Questions tagged [rsnapshot]

Rsnapshot is a filesystem snapshot utility for making backups of local and remote systems.

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43 votes
1 answer

What exactly will --delete-excluded do for rsync?

I use rsync with great pleasure for backing up my servers, although I do have a question about the --delete-excluded parameter. /usr/bin/rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded ...
ujjain's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Doing an rm -rf on a massive directory tree takes hours

We're using rsnapshot for backups. It keeps lots of snapshots of the backuped up file, but it does delete old ones. This is good. However it's taking about 7 hours to do a rm -rf on a massive ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Rsync -avzHP follows hardlinks instead of copying them as hardlinks

I use rsnapshot to create hourly/daily/weekly/monthly backups of my "work"-share. Now I'm trying to copy the whole backup-directory onto an external drive using rsync. I used this command/parameters ...
woerndl's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Which filesystems offer snapshot functionality for users to recover data?

I'm working on a project that will teach linux to youth. Knowing they will have a tendency to delete or corrupt items in their home directories we are looking for a good snapshot option. We will not ...
Gray Race's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to truncate backup paths in rsnapshot

I'm not sure if the heading is really coorect. I have a line in my rsnapshot.conf backup [email protected]:/mnt/rsnapshot/ srv01/ So rsnapshot creates a directors RSNAPSHOT_ROOT/daily.0/...
andreas-h's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How To Prevent Access To Unmounted Mount Point

Ok, I have this in fstab //windows_mashine/Backup /backups cifs credentials=/root/.credentials,rw,_netdev,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000 0 0 I have rsnapshot in my cron which backups /etc/ and /usr/local/...
jonny's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

delete rsnapshot directories

Looking to move from rsnapshot backups to something like backupninja. I'm having trouble finding a definitive answer on how to delete the rsnapshot backups. From what I understand many of the files ...
Andrew Grothe's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What Folders Should I Not Backup on CentOS?

I'm using rsnapshot to start backing up a CentOS 5.5 install and I need a list of folders that I should probably exclude from the backups. The server is primarily a LAMP web server, and will be ...
InvisibleFrisbee's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

What is a safe way to back up a sparsebundle that is exported via afpd?

I work with a number of OSX client machines that back up via TimeMachine to AFP shares on an Ubuntu Linux file server, exported by netatalk/afpd. These clients back up at arbitrary times of the day, ...
davidA's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Should I be using LVM snapshots along with rsnapshot?

I manage a CentOS 4.8 server for a small workgroup. Last year I converted the filesystem to LVM over software RAID (RAID 1, two mirrored drives). I now have the following filesystems on LVM/RAID: /...
Phil Hollenback's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

rsync with --hard-links freezes

I have a large directory called servers, which contains many hard-links made by rsnapshot. That means that the structure is more or less like: ./servers ./servers/daily.0 ./servers/daily.0/file1 ./...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot to Amazon S3?

I'm looking at rsnapshot and S3 to backup my server. But since rsnapshot can't directly upload to S3, and I'm not sure if S3 preserves file permissions, I'm thinking of archiving the backup folders ...
john2x's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Restore backup with Rsnapshot

The system is ubuntu server 12.04. I am using rSnapshot to back up the system. I now want to restore everything in the home folder. I am restoring from an external HDD: /media/backup/backup_disk_2/...
vxd's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot LVM fails to remove snapshot volume

I am using rsnapshot on a Debian Wheezy server. This was recently upgraded from squeeze. Since the upgrade, I am getting the following error from the hourly cron job: remote rm -rf /share/HDA_DATA/...
Paul's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot diff between snapshots

I am using rsnapshot to manage incremental backups of some GNU/Linux servers. Although rsnapshot is delivered with a tool called rsnapshot-diff it just provide disk space statistics. The question is ...
Angus Macyver's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

rsync/ssh/rsnapshot backup -- remote script execution

I have the following settings in my configuration file: (/etc/rsnapshot.conf) Script/Tool: backup_script ssh [email protected] "sh /home/user/" ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot vs zfs / btrfs snapshots

Currently I'm using rsnapshot to implement a daily / weekly / monthly backup scheme on an external disk. Lately I've been reading alot about copy-on-write file systems like zfs and btrfs. I quite like ...
BayerSe's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Using Rsnapshot with sync_first, link_dest, and use_lazy_deletes

I've set up rsnapshot with the configuration below and it seems to work fine. However, if I understand what I have read correctly, in the rsnapshot docs and other tutorials, the operation would be ...
David Rahrer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

full or incremental backup of large number of files

I have a large amount of files in both quantity and total file size. (we're talking a few terabytes). I would like to sync these files/folders once to an external backup system, then run a daily task ...
D.Mill's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Any good rsnapshot nagios plugins?

I'm using Nagios to monitor servers, and we use rsnapshot for backups. I'd like a plugin for Nagios that monitors that rsnapshot is being run successfully. I've seen some rsnapshot plugins that will ...
Amandasaurus's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot : will the initial backup be retained forever?

When making a backup with rsnapshot, "[...] we first replicate the previous backup into a parallel directory structure, creating all the directories and making hard links to all the files.". This is ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot limiting download rate

Trying to make a backup of Ubuntu server using rsnapshot, here is my config file: config_version 1.2 snapshot_root /root/backups cmd_cp /bin/cp cmd_rm /bin/rm cmd_rsync /usr/bin/rsync ...
sam's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Configuring rsnapshot to only daily backups

I configured rsnapshot so it would not backup hourly by commenting out the hourly cronjob in /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot: #0 */4 * * * root /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly 30 3 * * * ...
rubo77's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do different rsnapshot retains use the same hard links?

Say I have a weekly and monthly backup configured in rsnapshot. Will the weekly backups create hard links to the same files created by a previous monthly backup (and vice versa)?
Fela Maslen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Rsnapshot hard-link ONLY + diffs

We have a 39 TB linux server (mdadm raid 6 15 3TB Drives) that has about 12TB of working data on it. Initially I wanted to create a snapshot system that only saved the data that was changed, much like ...
Scott C.'s user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Setting up Rsnapshot for casual manual backup?

I am confused with new Rsnapshot configuration. In current version there is a different way of specifiying backup intervals, like so: retain hourly 2 retain weekly 7 retain monthly 2 I would like ...
Danijel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to use rsnapshot without remote root?

I've configured an in-house server to use rsnapshot to backup our hosted RHEL servers but in order to do so, I'm using the root account on those servers so I have access to everything including ...
wag2639's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I get rsnapshot to create LVM snapshots on a remote machine?

I'm currently running rsnapshot on host1, backing up some files from host2 using the inbuilt SFTP support (I have daily, weekly, and monthly backups running in a standard rsnapshot configuration). ...
Andrew Ferrier's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Mount point not working well

We have an automated rsnapshot job every day that writes on a mounted disk. Lately, instead of writing on the mounted disk it did it on the main filesystem, slowly filling the space available. Is ...
littleadmin's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Optimal file system type and mount options for an rsnapshot dedicated drive

We have an external USB 2 drive that we are using as a backup drive for our configuration. We use rsnapshot for the backups. It uses a few standard commands for managing snapshots: rm -rf: deletes ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

rsnapshot: WARNING: Some files and/or directories in / vanished during rsync operation

I once in a while get this message in my rsnapshot log, and an identical message in /var/log/messages. Unfortunately, there is no other deviation from normal output, despite loglevel 5 in /etc/...
Kev's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

rsync filter file rules for subpath

I have a big problem in understanding rsync filter rules for sub path. I have this directory tree: |-- index.php |-- other-file-php.php |-- filesource.php | |-- album1 | | |-- firstphoto.jpg | ...
stefcud's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot: why daily/weekly/monthly instead of many daily backups?

The daily/weekly/monthly backup scheme is often recommended for backups. As far as I understand rsnapshot, backups are really cheap due to hardlinking. Is there any advantage of say retain ...
BayerSe's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Why is rsnapshot claiming source directory doesn't exist?

I'm trying to set up a backup system using rsnapshot which will copy files from a remote location into a local one. I've got rsnapshot set up, as far as I can see correctly, but when I run rsnapshot ...
David Morning's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to check rsnapshot backups?

I have about twenty servers with different webapps. Every 4 hours runs rsnapshot task and backs up all of them to a backup server. Accidentally today I discovered that backup failed last 4 days due ...
rush's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

rsync / rsnapshot

I am using rsnapshot and my config is as follows: config_version 1.2 snapshot_root /home/user/.snapshots/ cmd_cp /bin/cp cmd_rm /bin/rm cmd_rsync /usr/bin/rsync cmd_ssh /usr/bin/ssh ...
Tiffany Walker's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Bacula vs. BackupPC [closed]

I have been googling about the differences between them. Bacula has lots of roles BackupPC is easier to configure Bacula works with agent, not rsync (great for Windows backups) It seems that Bacula ...
ujjain's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Rsnapshot to multiple destinations (or maintain hard links structure)

I'm doing a backup of multiple external servers on a local machine using rsnapshot and it's working beautifully. Now, I'd like to clone the destination snapshots on an external disk that will be ...
lpfavreau's user avatar
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1 answer

How rsnapshot manages moved and/or renamed files and folders

I consider using rsnapshot for backuping large amount of data and I wonder how rsnapshot manage when a folder at the source is moved or rename, is it detected it and edit associated hard links or it ...
Sébastien Beausoleil's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

ZFS and rsnapshot for backup

I currently run an OwnCloud server with about 25 accounts, 2.6 TB, and moderately growing. As data will be stored for the next several decades, the OwnCloud data is on a mirrored ZFS file system, to ...
andrew512's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Configuring rsnapshot to only daily backups with sync_first

I want to create only daily backups in my server using sync_first option. How do I have to setup my server to backup once a day?
rubo77's user avatar
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Unable to use rsnapshot to sync non-owned files but able to do it with plain rsync command

I am trying to use rsnapshot to sync remote file to my own computer. However, I have some trouble when I need to access files which are not owned by user who is SSH-ing to the remote machine. My /etc/...
errata's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

rsync won't delete file that was deleted on source

I'm using rsnapshot to back up some servers of mine. It works fine, except it won't delete files that have been deleted on the source server. Here is where I give rsnapshot the options to pass along ...
srchulo's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

How to modify ssh_args in rsnapshot config?

I have a global rsnapshot config file for all machines that we backup. The global file has ssh_args -p 123 The machine specific files include the global config file and tries to override the port: ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to make rsnapshot backups in different locations?

I have backup server that gathers backups from few other servers. I want to make directory structure like this /backup/snapshots/<hostname>/<period>.0/<files> Instead of default /...
Poma's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to compress files before Rsnapshot remote backup start? [closed]

I have some remote servers and one backup server, I'm using Rsnapshot to do the remote backup on the backup server. In my plan, I want to run shell script to compress files first, then Rsnapshot can ...
technoob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot Backup partition disk space

I've been reading the FAQs and man page for rsnapshot and I'm struggling to find out what it would do in the event of the backup partition being full. Ie. If I set the backups to run hourly, backing ...
choco-loo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot intervals in configuration file

A simple question about rsnapshot. In order to perform daily backups I'm going to add lines to cron in my Ubuntu. Then, why do I have also these lines in the rsnapshot.conf ? #######################...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

rsnapshot & rsync --ignore-existing

I'm using rsnapshot to make backups of a folder which contains audio files. When these files change, it is only metadata such as ID3 tags which change, and I don't need to make a new backup of the ...
sbrattla's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Local Encrypted Incremental Space efficient Backup Solution

I am a student and for my hobby projects i managed to buy a vps. Problem is how can i backup that? I have got a webdav account somewhere (and they allow to store any file types for any purposes as ...
Shoaibi's user avatar
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