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1 answer

lighttpd: ajax request prints the content of cgi script instead of running it

I am using lighttpd version 1.4.55 within an ARM environment. I created an HTML pages in which there is a button used to download some json data. This button trigger a submit form that calls a cgi ...
marco's user avatar
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2 answers

lighttpd security without htaccess

I have a webserver with limited resources and therefore I decided to use lighttpd as my webserver software. However, I notice now that it does not recognizes apache .htaccess files. Most of the ...
Thom's user avatar
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1 answer

Why won't lighttpd restart despite having correct permissions?

systemctl status lighttpd ● lighttpd.service - Lightning Fast Webserver With Light System Requirements Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lighttpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) ...
Jason's user avatar
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linux/lighttpd: setting umask for webdav?

I'm running lighttpd on my linux server. I have set up webdav, and I want to set the umask to a specific value only for the webdav site, and not for any other sites running under my lighttpd server. ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to disable lighttpd access log?

I'm using lighttpd and access.log is increasing too fast. Is there a good way to disable access log? At the lighttpd.conf seems that is possible to disable "mod_accesslog" in the "server.modules", ...
user376025's user avatar
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CentOS 7 lighttpd startup failed

I'm running CentOS 7 and when I start lighttpd, it showed status [OK], but when I check the status, it does not actually run. There isn't much information on the startup log, but here is it: [root@...
Teddybugs's user avatar
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1 answer

convert lighttpd to nginx rewrite rules

I'm trying hard to make my code work on nginx. This configuration works with lighttpd but I want migrate it to nginx. Rewrite rules on lighttd : url.rewrite-once = ( "^/(ui)/(.*)$" => "/gi.php/$...
user3355434's user avatar
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How to convert RewriteCond rules so they work in Lighttpd?

How can I convert this Apache rewrite rules so they work on Lighttpd? This is in fact a .htaccess file, and I need to put those in a lighttpd.conf file. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on ...
user3126896's user avatar
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Balancing server bandwith

I am working on a file uploading website. It will be run on dedicated server with 1GBPS connection. I wanna offer visitors max download speed possible at the current moment. So lets say server can ...
user2976389's user avatar
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PHP processes keep overwhelming my server, eating up the CPU and making it lock up :(

I have a Debian Squeeze Lighttpd server with PHP and MySQL, and also with XCache and Varnish set up. I am quite new to this, but have tried as hard as I can to resolve this problem with no success. ...
Wave's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd: weird behavior on multiple rewrite rule matches

I have a 20-rewrite.conf for my php application looking like this: $HTTP["host"] =~ "" { url.rewrite-once += ( "^/(img|css)/.*" => "$0", ".*" => "/my_app.php"...
netmikey's user avatar
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1 answer

mono 3.0.2 + xsp + lighttpd delivers empty page

I needed MVC 4 (and basic .NET 4.5) support so I downloaded mono 3.0.2 and deployed it on an lighttpd 1.4.28 installation, together with xsp-2.10.2 (was the latest I could find). After going through ...
Nefal Warnets's user avatar
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2 answers

lighttpd redirect certain links to certain urls

Could someone tell me how / why is this redirect not working? $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*\\.mydomain\\.com" { url.redirect = ( "/index\.php\?pg=mysql" => "
Valentin Bajrami's user avatar
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Lighttpd mod_accesslog not logging fastcgi requests

I have recently installed a lighttpd for serving a python script via mod_fastcgi. Everything works fine except that I don't get the requests handled by mod_fastcgi logged in the access.log file (...
Ponytech's user avatar
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file_get_contents url wrappers work on cli but not cgi

I have a big problem. I have just upgraded to a new dedicated server running Plesk 10, and Ubuntu 11.04 and my scripts can't run file_get_contents or curl to external urls in cgi mode. ...
Liam Bailey's user avatar
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2 answers

Samba permissions for copied files

I have Samba running on a plug computer running Debian Squeeze which I'm trying to configure to act as a web-based file server. The machine runs Lighttpd for the web server, and Samba for the file ...
jon's user avatar
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2 answers

Lighttpd based server issues crop up when port forwarding

I have four host computers running lighttpd webservers. they are sitting behind a hspa modem, which each occupying a http port between [81 - 84]. 80 is taken by the modem itself. The port forwarding ...
michael's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is nginx good for dynamic content?

I want an alternative for apache, lighthttpd has memory leaks problems so i can't go for it, i keep reading that nginx is good for static content but is it good for php-mysql dynamic video sharing ...
user's user avatar
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lighttpd: opening errorlog failed: Permission denied

this happens when I restart the lighttpd and it backups the old log and creates new one. Is there any way so I don't have to changed permissions or ownership for that file every time the server is ...
Radek's user avatar
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PHP-FPM wasting CPU 100%

I ran ab -n 100 -c 10 to test the lighttpd-php-fpm performances. In this websites I have installed the last version of wordpress, the server is fast! I'm ...
Dail's user avatar
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Segmentation fault lighttpd

Hey guys, I can't figure this out, when I add the fastcgi module to lighttpd when I try to connect to a php page, I get a segmentation fault error. Nothing is in the error log, and nothing else is ...
Jess's user avatar
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Analyzing a loaded lighttpd server serving from NFS

Context: Server is a CentOS 5.2 x86_64 virtual machine with vmxnet3 ifaces, running on VSphere 4.1 on a Nehalem-based server (which is at half cpu and memory capacity according to the VCenter) with a ...
David142's user avatar
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4 answers

Lighttpd Virtual Host Error

gah, I just noticed, the lighttpd config is somehow corrupted. It was literally working fine 3 hours ago. Starting lighttpd: Undefined config variable: var.home_dir 2010-08-29 17:29:31: (configfile.c....
H4Z3Y's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd start/stop/restart script doesn't work

I want to restart lighttpd using */lighttpd restart command, but nothing happens, no message, error, just a new cli line waiting for command. I've examined lighttpd file and lighttpd.conf and they ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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2 answers

How to monitor streaming servers

I have had a bunch of Linux based streaming servers that employed lighttpd web server to provide video streaming via port 80. Recently, our service is very slow. Therefore, I would like to ask if ...
pcdinh's user avatar
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CentOS 5.0 with Ligthttpd notices high traffic without reason

I have a CentOS 5 with Lightppd installed. Also I have MySQL on board. I lately discovered high traffic: Could you please tell me how to diagnose ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
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What's the best way to secure lighttpd per fcgi-php app?

I have a machine with lighttpd and evhost setup. All the evhost contain various php apps like wordpress, drupal etc. If one of the php apps gets compromised the attacker will have access to all the ...
pielgrzym's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Memory usage of php-cgi processes is growing steadily

I'm trying to set up a web server on a VPS. My problem is that memory usage of php-cgi processes increases over time even though the website is not receiving any traffic at all. (it is behind a ...
John's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to handle encrypted and unencrypted http connections through a single port

Please, take a look at the following diagram. How should this work? When a remote requests http://* , the request should be forwarded to the http server that listens on port 8008 of ...
alemartini's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Lighttpd not cleanly restarting (address already in use)

When doing a dist-upgrade recently, my lighttpd-1.4.19 install on Ubuntu 8.0.4 has begun failing to restart or reload properly with the /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart command. ~$ sudo /etc/init.d/...
Ecton's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Recommend books/resources for this stack: linux, lighttpd, postgres, webpy

I'm trying to learn to run a simple server (and python simultaneously, but that's beside the point). The tutorials available at the websites of the aforementioned technologies were enough to get the ...
Instance Hunter's user avatar