm comparing machines from two different cloud providers. It needs to be a command line tool. Just need to benchmark CPU and I/O performance.
bajafresh4life's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

IOMeter - What values should I test with?

In some ways I guess this is a piece of string question, however even if there is a "this fits most situations" answer I have no idea what it is, so... I have a SAN on evaluation, an HP P4000. I'd ...
flooble's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

is there anyway to know if your supposedly fully dedicated server is really a virtually resource-shared machine? [duplicate]

sometimes I feel my server not responding as smoothly as I would expect (i have a Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz Quad Core), given that for example, the 'top' commands reports a low load < 0.5, CPU ...
arod's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Tools to Benchmark VMware Datastore

Is there a tool that can be used to determine the maximum IOPS on my Datastores? Due to the way the SAN is configured (poorly by the installer) it's difficult to calculate this and we want to know ...
Scott Keck-Warren's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Apache ab: choosing number of concurrent connections

I can't find anything that specifically elucidates the number of concurrent connections that are reasonable - nor can I find any treatises or research on this topic. The boss says "The server needs ...
Mei's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I measure complex I/O activity to develop realistic benchmarking? [closed]

I need to retrieve a few metric from my service server to benchmark another stroage solution. There are various options are provied by benchmark program(I choosed FIO,
jinhwan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Does LXC container performance depends of host load?

I am wondering if LXC could offer a full isolated benchmarking environment. Let's say we have 2 identical machines, with the same fresh Linux and without network connection. First machine has a load ...
Pablo Hinojosa's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Apache 2.4: mod_php vs php-fpm performance

There are plenty of old benchmarks on Apache mod_php vs nginx with php-fpm However, with version 2.4, Apache can use php-fpm. Are there any sensible benchmarks comparing mod_php with php-fpm (both ...
OC2PS's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Root-causing vastly different performance on iozone O_SYNC benchmark for two HDD manufacturers

I have two servers A and B with the following configuration: A: 4TB HDDs, with RAID 1 (MegaRAID SAS 2008), 128MB cache, no BBU, write-through mode, 7.2k RPM, manufacturer A. B: 1.5TB HDDs, with RAID ...
Vimal's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Solaris 10: Drop disk cache? (to benchmark app)

Is there a command to drop the ZFS and UFS disk caches? (Preferably just one folder hierarchy.) I'm trying to tuning the performance settings of an application that read/writes data from a large ...
nonot1's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is Amazon EC2 reliable for benchmarking?

I've been rethinking the compiler shootout and I began to wonder: is Amazon EC suitable for benchmarking? The environment is totally virtual, so are there any guarantees that benchmarking results will ...
jldugger's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

Simple Linux server benchmark?

I am working on a product which will run on customer's Linux servers. These systems vary in capability greatly and I'd love to have a single benchmarking tool which I could ask them to run to get an ...
user70714's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Artificially burden the CPU

I'm looking for a command line application that will artificially burden the CPU. It needs to be better than just a busy loop. We're testing how the system holds up under heat stress and the CPU ...
deft_code's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I verify my vserver provider offers SSD as promised?

For this month I have rented two vServer, each from a different provider. Both indicated that the disks of the system use SSD technology (making me expect a bandwidth of at least 300MB/s and maybe ...
humanityANDpeace's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Apache ab - testing with 1000 concurrency

I am just trying to gather some information on server capacity and ran these apache ab test. I tested with 1, 10, 100, 1000 concurrency over 1 minute. The result below is for 1000 concurrent users ...
TigerTiger's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

NVMe drives write performance in software RAID 1

We have just received two brand new Supermicro servers 1028U-TN10RT+ with 10 NVMe slots, two of them with Intel DC P3600 800gb hard drives. We were eager to test the performance of the drives as the ...
markz's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to have proper expectations about AWS performance?

I'm in the process of moving a webapp from the local server that's been its development home to somewhere else for eventual deployment. I'm currently evaluating AWS and Rackspace, and am in the ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

RAID0 (both hardware and md) slower than LVM?

I'm doing some benchmarking of nodes as we build out a distributed filesystem. Since files are going to be distributed and replicated across many nodes, we're using raid0 on the nodes themselves. ...
Karl Katzke's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

IO/s and MB throughput for Various RAID Arrays

Are there any resources that have typical throughput and IOp/s for various RAID arrays under sequential and random patterns? In my case I am more specifically interested in at the moment: 6 Disk ...
Kyle Brandt's user avatar
  • 83.7k
4 votes
5 answers

tool for custom sql load testing

I would like to run some tests to compare our mysql application in several configurations. But I don't want to use something like sysbench or oltp tests, because we have some heavy stored-procedures ...
Shebnik's user avatar
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