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1 answer

epoll timeout configuration in lighttpd

Is there a configuration option to tune epoll timeout in lighttpd? I'm developing an embedded Linux (2.6) device, with lighttpd 1.4.30. And I'm observing the following issue: even when the system is ...
alexa's user avatar
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1 answer

Rule of thumb in RAM estimate for static pages? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Web Sites I've seen tutorials saying they can run decent websites on 64MB RAM (Debian/Lighttpd/PHP/MySQL) however it's not ...
IMB's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Replacing Apache2.2 with lighttpd 1.4 to speedup. Fine tuning?

I am trying to reduce memory usage and increase speed. I am serving a small webservice that receives a max of 800 hits/sec and an average of 400 hits/sec. The server is a 2 xeon dual core 3.0GHz with ...
Don Viegues's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

keep-alive or not keep-alive

My company is launching a new website with potentially large waves of visitors in very short windows (estimate is around 14k visitors in a 2 minutes window). So, I'm reviewing our configuration, and ...
Julien Vehent's user avatar
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Why is Nginx so slow at serving static files with this configuration, and not lighttpd?

We wanted to switch all our servers from lighttpd to nginx but while the Web server migration went fine, the static files server migration was disastrous. We ended up with up to 10 seconds of latency ...
Bite code's user avatar
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1 answer

Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Lighttpd: PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN correct value

I'm running Lighttpd on 256MB RAM VPS (with low estimated traffic). In order to optimize my server performances I decided to change these settings: "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "1", ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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3 answers

real-time server connections monitor

Is there any way to see in real-time the connections to my server and through which domains ? Without having to inspect the access.log file, I would like to run a monitor in the shell instead. ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Another benefit of Lighttpd in front of Apache

I have read in a site that another benefit of having Lighttpd in front of Apache is lower number of child processes. Lighttpd will handle keep-alive and client requests while child processes of Apache ...
abednegoyulo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Serve static images from lighttpd and php from apache?

So I have 2 IP Addresses, and running apache on ipaddress #1 ( What I was thinking, was pointing to ipaddress #2, and running lighthttpd for images and javascript. ...
Kladskull's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

The Current State Of Serving a PHP 5.x App on the Apache, LightTPD & Nginx Web Servers?

Being stuck in a MS stack architecture/development position for the last year and a half has prevented me from staying on top of the world of open source stack based web server's recent evolution more ...
Gregory Kornblum's user avatar
0 votes
7 answers

High performance web server with no database interactivity

I'm getting ready to setup a server that will be responsible for tracking statistical data from a high volume traffic source. It will be handling requests at about 6-7mil/hour on average, all of ...
Tom's user avatar
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