
I would like to buy a PowerEdge R760 and fill it up with 24 NVMe 2.5" U.3 7.68 TB Micron disks. I have asked repeadly Dell to clarify the setup but they keep not answering.

Does anybody know what does it mean to have a 24 x 2.5" NVMe Passive Drives? How are they connected? How many PCIe lane do they take? Why Dell in not offering a RAID controller? I cannot find this information in Dell's manuals.

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  • 2
    Simplified, Dell servers come in supported configurations, with different backplanes, one type will only support SAS and/or SATA , another backplane may only support NVME drives and yet another, a universal one, allows you to mix and match spinning rust with SSD's and NVME's. Supported configurations come with Dell branded storage in compatible hot-swap carriers. See for example i.dell.com/sites/csdocuments/Product_Docs/en/… for part numbers and further info including which raid controllers are supported
    – HBruijn
    Oct 3 at 13:51
  • Requests for product, service, or learning material recommendations are off-topic because they attract low quality, opinionated and spam answers, and the answers become obsolete quickly. Instead, describe the business problem you are working on, the research you have done, and the steps taken so far to solve it.
    – djdomi
    Oct 3 at 17:20


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