Questions tagged [raspbian]

Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debian optimized for the Raspberry Pi hardware.

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Stuck on OpenVPN Server with PiVPN: Can't Access GUI or SSH on PLCs – Need Guidance

I'm venturing into a bit of uncharted territory for me and need some assistance. I'm working on setting up an OpenVPN server on a Raspberry Pi using PiVPN, aiming to connect my work laptop remotely to ...
nray's user avatar
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Unattended-Upgrade sends status e-mail to wrong address

I have a strange error that I cannot figure out myself. I want unattended upgrades to send a status e-mail to a certain address. But somehow it always changes the "to" field in that email to ...
xronin's user avatar
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remove network discovered printers in cups web page

I am trying to remove network discovered from cups webpages. I am working on a cloud print service and run a raspbian bulleyes. I will have to deploy my system to customers and I want to remove every ...
Drumspirit's user avatar
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Redirect traffic in "sniff/tap?" mode to specific ip address(es), that is: rewrite destination headers to target other machine(s)

I have incoming traffic on eth1 (vlan id 201) which is emitted by another machine which is doing sudo tcpreplay -x 0.01 --loop=0 --intf1=eth12 Wireshark_bidirectional_data.pcap I would like to ...
Aleksandarf's user avatar
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Not able to receive email on postfix

So I am trying to set up a catchall forwarder using postfix on a pi using my own domain name and a ddns service. I followed this guide
David Greenberg's user avatar
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CORS handling for an external host serving source that connects to local socketServer

tldr; The idea is for a server to host javascript that connects to the connected-device's socketServer. MyDevice's Browser > http://myserver.local >'http://myDeviceIp:5000');...
Kevin Biesbrock's user avatar
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dhcpcd "carrier acquired" when wpa_supplicant stopped

A system I am working on was based on Debian Buster (via Raspberry Pi OS). I could shut down Wi-Fi by stopping wpa_supplicant, and it worked fine. I have now updated my system to be based on Debian ...
Richard Phillips's user avatar
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CUPS print server on Raspberry Pi Zero W: usb issue?

I am trying to setup a print server with a Raspbian installed on a Raspberry PI Zero W. The printer, connected via USB, is a mfp Samsung SCX-3400. I have setup everything and i can print, but the ...
Sandro B.'s user avatar
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Moving linux server from ARM to x86

I've got a RPi LAMP server; Apache alone drives our Nextcloud, Zabbix, Prestashop, Guacamole and few other - we're unhappy with the performance as my 1GBit fiber is wasting on RPi(only 100Mb/s) and ...
CRUDO's user avatar
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Route OpenVPN traffic via vNIC

I'm cracking my brains on the following, and I hope you guys can help me out. I'm trying to setup an OpenVPN server on a Raspbian distro. Since I'm also using this server as a DNS server in multiple ...
Trendhopper's user avatar
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How to determine if NTP has updated the time

I am on a Raspberry Pi and have a service that wants to know how inaccurate (ie - number of seconds) the system time is if the system time is off by at least one minute. When Raspberry Pi starts up, ...
icu222much's user avatar
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MULTI: bad source address from client [x.x.x.x], packet dropped

I had a running OpenVPN server on a RPi (buster, Debian 10). After upgrade it stopped working completely. Before that I had some issues with some public networks, which I did not investigate. When I ...
VPNer's user avatar
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Tentative of shh->rsync to wrong IP; potential security risk?

I have set up a little RPI backup 'server' (with rpi OS) on my LAN. I use it to create a backup of my main personal machine data using rsync, and I reach it from outside my network through SSH (key-...
maxechstack's user avatar
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ping, but no throughput to server via wireguard from raspberry pi

I have a wireguard setup with a dedicated root server machine acting as the vpn subnet`s server. As clients, I want to connect a lot of raspberry-pi clients (3&4) - all of them having their own ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Proper way to put http-server into background

I'm using raspbian on a pi Zero to serve a simple static HTML page with an index.js and some styling. I'm using the npm package http-server I've installed it globally.
user2402616's user avatar
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Dropbear has stopped accepting my SSH key

I have two Raspberry Pis, both running Raspbian Buster, both set up with full disk encryption, with dropbear (version 2018.76-5) to support remote unlocking of the disk encryption. This has been ...
Mark Raymond's user avatar
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Apache2 server PHP access to files outside document root

I have a Raspberry Pi that I use to host a web server. I am using apache2 2.4.38, php8.1 and MariaDB 15.1 and I wanted to add a Nextcloud server to it. I am using the web installer version. I already ...
thijmer's user avatar
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System performance of Rasperry Pi (running k8s) is very poor - how to debug?

Summary I'm running a slim homelab (Kubernetes cluster with few pods, Gitea, Drone, Docker Registry, and NFS share) on a 2-Pi4 cluster, and the system performance is poor. I've noted that the ...
scubbo's user avatar
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403 Forbidden on initial load after installing NextCloudPi

I am making this post mostly for awareness in case anyone else is having a similar issue. Story I am running nextcloudpi ( on a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB using the Debian Buster ...
Aaron Welborn's user avatar
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'pip3 freeze' and 'sudo pip3 freeze' are different

On my system (Raspbian Buster, raspberry pi CM4), packages installed with 'pip3 install ' are not available when I run 'sudo python3': $ pip3 freeze |grep numpy numpy==1.21.5 $ sudo python3 Python 3.7....
Almog-at-Nailo's user avatar
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ERR OpenVPN is not listening (Raspberry PI using pivpn)

I am trying to get my old pi running a VPN server so I can access local resources from outside my local network. Following the steps below: curl -L | bash Selecting default ...
Josh Morris's user avatar
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Forbidden ... denying access to be safe [closed]

Total n00b here. I'm running a LAMP stack using Raspbian OS on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. I tried googling around, but I couldn't find a thread that matched my issue. My jenga tower seemed pretty ...
didvids's user avatar
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Internal DNS without Wireguard "proxy" [closed]

Problem: Wireguard obfuscates DNS request, so all DNS lookups from devices connected via VPN are seen as coming from Wireguard server. This prevents me from setting up per-device DNS white/black lists....
PTwr's user avatar
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dd the entire SD card to one partition on HDD [closed]

This particular question is related to Raspberry Pi, but in fact, this is a general question. So, I have an SD card with RPI system running on it consisting of two partitions: Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 59.5 ...
ihorc's user avatar
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Kubeadm init fails, kubelet fails to start

I'm trying to set up a Kubernetes cluster on a set of raspberry pi 4s, I'm running into a issue with kubelet failing when running the kubeadm init command I0205 12:29:52.930582 5348 local.go:65] [...
Drfrink's user avatar
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Cannot transfer data from one specific system (MTU issue?)

Summary The default MTU value prevents data transfer for one system. Reducing it manually enables the data transfer once more, but this manual adjustment is unnecessary on an adjacent system. ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
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iptables: why are outgoing connections working even though no rules allow it

The INPUT and OUTPUT chain policies are set to DROP. Very few rules allowing only specific traffic between directly cable-connected devices. However, if I temporarily add a cable that goes to the ...
DiDiev's user avatar
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Can't start isc-dhcp-server due to error " AgentInitCheck: agent comms failure"

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 - Model B, and I'm trying to create an adapter from Wi-Fi to Ethernet using the Pi. I'm currently using this gist as a guide for how to create it, but I keep running into an ...
frissyn's user avatar
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Can a Raspberry Pi be a viable solution for a small company VPN server? [closed]

I would like to implement an OpenVPN server for a small business (~10 people). Since the company owns NAS that are located in their office, the VPN server should ideally be physically in the same ...
paupaulaz's user avatar
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Apache sends garbage response when requesting a .jpg

I am running Apache/2.4.38 (Raspbian). When requesting HTML and PHP everything works fine. When I request a .jpg file, apache seems to skip a few bytes at the beginning of the response header, and ...
Harald's user avatar
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Why is apache logging an internal IP when using an external domain? [closed]

I have a Raspberry Pi running which we're using in the office for small test projects we don't want on our main development server. It is running apache. The DNS is handled via Cloudflare, but in DNS ...
Leonard Challis's user avatar
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Enable UFW temporarily, not on boot?

Scenario: I am on a remote server, and if I set up UFW incorrectly, then I will be locked out without chance for easy recovery. So I want to start ufw and see if it works. If it doesn't, then I want ...
feklee's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package mosquitto [closed]

I'm trying to install the mosquitto package, but when I type sudo apt-get install mosquitto it returns E: Unable to locate package mosquitto. I already ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade....
Schneggl's user avatar
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openVPN TLS Error: TLS handshake failed but was previously working

I have an openvpn configured on my raspberrypi, I followed this guide: and everything was working fine for weeks. Suddenly a cupple days ago the ...
PAH's user avatar
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Getting Syslog to log to both syslog and custom log file

In syslog (Raspbian rsyslog swVersion="8.1901.0"), I am trying to match / filter a system msg containing a specific string BOTH to /var/log/syslog (default) AND to a custom separate log file,...
DJacobson's user avatar
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How to identify server providing wireless SSID name [closed]

First, a lot of background so that you'll hopefully understand the reason for the question. We had a catastrophic failure in our network - a surge that took out a couple of systems' network interfaces,...
Dennis 's user avatar
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Can I access an APFS drive plugged into a Pi over a network?

I have a SSD that's formatted for APFS Encrypted. I want to plug it into a Raspberry Pi and access it over a LAN from a Mac. However, as far as I know, there isn't a read / write driver for the Pi for ...
Ian Warburton's user avatar
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Bind9: Disable DNSSEC validation on per zone basis?

I am trying to make a caching / forwarding only DNS server using Bind9 with DNSSEC validation being enabled by default. Assume you have the following informations from my config file: acl "home-...
Lasse Michael Mølgaard's user avatar
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Kubernetes in RasPi 4B does not detect RAM

I'm trying to set up a Kubernetes cluster on a bunch of Raspberry Pi 4B nodes. I adopted the setup I use for my v-kube-cluster (Kubernetes in virtual boxed using vagrant). See
Sebastian Sommerfeld's user avatar
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ntpd synchronization not working

I'm running latest Raspbian Lite on Raspberry Pi 3 B. Just reinstalled ntpd completely and it doesn't synchronize time with upstream NTP servers at all. ntpdate -u works just ...
sq8l's user avatar
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overwriting default $PATH

I am trying to lock down regular users on a Raspbian installation. I'll be using rbash for that. I want to edit the PATH file so that only ~/bin files can be executed. I've stripped $PATH from /etc/...
Tuinslak's user avatar
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Exclude remote syslog client logs from /var/log/syslog on host machine

Background: I have a lil Raspberry Pi server running the latest Raspbian OS running a number of network appliances to help manage a complex IOT LAN for a client. I have been using rsyslog to write ...
kennnnnnnnneth's user avatar
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"fatal: unknown service: smtp/tcp" from postfix in docker using `start-fg`

I'm trying to get postfix working in a docker container on a raspberry pi. The following works ENTRYPOINT service rsyslog restart && service postfix restart && sleep 2s && tail ...
Simon's user avatar
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Use NGINX as reverse-proxy to another Nginx

I have a kubernetes pods with Nginx serving a static node.js website, with a load balancer IP When I browse, the static website is displayed correctly. I have a ...
Baptise's user avatar
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OpenVPN routing from server to client

I have two distant places each with a public IP and I want to make the LAN network of these places as if they were one. That is, the machines in place A can communicate with the machines in place B ...
Dariko77's user avatar
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Systemd python script won't log (buffer cause)?

Although the problem exposed here seems very similar, none of the solutions provided work. Context : Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspbian Lite (2020-08-20) I want to register a python3 script as a service, ...
nbonniot's user avatar
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Running django and gunicorn on raspberry pi

So I am trying to follow this here: except on the latest raspberry pi. I think ...
Codejoy's user avatar
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How to automatically set a default route on RPI when ppp0 (3G) connection is established?

I want to connect a RPI to the internet via an UMTS stick. I could get it working with some manual interaction. As the RPI is place on an external location where i don't have access to all the time, ...
CodeNinja's user avatar
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Device -> device traffic being blocked inside of network

I am running into a weird issue, which I have been trying to understand and fix for a few hours. I have three main machines, which are setup this way: M1: Raspberry pi 3 (raspbian lite), running ...
ruben1691's user avatar
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mDNS service is discovered but not reachable

I've some problems connecting to services on my raspberry pi. I desire the following: 1x Raspberry Pi running multiple services (like openhab, mosquitto, nagios, etc.). Each of these services is ...
Peter C. Glade's user avatar