Questions tagged [firewalld]

FirewallD is a firewall service daemon with D-BUS interface managing a dynamic firewall. First used in Fedora 18, it is expected to be the default firewall tool for future versions of Enterprise Linux.

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In firewalld , added rule is active but unable to list

Added Rule in a CentOS Linux 7 Machine [root@localhost ~]# sudo firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d -j REJECT success Rule is working as expected [root@localhost ~]# ...
Arun's user avatar
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Firewalld is not working,. port open but I can't reach from other server

I got a wildfly 9 server on REHEL 7 with ports http=4070. Then I executed the following instructions: [root@linux]# firewall-cmd --add-port=4070/tcp --permanent Warning: ALREADY_ENABLED: 4070:tcp ...
user3637971's user avatar
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Are rich-rules in firewalld applied before or after regular zone rules with a default "DROP" policy?

As far as I know, there are 2 main ways to add rules in firewalld, normal "zone" rules and rich-rules. Also, I understand that when we set target="DROP, all new incoming connections ...
huthut28's user avatar
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How to DROP traffic whose source IP is on a blocklist ipset unless the source is on an allowlist ipset in firewalld?

I have 2 ipsets: friends (allow-list) and enemies (block-list). My default zone (public) DROPs all traffic, except certain services (e.g. http). I have edited the block zone that comes shipped with ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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Firewalld fails on completely new Debian 12 server

My Debian 12 Bookworm VPS was running firewalld 1.3.0-1 without problems. Due to unrelated issues, I had to rebuild the server, and now firewalld fails. I use ansible, so the configuration should be ...
lonix's user avatar
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How to create trap with Firewalld

I'd like to set up the following logic using firewalld When a host attempts to access the server from the internet on port 22: DROP and add their IP to an ipset called "trap" (with 24 hour ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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Forward local http port to external device using firewalld on Ubuntu 23.04

I have an external device A that advertises a HTTP server at port 80. It is fixed at address I can view the HTTP server at on my local network from any other ...
Ryan Friedman's user avatar
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why isn't firewalld blocking ports that aren't open?

I have the following zone for my internal network: internal (active) target: default ingress-priority: 0 egress-priority: 0 icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: enp1s0f0 sources: ...
Tom B's user avatar
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Difficulty with Firewalld Blocking Traffic in Absence of IPTABLES Data

I have noticed that Firewalld is actively blocking incoming and outgoing connections, which is causing disruptions in my network communication. However, upon checking the system, I discovered that no ...
UME's user avatar
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Limit connections to private network with firewalld and wireguard in point to site

I am trying to limit VPN access to a private network running in Openstack. The wireguard server is inside the private network and the traffic is routed to its private ip address from Openstack. Inside ...
prototyp's user avatar
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Different ways to reload or restart Firewalld

To reload firewalld I could use: firewall-cmd --reload or firewall-cmd --complete-reload How do those differ from: systemctl reload firewalld and systemctl restart firewalld
lonix's user avatar
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What is the INPUT_direct chain in firewalld?

In many firewalld config examples I see mention of the normal INPUT iptables chain, as well as one named INPUT_direct. e.g. $ sudo firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT_direct 0 \ # etc....
lonix's user avatar
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firewalld config without interface declaration

In my custom firewalld zone file, I defined various ports, and this: <interface name="eth0"/> The firewall works as expected, whether I include that or not. Is it strictly necessary? ...
lonix's user avatar
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Logging of "direct" iptables rules with firewalld

I'm using firewalld with the iptables backend. I added "direct" rules for ssh connection limiting: sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=22/tcp sudo firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter ...
lonix's user avatar
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Testing rate limiting rules in firewalld

I want to rate limit ssh connections per IP to a server running firewalld. Suppose my sshd listens on port 2222, and I want to limit ssh connections per IP to 3 per minute. I tried: sudo firewall-cmd -...
lonix's user avatar
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Different port forwarding for https and wss (Websocket) using firewalld

Currently I setup port forwarding for a nodejs server such that all http requests (using tcp protocol) get redirected from port 80 to 3000, and all https requests (using tcp) get redirected from port ...
VIVEK's user avatar
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Debian 11 firewalld+nftables rules not taking effect

Update: after commenting out the line in /etc/hosts that is kinda like # my-host and rebooting, the firewall does open the expected ports. I thought to do this because, ...
elliotta's user avatar
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firewalld SSH closed ports still logging failed login attempts

Setting up a new VPS with almalinux. I've set up firewalld with the following settings target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: sources: services: dhcpv6-client http https ...
esseestpercipi's user avatar
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Script to stop and start firewalld at boot

I have a ticketing system website connecting to a back-end database on my LAN through a Wireguard VPN tunnel. The front end web server is an Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS VPS and if I reboot the server (which is ...
mr buffy's user avatar
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fail2ban ipset proper setup of jail.conf

My understanding is that running Fail2ban using ipset is faster. To that end: I downloaded and installed per instructions (modified for Fedora 37) ritsu/ipset-fail2ban from Git. My banaction is still ...
WSpivak's user avatar
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oracle19c - Port 1521 open on remote VM and visible in netstat, but cannot ping with telnet

I am running into some issues while trying to access a remove oracle db 19.3. The VM (CentOS 7) is located inside GCP Cloud and I can ping it on other ports (22), but i cannot connect to the database ...
Flavian Rotaru's user avatar
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Wierd firewalld block after recent update, Centos Stream 9, blocks icmp replies as invalid state

I am running Centos Stream 9 on VMware. I recently used dnf update and now there is a weird problem that some ping-replies are stopped by the firewalld. If I stop the firewall, ping works ok. The ...
Teemu Sa's user avatar
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Do firewalld rich-rules apply irrespective of the allowed services in a zone?

Context: I have firewalld running on an AWS EC2. Goal: I want to add a rich rule to the default zone (public) that allows traffic from a certain CIDR range/IP address range/subnet over port 443 (HTTPS)...
Prithvi Boinpally's user avatar
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exclude a subnet from a firewalld zone?

We have a, historically grown, rather complicated network layout, forcing me to build complex and hard-to-manage firewalld zones. One thing that would really help me is if there was a way to exclude ...
Kevin Keane's user avatar
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Firewalld Allow 1 ip address from a subnet and drop the rest

I am using firewalld to control access to my AlmaLinux 8 server. I have several subnets defined as sources in the DROP zone and it seems to work well. I am wondering if is easily possible to allow ...
El_Tel's user avatar
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Firewalld enable but need restart it again after reboot

I have rocky 8 PHP 8.1 Apache/2.4.37 (rocky) Firewalld blocking thousands and thousands of IP's enable with firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=block --add-source=ipset:block_ips When I reboot the server ...
pata2004's user avatar
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firewalld apply interface zone after ipset zone match

I have a firewalld setup with two zones. One zone, some-ips-allowed, is used to permit traffic from specific IP networks on some ports: some-ips-allowed (active) target: default icmp-block-...
rubikonx9's user avatar
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Keepalived split brain issue

I have issue with keepalived on Oracle Linux 8. The VIP is assigned to both nodes and both nodes are in MASTER mode. My keepalived configuration is: Node 1 cat /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf ...
zerozg's user avatar
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Rocky Linux 8 Blocking SIP traffic

I am having trouble with Rocky Linux blocking SIP traffic from an external LAN. If I send a SIP message from external LAN, it reaches the server but the message doesnt get passed to the application. ...
FredBloggs78's user avatar
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Can RHEL8 / Rocky8 allow sshd + imap connections by hostname pattern (like tcp_wrappers)?

We have used tcp_wrappers for many years that has allowed an extra level of protection by only allowing sshd connections matching a hostname pattern. Simplified example: # hosts.deny This file ...
Stickley's user avatar
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Established TCP connection but no data is returned

I'm running a simple registry with podman and bind it to a local private IP address. podman container create \ --name insecure-registry \ --privileged=True \ --env REGISTRY_HTTP_ADDR=
Rabin's user avatar
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firewall-cmd block outgoing connection to an ip list

I have searched a lot about this, this is possible to have many of these commands one for each ip: /usr/bin/firewall-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d ::FFFF: -j REJECT /...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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firewalld/iptables deny before allow

I'm using a pretty straightforward firewalld rule set: public (active) target: default icmp-block-inversion: no interfaces: eno1 sources: services: dhcpv6-client mdns rdp ssh ports: 25565/...
Ed Greenberg's user avatar
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fail2ban - one IP banned multiple times by multiple jails - errors in log durin unbanning

I make few similar jails for different ports... jail names: http_https_deny, dns_deny, ftp_deny, smtp_pop3_deny, ssh_deny here firewalld and fail2ban settings for http_https_deny(other almost same, ...
it_buddha's user avatar
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Firewalld apply port redirection from rootless Podman containers to host

Is there a way to redirect ports for traffic that originates from the host or a Podman container and is destined for the host or another Podman container using Firewalld? My use case: I am hosting a ...
Nick Lauder's user avatar
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firewalld in RHEL9 -do I have to whitelist sources on public zone now?

we've just built our first webserver on RHEL9 (alma linux 9.1) being used to RHEL 7 (centos 7) mostly. the firewalld config all seems the same, but when setting up our usual security setup of: https (...
Ian Richens's user avatar
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How to create access point or virtual access point in Fedora server 37 to access localhost too

Hi I am trying to create an access point in ideal case virtual access point in Fedora server 37. I can create a simple AP for wifi to LAN(wlp7s0 -> enp1s0 in my case) using these commands and I can ...
Openstack's user avatar
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firewalld stopping for no reason

I have a Red Hat 8 server. On it, I have used firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https to enable public traffic to the server. When I systemctl start firewalld, this works as ...
Migwell's user avatar
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In centos7 using iptables how to allow port 3306 for only specific ip

I'm trying to setup a rule in iptables where I allow port 3306 with only specific ip. tried this below command, not working. any help could be appreciated. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s 122.16.69....
Kani's user avatar
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Assign outlet IP for a libvirt VM using routed network

My host network interface has got two IPs. Currently, I'm running my VMs in a routed network. Host's network interface is a member of public zone in firewalld, with both forward and masquerade enabled....
Yu Ling's user avatar
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unable to ssh into guest OS (openBSD) from host (fedora) via port forwarding on kvm

The guest OS is running on ip address I am able to ssh into the machine via this ip address [kabira@linux ~]$ ssh [email protected] [email protected]'s password: But when ...
Kabira  K's user avatar
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Webmin support for Firewalld

I have configured routers/firewalls several times in the past with nftables. I'm now setting up a Linux router that will be managed by other people with less experience, so I figured Webmin would be ...
Ex Umbris's user avatar
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firewalld: interface autonomously changing zones

I have an RHEL8 system serving as a Docker Swarm worker node. It has firewalld enabled, and has a docker zone to which the docker0 and docker_gwbridge interfaces are assigned. $ cat /etc/firewalld/...
Aron's user avatar
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rhel 9, firewalld(nftables backend), libvirt and custom bridges, masquerading not working

I have a remote server with one network interface, which has a public IP address (enp5s0). I've created an isolated network as follows: <network> <name>LAN-bridge</name> <uuid&...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do debug nft_table allow rule thats contradictory

I have some nftable rules in the inet firewalld table chain filter_FWD_policy_externalTolxc { jump filter_FWD_policy_externalTolxc_pre jump ...
user22866's user avatar
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Centos 7 firewalld refuses to stop running

Checking the service shows the following: firewalld.service Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad) Active: inactive (dead) So i tried forcing it to shutdown [root@localhost ~]# ps aux |grep firewalld ...
Servs's user avatar
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Running firewalld on fresh AlmaLinux 9 CHAIN_USER_DEL CHAIN_ADD failed

Trying to run firewalld on a fresh AlmaLinux 9 VPS (OpenVZ). Only did the ff. so far: dnf upgrade systemctl start firewalld systemctl enable firewalld systemctl status firewalld I am immediately ...
IMB's user avatar
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NAT'ing a specific port not working on Ubuntu, works correctly on Fedora

We have previously been running Fedora instances but for a few reasons we have needed to move over to Ubuntu based distros. Previously, we have used the following firewalld rules in order to NAT ...
william00179's user avatar
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Centos7: Firewalld port 80 not being blocked

Why am I able to telnet to my machine on port 80 when I do not have http or port 80 opened and there are no services listening on port 80? sudo firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=public public (active) ...
Dr.Tautology's user avatar
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Trouble mounting an NFS mount-point on a firewall system which works perfectly on other internal systems: How do I find the cause?

This is on Fedora Core 35: This environment is mature and has a few systems that are called either firewalls or gateways, and for the first time, we want to do an NFS share to one of these systems. ...
Richard T's user avatar
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