Questions tagged [cms]

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.

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4 answers

Puppetize everything or not?

Notice: there is a lot of theoretical questions. Recently I'm reading about Puppet (and similar systems), which - as I believe - can make my work easier, a lot. But I try - and unfortunately can't - ...
stderr's user avatar
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5 votes
12 answers

What is the Open Source CMS of choice? [closed]

I've been told that Sitecore is the closed-source CMS of choice (due to its insane flexibility). That said, what is the Open source equivalent? Or is there one? I've played with Drupal and it seems ...
Thunder3's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Tridion content delivery: TCDL not rendered in REL DCP

I have created a dynamic component presentation which contains UGC TCDL tags. The DCP is published to the broker database as REL. I can see in the COMPONENT_PRESESENTATIONS table that the tags are ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is WordPress good for this? [closed]

I'm looking at the options to build a self-hosted site that will contain the following features: news, ie. blog entries by the site owner (not users) forum user profiles internal e-mail (not part of ...
user15318's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Configuration Management Software for Linux for "harvesting" config-files

Managing 50 servers manually, and been looking through the different cms for linux (cfengine,puppet,chef etc) It's use will primarily for CM for config-files. Is there a cms out there that gather ...
Andy's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Wiki/CMS with synchronization? [closed]

We're looking into putting up a wiki or CMS for internal use by our IT department. One of the big things we want to use it for is disaster recovery procedures. Given that a disaster, such as a ...
Clinton Blackmore's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

open source knowledge base CMS system [closed]

I'm looking for an open source knowledge base system that uses tags, rather than free-text search to identify articles (a lot like serverfault does). I've looked at twiki, which many people suggested,...
Thomi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Extract certificate information using openssl

I would like to verify the sender and 'addressee' certificate information of an encrypted/signed file. So far, I came up with the following set of arguments to openssl: openssl cms -inform DER -...
Willem's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

What's a good RAID config for a CMS server?

A customer wants to build an "all-in-one" CMS server, i.e. one machine that will run: RDMBS App server web server File storage The CMS is expected to be used for a lot of large files, but will not ...
Michael Borgwardt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Only one Apache Solr to search into Multiple/Cross-domain CMSs?

Is it possible for single-instance of Solr to use across multiple Applications, Cross Domains? Like multiple CMSs such as Wordpress + Joomla + Drupal. Any searching from anywhere should be showing the ...
夏期劇場's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Open Source Social Bookmarking CMS? [closed]

I am looking for an open source social bookmarking site CMS so I can build a site like delicious with it for my organization. This will be deployed in the internal LAN. Do you have any ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Using SharePoint 2010 for External Websites

We are looking into using SharePoint 2010 to replace our external website. We think we can use Foundation for this and just hack up the SharePoint CSS to make it look like want but it seems the ...
Scott Keck-Warren's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how to delete files owned by Apache?

I've installed a CMS on a shared host running Apache, now when I try to delete the root directory, some sub-directories are left with a "Permission denied" error and I can't change their attributes. ...
Hassen's user avatar
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1 answer

php-fpm fails after X requests

I using nginx to serve out a PHP CMS (Grav) so I've been using php-fpm. Everything works fine in the beginning, but after about 20 or so requests, some of the pages will return a 502 error. I don't ...
Matthew Weeks's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

nginx is redirecting instead of rewriting when there is a slash befor arguments

I have the following location block, as part of a complex routing for a CMS: location @mylocation { if (-d $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /$controller/$siteName last; ...
broesch's user avatar
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CMS Architecture - Synchronizing Dev/Test/Staging environments

We have a code, content and DB flow that follows a typical pattern: Dev->Build->Staging->Prod The kicker is that the client is editing and publishing content only in Prod. So our current strategy ...
hellomynameisjoel's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is content management functionality available in Windows SharePoint Services?

I'm investigating the use of SharePoint for relatively simple content management functionality service for use within university systems. I'm totally new to SharePoint (and originally from a Linux ...
ngm's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Emergency response CMS

I have been asked to do some investigation regarding a method to serve an emergency information website should there be a critical, very high traffic situation. We estimate that traffic would ...
mmcglynn's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Compare sharepoint vs [closed]

I would like as unbiased opinion as possible on costs, maintenance and features. Also what if you already have some sharepoint sites up, does it make sense to expand the sharepoint installation rather ...
user14939's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

What is the enterprise CMS of choice? [closed]

I was wondering if you have experience of enterprise content management systems. Here is an evaluation summary:
1 vote
2 answers

Liferay and Oracle DB

I'm installing liferay community edition with an Oracle database, I managed to get it running with the user SYSTEM, but I don't like this... I want to create another user in another tablespace, the ...
iamedu's user avatar
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2 answers

Free, open-source, self hosting CMS vs paid, online CMS?

I want to have a CMS to promote some products of mine. I wonder if I should download a free, open source CMS and host it myself or if I should pay for an online CMS? What are the pros and cons for ...
ajsie's user avatar
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6 answers

Are there any available open source CMS's out there that output valid html 4?

So far, the only one I've found is the excellent tangocms. However, although tango is simple enough for me to use, I'd like something simpler for use by non-programmer clients. Silverstripe can be ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

CMS that supports reusable blocks of text and variable substitution?

I'm looking for a CMS that can do the following two things: Reusable, named blocks (modules) of text that can be inserted in the content (i.e. articles, posts - the terminology differes between ...
Marek Jedliński's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Azure Availability sets and CMS instances

We are hosting a CMS Site on Azure through a VM and IIS. To keep inline with Microsoft's SLA's we have to put the Front Ends in an availability set and then Load Balance them though an endpoint. This ...
zillabunny's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

how to setup pimcore on vps server via docker compose yml

I am really exhausted to get pimcore running on my vps server. I tried several OS like Unbuntu 18 / 20 or CentOS 7. I tried to install pimcore via composer. But there I always get some errors, when I ...
Robert Seidel's user avatar
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0 answers

unable to access uploaded files in tikiwiki

I have Tiki 15.4 running on a shared host - I have a problem with the file galleries feature: Uploading stuff to the file galleries works well, for instance I uploaded a .webm video and then it's ...
Ben Opp's user avatar
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0 answers

Redirecting address record to a subdirectory

Can someone help me out with how to redirect an URL that has an address record? The situtation is as follows: I am trying to resolve a WordPress URL ( to a subdirectory (groups....
SP-Brown's user avatar
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0 answers

codeignitor Halogy rewrite issue

I'm using a CMS called halogy built off codeignitor but can't figure out how to get it to work correctly in IIS. I think its related to the rewrite from Apache (works fine on Apache) heres the ....
Michael Rooks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Searching for outdated CMS versions on server

I'm interested if there is a way to search for all outdated installations of CMS systems on my server ( RHEL). For example, is there a way to automatically search for all old versions of Joomla CMS ...
Vedran's user avatar
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1 answer

CMS / Server setup to easily host multiple sites [closed]

I'm looking for a simple CMS to use for a bunch of micro sites. These are generally sites that are only ever a few pages and are often for friends or simple microsites for work. What I really want is ...
Christopher Padfield's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Umbraco CMS 5.0 CTP 1 installation skip some steps and does not populate DB

I wish to try Umbraco CMS 5.0 CTP 1 since it has a good reputation. Since im into ASP MVC 3, I thought I would try to install the preview of V5. I know this might be buggy, but I did expect that I ...
Martin at Mennt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to disable workspace stages in Typo3 4.5?

I upgraded our site to Typo3 4.5. The workspace extension has changed significantly. We have a very flat organizational structure, without separate editors, reviewers and publishers. Our editors ...
Arne's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Moving a drupal install from subdomain to tld

I have a drupal install on a test subdomain, and when I tried moving it to the root domain, nothing worked. I had no absolute links that I was aware of, and both domains are on the same I ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I edit this element in TYPO3?

Hopefully I am posting this on the right site. I am trying to take over maintenance of a web site. The developer used Typo3 for a CMS. The problem is that I am not that familiar with Typo3 and I ...
GregH's user avatar
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1 answer

shared hosting with multiple CMS

Any suggestions on how to implement a shared web hosting cluster with multiple CMS? In our case, we have 2 web servers attached to shared storage. If we want to host Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla ...
user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Is there an extremely simple CMS with In-Place Editing? [closed]

I'm looking for a very limited, very simple CMS that allows non-techies to maintain a simple website consisting of maybe 4-6 editable pages. It should use a WYSIWYG editor only support static pages ...
Cygon's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Looking for a perl-based CMS that is easy to extend [closed]

This is for a non-profit group, which means shared-hosting, which generally means no mod_perl. FastCGI is ok. I'm looking for a CMS that can accept perl-based plugins which can be melded seamlessly ...
Tanktalus's user avatar
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3 answers

We are migrating our wordpress to static site. That is creating over 400,000 folders within 1 folder. Is there any limit to the number of sub-folders?

Our wordpress web site is several years old and has many posts indexed and ranking well on google. With any serious traffic my wordpress server tanks - and this happens even after several rounds of ...
Muhammad Ebrahym's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

URL encoded URIs with umlauts not working on other Server

we are about to move our companies Website (Drupal 7) from the old Server A to the new Server B. As usual we ex-/imported the database and copied all the files via ftp. Since our company resides in ...
philipp's user avatar
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2 answers

php security on a system with only known php software (or: need alternative non-PHP CMS)

I have a deep antipathy for PHP due to its security record and the way the project handles security in general. Unfortunately I have to deploy a CMS and I need a modern theme for it. So far I have ...
khaos's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Hosted CMS providers [closed]

I want to create advanced websites but don't want to use code them myself. Are there good hosted variants where you can create your website (for a restaurant) in minutes?
8k_of_power's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Installing Silverstripe on (free web host)

I'm trying to learn how to work Silverstripe so I extracted the tar file to my free hosting account. I then went on install.php and edited the permissions to meet the requirements set out in install....
benwad's user avatar
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1 answer

Anyone running Cisco CMS plugin 1.2 on a modern system?

I have a Cisco 3750 that I am trying to use the web interface for. It wants me to download and install a CMS plugin version 1.2 that appears to have been built in 2004. The install of the plugin ...
David Mackintosh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OpenCms: Kerberos SSO authentication with httpd+Tomcat

I have a standalone httpd+Tomcat 8.5.65 installation on OpenJDK 11 with OpenCms 11.0.2 for my client's internal website. They have a LDAP network and they're requesting the automated logon using ...
user3804769's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Middleware for EMC Documentum and CMIS? [closed]

I am developing a plan for a Documentum install and intend to access it via CMIS. I'm trying to determine if I need middleware to connect Documentum to CMIS client libraries? I have a successful ...
Unknown Coder's user avatar
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1 answer

load two cms on one server

i have been searching on net to know if it's possible (or allowable, as in no conflict ) to use two cms's on one server. Like currycms ( ) and cherrypy ( )...
nish's user avatar
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1 answer

User permissions on web server [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the best linux permissions to use for my website? I have allot of users which install joomla, wordpress, drupal and other CMS things on their websites ( linux server)...
Pracovek's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Running indexhibit with a non-MySQL backend -- can it be done?

The version of the Indexhibit PHP-based CMS that's available for public download has been 0.70 (or thereabouts) for around four years, and as far as I know, it's been a MySQL-only app for the entirety ...
fish2000's user avatar
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1 answer

A multiple web-app backup script

I'm mostly a Drupal developer, and have a backup script that goes through each site and uses Drush to perform a db dump, before archiving all the sites and their dumps. I've just finished a small ...
Andy's user avatar
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