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2 answers

How to use modsecurity with lighttpd

I'm not an expert and I'm looking to use modsecurity with lighttpd Can someone explain me how to compile or install modsecurity for lighttpd because I can't find any documentation online
freeze's user avatar
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CentOS 7 lighttpd startup failed

I'm running CentOS 7 and when I start lighttpd, it showed status [OK], but when I check the status, it does not actually run. There isn't much information on the startup log, but here is it: [root@...
Teddybugs's user avatar
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Lighttpd stops writing to access.log

I have this issue with my lighttpd installation where logging to access.log will cease once the default log-rotating software erases my access.log after copying it to access.log-YYYYMMDD. I have to ...
Nick's user avatar
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SELinux policy issue

As qemu & KVM are working fine with SELinux out of the box I'd like to enable SELinux to improve guest isolation on my CentOS 6 server. The problem is that I'm using a 3rd parity virtualization ...
justlovingIT's user avatar
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lighttpd behind pound gets "connection timed out" error when using browser other than Chrome

Please help me diagnose a problem. I had a working website (WordPress) for the last 6 months working just fine. No updates or new installations have been made in the server. Today users complain ...
supercoco's user avatar
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Installing lighttpd on CentOS 6.3 yum 404 errors

I have a CentOS 6.3 x86_64 server and I am trying to install lighttpd. I have installed the EPEL repo on the server using the following: rpm -Uvh
Luke's user avatar
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3 answers

PHP 5.3 and Lighttpd?

I currently have a couple of servers, running CentOS: Lighttpd/MySQL/Php5.1.x - because that's the PHP version that installs with Yum. The problem is that 5.1.x is out of date (by a long time) and in ...
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centos server - basic troubleshooting steps

I have a VPS server running CentOS - it's been great for about a year but has just got a little flaky, going down every couple of days and requiring a reboot. I was hoping you could offer me any ...
Syntax Error's user avatar
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Tomcat & lighttpd/apache on same CentOS server

I'm wondering whether it would be possible to setup Tomcat 6 (for hosting Confluence) and either lighttpd or Apache (for PHP things) on the same machine. Ideally I want to have the root be PHP and /...
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4 answers

How to scale beyond 150 page views per minute?

I have a Facebook app written in PHP. It has 150 page views per minute and will have up to 300 page views per minute till end of this year. While getting more PV I start to have problems with ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
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2 answers

CentOS 5.0 with Ligthttpd notices high traffic without reason

I have a CentOS 5 with Lightppd installed. Also I have MySQL on board. I lately discovered high traffic: Could you please tell me how to diagnose ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
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Strange Centos 5 Lighttpd access log

I've investigated my Lighttpd access log and found some strange things listed below. I do not know if it's good or bad, but bearshare? I was never or these sites I use my Centos only for website ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar