I have two NICs with IPs in the same subnet.

IP1: - Gateway: - dev: ens192. IP2: - Gateway: - dev: ens256.

I want to configure static route to the IP [] as following: via dev ens192 via dev ens256

Now I have an issue that when [] send to [] I'm getting reply from [].

How can I fix the static route to reply from the same IP which is receiving?

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1 Answer 1


You are correct Tom Yan, and I apologize for the incorrect information provided earlier. The rule I mentioned does not make sense in this context, and your observation about the desired behavior is accurate.

If the goal is to reply to traffic from using the same NIC and IP address to which the original traffic was sent, you should indeed rely on connection tracking (conntrack) and marking packets appropriately.

Here's how you can achieve this using conntrack and marking packets:

  1. Delete the conflicting static route:

    If you want traffic from to reach its destination correctly, remove the conflicting static route:

    ip route del via dev ens192
  2. Configure conntrack and packet marking:

    You can use iptables to mark packets based on their source IP address when they leave the system. For example, if traffic comes from via ens192, mark it as follows:

    iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -s -o ens192 -j MARK --set-mark 1

    And if traffic comes from via ens256, mark it like this:

    iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -s -o ens256 -j MARK --set-mark 2
  3. Create routing tables for each mark:

    Create two custom routing tables for each mark, which will determine the outgoing interface:

    echo "1 nic1" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
    echo "2 nic2" >> /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
  4. Add routes for each routing table:

    Now, add the routes to the two custom routing tables, specifying the outgoing interface and gateway:

    For table "nic1":

    ip route add default via dev ens192 table nic1

    For table "nic2":

    ip route add default via dev ens256 table nic2
  5. Create ip rule entries to select the routing table based on marks:

    Create rules that select the routing table based on the mark:

    For traffic marked as "1" (ens192):

    ip rule add fwmark 1 table nic1

    For traffic marked as "2" (ens256):

    ip rule add fwmark 2 table nic2
  6. Flush the routing cache:

    ip route flush cache

With these changes, packets from should be marked correctly based on their source interface, and the corresponding routing table and interface should be used for the reply. This should ensure that traffic from receives replies from the same interface it was originally sent through.

  • 1
    The ip rule you give doesn't make any sense. Why would a from rule matter to traffics that destined at And even if you mean to, it wouldn't make much sense either. If the OP wants to always use one NIC /source IP for traffics to, why not just delete the other route? Obviously he wants to use either, depending on which the original traffic (from were coming at, which means he need fwmark rules and the help of ct mark.
    – Tom Yan
    2 days ago
  • Yes sorry, you are correct.. I have updated my post
    – Ace
    2 days ago
  • -s At the very least, it should be -d. Besides, I highly doubt that just matching with -o and set mark in the OUTPUT chain could get it work. Most likely you'd need to set ct mark for the connection upon receiving the original traffics and set mark for the replying traffics based on the ct mark. (In addition, I don't know if it's a good or bad idea to remove any of the route in the main table, since they might help prevent any rp filtering from kicking in.)
    – Tom Yan
    2 days ago
  • In other words, I think before a route is chosen, the output interface of the replying traffics is likely not set, and once it's set, it probably takes more than just a route choice to change it. (Or, I don't think the problem here is that we need to retain the chosen outbound interface and source IP for the replying traffics.)
    – Tom Yan
    2 days ago

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