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Cannot redirect/proxy from Apache to lighttpd server

I have a home server that is accessible from outside with a static IP and port http://<homeip>:10001. This is a Lighttpd server. I also own a website with Apache, I've ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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Redirect http and ssl requests on 50001, 50002 to localhost ports lighttpd

I have a http server running on localhost:50001 and a ssl enabled server on localhost:50002, my root domain is say lighttpd serves a directory when is requested. I need to ...
Harwee's user avatar
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Lighttpd Proxy -> Apache SVN mod_dav_svn - Stuck via command line but works in browser

I have a confusing problem. I have installed a long time ago Apache 2.4 with mod_dav_svn to be able to access my repos via https urls. It all works fine with Apache only. Now i switched to lighttpd ...
Brain Foo Long's user avatar
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Lighttpd and Discourse (Docker): configuring mod_proxy

I have trouble configuring Lighttpd to serve the various services hosted on my server. Lighttpd acts as a front, and I have several DNS records, each for a different subdomain, redirecting to the same ...
Silver Quettier's user avatar
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How do I configure lighttpd to serve static documents and proxy requests to a cluster of Rails app servers?

I'm trying to configure lighttpd so that it serves static documents of my Ruby on Rails app, and also routes requests to my Ruby on Rails app servers. This is the configuration I have so far: $HTTP["...
Blaine Lafreniere's user avatar
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2 answers

Use lighttpd to access a website over a proxy

this is going to be my very first question. At our company we are using Squid as a proxy between our intranet and the internet. Now we have the need that a software package can't handle a proxy ...
mf6190's user avatar
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Lighttpd as tomcat proxy with static content serving

How can I configure Lighttpd to serve static content on specified URL address (eg. from specified directory (e.g. /var/www/my-domain/static) ? Rest of requests must be ...
michal.kreuzman's user avatar
5 votes
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Lighttpd proxy redirect by port

I'm really just starting out with lighttpd and I'm not sure how to configure this exactly. I'm wanting to take traffic and redirect to another server say "http://localhost/url_a/" and redirect the ...
daelious's user avatar
-1 votes
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Lighttpd rewite url from specific client when using proxy

I need to send all CGI request to another server so I decided to use it with proxy. The problem is that I need to send the client IP to the server so I did the following configuration: $HTTP["url"] =...
Hola Soy Edu Feliz Navidad's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to filter/edit web content using Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd?

Is it possible to use any of the following HTTP servers: Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd as a proxy to make the following: Disallow certain HTTP bodies (web pages) based on their content (e. g., words) ...
user444214's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Lighttpd proxy module - use with hostname

I have to proxy a site which is hosted on an external webspace through my lighty on My config so far: $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/webmail" { proxy.server = ("/webmail/" => ( # ...
gorootde's user avatar
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lighthttpd proxy reverse proxy

I have been looking for good easy to use examples for lighthttpd proxy reverse proxy. My idea is to take domain and forward/reverse proxy to ip port 80, whether it is a tomcat ...
Riaan's user avatar
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How can I proxy couchDB as a sub-diectory with lighttpd?

I have a sub-directory on my web server (lighttpd) that I want to point at a CouchDB instance running on the same machine. I tried using mod_proxy but it sends along the whole request, like a proxy ...
xj9's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache2 with lighttpd as proxy

I am using apache2 as web server. I would like to help him lighttpd as a proxy for static content. Unfortunately I can not well set up lighttpd and apache2. (OS: Debian) Important things from ...
user36022's user avatar
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2 answers

In an Apache + lighttpd setup, who should be the proxy?

In a setup where you use Apache for PHP / Python scripts and lighttpd for static files, but only one listens on the outside IP address and acts as a proxy to the other listening on the loopback ...
Hanno Fietz's user avatar
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