Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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Is possible return a static page in https virtual host using lighttpd?

It seems like redirect is not done. If I put URL https://test2/static_page in browser it works but if I put https://test1 don't redirect SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { $HTTP["...
Aprendiz's user avatar
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Lighttpd CGI downloads .py instead of running it

I have two CGI test scripts in lighttpd. When I open Bash http://host/cgi-bin/ URL I get a valid response from the script. But when I open Python http://host/cgi-bin/ the file is ...
jackhab's user avatar
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lighttpd: ajax request prints the content of cgi script instead of running it

I am using lighttpd version 1.4.55 within an ARM environment. I created an HTML pages in which there is a button used to download some json data. This button trigger a submit form that calls a cgi ...
marco's user avatar
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lighttpd 1.4.46+ serve specific file based on $HTTP["useragent"]

I have a lighttpd server version 1.4.46+ on Linux which serves file1.xml and file2.xml from htdocs directory as is. There are clients that request these files, each of those send a User-Agent header ...
FearDC's user avatar
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How to enable PHP caching on lighttpd 1.4 with ubuntu?

I know that in PHP 8.1 I can use php-opcache that will be enabled in php.ini. How to adjust opcache to lighttpd after that?
Грузчик's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of virtualhosts lighttpd can handle?

What is the maximum number of VirtualHosts a single lighttpd instance can handle? I'd like to confirm some numbers before deploying lighttpd for production. Here's a similar question for the old ...
fpemud's user avatar
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How do I get lighttpd access log to stdout?

I am running lighttpd in a docker container on Ubuntu (as a service that must always be up in my traefik setup). My docker-compose.yml contains: lighttpd: image: sebp/lighttpd container_name:...
gctwnl's user avatar
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404 error with lighttpd and unable to get lighttpd access.log and error.log working under docker compose

I am a beginner with traefik, lighttpd, docker compose, and I am trying to get logging working for lighttpd under docker compose. My lighttpd.conf file contains: server.modules = ( "...
gctwnl's user avatar
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"Failed to open stream: Permission denied" Lighttpd on Ubuntu (VM Ware)

The situation is, I have written some code in PHP to write JSON file in the server(Lighttpd) the code is '''<?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { function get_data() { $...
techie's user avatar
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Trying to access lighttpd sever in other pc

So, I've this situation: I have recently installed Lighttpd in ubuntu (In VM Ware), I am trying to bind the IP to the Lighttpd server and access that IP address (from a browser) in my other system (...
techie's user avatar
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Lighttpd WARNING: unknown config-key: proxy.forwarded (ignored)

I encountered an error that proxy.forwarded is an unknown key I already enabled mod_proxy on my configuration. Here is my config server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_accesslog&...
Falcon Ryu's user avatar
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opensuse php fpm lighttpd 403 is it a permissions-issue

So far I have configured php-fpm configured and is up and running listening to port 9000 lighttpd is running and serves static files the problem that I have seems to be a permissions issue, so i chmod ...
garsev's user avatar
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Configure Website Names on LLighttpd Alpine Linux

It has been a long time since I have done any hosting on Linux, and it that was on CentOS and Apache. I am working on creating some sites on an Alpine server running Lighttpd. Reviewing the config ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Lighttpd Not Printing Errors for 500 anywhere?

i'm trying to use lighttpd as a simple "alive" server for some nodes i have running. However, the script I'm running throws 500 errors non-deterministically, and i can't find them anywhere. ...
aronchick's user avatar
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Lighttpd mod_fastcgi respond only if conf file is using root url pattern

I have running lighttpd 1.4.59 on Lubuntu 21.10. My lighttpd.conf contains: fastcgi.server = ( "/" => (( "bin-path" => "/var/www/html/script.fcgi", ...
Грузчик's user avatar
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Lighttpd URL and host matching and include-file spanning (is it possible?)

I have an interesting condition resolution problem to resolve and have not had luck with on-line searching and looking through documentation for lighttpd yet. Many of those searches led to similar ...
Bernd Wechner's user avatar
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Lighttpd Execute ./cgi-bin/index.cgi if exists in the folder

BusyBox httpd executes the ./cgi-bin/index.cgi if it exists. This is similar to index.php but with the /cgi-bin/ folder. So for example I have the structure: /api/ cgi-bin/index.cgi /blog/ cgi-bin/...
Sergey Ponomarev's user avatar
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Lighttpd - Redirect HTTPS 443 to HTTPS 123

I have HTTPS working for a local instance of Lighttpd. But I'm wanting to redirect: -> -> My ...
Sean Delaney's user avatar
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Lighttpd reverse proxy to another server faild

I am trying lighttpd as a reverse proxy (v1.4.53) lighttpd.conf: $HTTP["url"] =~ "(^/example/)" { proxy.header = ("map-urlpath" => ( "/example/" => &...
hukaka818's user avatar
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Nextcloud: Failed to open stream: Permission denied

I'm installing Nextcloud on a FreeBSD system and I'm using lighttpd behind a nginx reverse proxy with terminal SSL. lighttpd is able to serve static html files and can serve index.php, but without any ...
Luis's user avatar
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lighttpd security without htaccess

I have a webserver with limited resources and therefore I decided to use lighttpd as my webserver software. However, I notice now that it does not recognizes apache .htaccess files. Most of the ...
Thom's user avatar
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Check FastCGI-enabled version of lighttpd

I have installed lighttpd and added script.fcgi to /var/www/html/ with chown and chmod and edited etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf like mentioned below and got: 2021-06-09 22:05:27: server.c.1513) server ...
Владимир Смирнов's user avatar
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Lighthttp FastCGI unable to start due to permission denied on Linux Mint 20

I get that in /var/log/lighttpd/error.log after start attempt: 2021-04-04 14:47:21: (server.c.1488) server started (lighttpd/1.4.55) 2021-04-04 14:47:21: (gw_backend.c.1404) invalid "bin-path&...
Грузчик's user avatar
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503 service unavailable with high loads when using php7.3-fpm and lighttpd 1.4.53 connected via UNIX sockets instead of TCP

I recently switched my php7.3-fpm configuration to use UNIX Sockets instead of listening at localhost:9000. This solved a lag problem (every now and then I had requests that took over a second for no ...
SDwarfs's user avatar
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accessing dedicate server.document-root in lighttpd returns 404

I have a default lighttpd installation with server.document-root = /var/www/html /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf server.modules = ( "mod_indexfile", "mod_access", "...
papanito's user avatar
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Lighttpd Client Certificate Authentication

I'm trying to enable client certificate authentication with lighttpd using my own internal windows CA's. Disclaimer: I'm still very new to PKI :D I have an offline root CA and a subordinate CA in my ...
poppopretn's user avatar
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Serve ports through URL using lighttpd

Settings and goal On a raspberry pi, I'm running a Lighttpd server (version: lighttpd/1.4.53 (ssl)). This server was initially installed by pi-hole, a DNS I'm starting to use to manage my network. I ...
Dan Chaltiel's user avatar
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Cross platform reverse proxy with lighttpd

I have a website domain hosted on lighttpd 1.4 server configured with server.port = 8080 that is on a device (A) with local IP and I want to get to use a reverse proxy ...
AndreaF's user avatar
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Lighttpd Port/Proxy Alias Redirect

I am trying to redirect an alias to an internal port. [https]:// ---> [http]://localhost:10000 The configuration entry I currently have just changes the URL to [https]://
Will Roberts's user avatar
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Why won't lighttpd restart despite having correct permissions?

systemctl status lighttpd ● lighttpd.service - Lightning Fast Webserver With Light System Requirements Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lighttpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) ...
Jason's user avatar
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Lighttpd 1.4.45 - HTTP to HTTPS redirects not replacing ${url.authority}${url.path}${qsa}

I tried to reconfigured my lighttpd to automatically relocate any HTTP requests to HTTPS requests. To do this, I found the following config snipped in the Lighttpd Redmine Wiki: $HTTP["scheme&...
SDwarfs's user avatar
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Lighttpd proxy, and letsencrypt renewal

I need some help on this subject. I have many domains in the same lighttpd config, and I will move to letsencrypt cert, so I'm simulating on a dummy server. I have the following: $HTTP["url"]...
Pedro Padilha's user avatar
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lighttp seems to be caching license file but don't know why

I'm using certbot to generate SSL certs for my website. I had an issue (because of cron script error and out of date python2, now resolved) where auto-update didn't work. I now have up to date license ...
danmcb's user avatar
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Lighttpd alpine container logging

The context is that I want to serve a static website inside a docker container so I can have some dedicated metrics, and I want the logs to use stdout/stderr. To do that I thought of using Lighttpd ...
VascoCC's user avatar
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Problems with WEBDAV on lighttpd

I've setup webdav on lighttpd but I'm getting a Cannot open collection - 404 not found when I try to access the share through cadaver. My lines for the vhost and share are as follows: $HTTP["...
user3670606's user avatar
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Error in config trying to setup webdav in lighttpd

I'm trying to setup webdav on lighttpd but I'm getting a lighttpd.conf: parser failed somewhere near here at end-of-file. The webdav config is at the end of the file: here it is- $HTTP["host&...
user3670606's user avatar
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LIGHTTPD PHPMYADMIN How can I configure PhpMyAdmin to only work on a specific Subdomain

So I have a small server with Lighttpd and I have installed PhpMyAdmin on it. This is the default configuration. The Computer is accessible from the Internet on Port 80. How can I make phpMyAdmin to ...
Max Muster's user avatar
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PHP & lighttpd: Cannot access POST data

I am running PHP 7.2 fpm with lighttpd/1.4.53 on Raspbian. My goal is to upload image files through HTTP POST - But whatever I post to the script, the $_POST, $_FILES, $_REQUEST superglobals are just ...
Aileron79's user avatar
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How to configure lighttpd to serve an Angular 8 application?

I would like to run an Angular 8 app on lighttpd webserver installed on a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately the app stops loading immediately leaving a blank browser screen. No error in browser console, no ...
mwalter's user avatar
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Lighttpd/Nginx Non-Functional

I'm using the Blackboard AMI from AWS and can't get the lighttpd to function on it. I continually get 502s. I've run service lighttpd status which gave me back: ● lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon ...
user3783243's user avatar
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Lighttpd - can be run, but not showing up as service on Ubuntu

I've got a little Atom box that I'm running Xubuntu (18.04.3 LTS Ubuntu with Xfce) on and I've got lighttpd up and going by adjusting the port number in the conf file (to avoid a collision with Apache ...
user3055321's user avatar
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Merge different web services to one port

I have different web services running on different ports (on one Linux host): (Flask) (Ruby) ... How can I access them through a common port (80)...
Vincent Alex's user avatar
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Cannot redirect/proxy from Apache to lighttpd server

I have a home server that is accessible from outside with a static IP and port http://<homeip>:10001. This is a Lighttpd server. I also own a website with Apache, I've ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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PHP curl_exec failing with HTTPS

I have a wordpress site that its failing. I tracked the issue and I found that is due to curl_exec() failing with HTTPS sites. I'm running php 5.6 in a Alpine Linux v3.8 container with lighttpd. The ...
lepe's user avatar
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What’s the meaning of “(?i)” in Lighttpd rewrite rule?

This article : mentions : $HTTP["referer"] =~ ".*BADDOMAIN\.com.*|.*IMAGESUCKERDOMAIN\.com.*|.*blogspot\.com.*" { ...
Httqm's user avatar
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Trying to deploy my flask web app using lighttpd

I'm trying to deploy my flask web app using lighttpd. I created this hello.fcgi file #!/usr/bin/python from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer from hello import app if __name__ == '__main__': ...
user8481790's user avatar
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lighttpd 1.4: Include scheme in www-to-no-www redirect config, with path exclusion

I'm using lighttpd 1.4.45 on a Debian-based system and have the 10-no-www.conf (from /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-no-www.conf in the lighttpd package) in use to redirect "www.<something>" to "...
Thomas Perl's user avatar
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Lighttpd: Expose files in a directory only through chosen URL pattern

Background I have a web page X, which I would like to serve through only through URLs matching /X/${UUID}, where UUID is a random UUID which I give to a person. I have come up with a solution which ...
justinpc's user avatar
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Lighttpd Reverse Proxy with SSL/HTTPS

I am trying configure Lighttpd to redirect/handle port-specific requests to a subdomain. I can access my plex server via I would like that to be redirected to https://...
Will Roberts's user avatar
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Lighttpd Stops Responding, Has to Be Restarted

Lighttpd web server, lighttpd was shutting down with the error: [note] sockets disabled, out-of-fds I updated to the newest build of lighttpd, updated fd limits, and now lighttpd does not shut ...
the.s.brom's user avatar

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