Questions tagged [ruby-on-rails]

Ruby on Rails is an open-source, MVC web development framework written in Ruby, optimized for programmer happiness and maintaining sustainable productivity. Many things are defined by convention, freeing you from having to re-invent things to stay productive.

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Is Mastodon remove-orphans safe when multiple instances sharing an S3 bucket?

I have two Mastodon v4.2.0 instances, a staging server and a live/production instance. They share an AWS S3 bucket for file storage. Both are hosted on DigitalOcean. Is the command RAILS_ENV=...
John Skiles Skinner's user avatar
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nginx in front of Rails

We want to put nginx with mTLS in front of our Rails app. We want that mTLS is turned on only if request goes trough specific domain. E.g.: I want that works without mTLS, however I ...
knagode's user avatar
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mTLS on Heroku with Rails

We currently host on Heroku and we need to implement mTLS in front of our Rails app. What is a good strategy to achieve this? It seems like we need reverse proxy which knows how to deal with mTLS. ...
knagode's user avatar
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authorize multiple domains to send via send-only Postfix server

A rails application is sending an email to postfix for processing with From: returning an error: [ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob] [fa3df6b5-72a4-4a57-a5f8-ef7a98e4d8a9] ...
Jerome's user avatar
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What is the correct number of Puma workers when there are two Rails application multithreaded, inside server with 4 CPU cores?

I have a server with four CPU cores and two rails applications served with the Puma in multithreaded mode. Both applications use the same number of resources and are expected to have an equal load. ...
Firhanh's user avatar
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EC2 - rails - Docker - NGINX Unable to proxy_pass redirect to localhost:3000

I have an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 20.04. Within this ec2 instance I have 2 docker containers, one running a NGINX server and another one running a rails application. For the NGINX server which Im ...
steven aguilar's user avatar
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nginx serving content from wrong proxy

I have a single server hosting several Rails sites. All sites are identified by unique host names (all domain names map to the same IP address). Both Rails and nginx are running in Docker containers....
EK0's user avatar
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Webpacker can't find static assets

I created a Mastodon instance with DigitalOcean's preconfigured droplet which deploys version 5.3.5 of Mastodon on Ubuntu 20.04. I ran the setup wizard, then I immediately upgraded it to v4 of ...
John Skiles Skinner's user avatar
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Rails Server on VirtualBox VM Inaccessible Via Web Browser on A Different System

I have a VirtualBox VM running Ubuntu 22.04 in Bridged mode. It has Rails 7.0.4 with Ruby 3.1 installed. It has a basic crud website on it at the moment. The VM can be accessed via SSH from a ...
CitizenX's user avatar
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How do I keep NGINX directory ownership after installation on Amazon 2 EC2

I have NGINX server set up as proxy to a rails application. In the main config file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf I've set user to be ec2-user, which is the default user for this instance. Since NGINX server ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Rails 6 - Understanding AWS Pricing for CDN video on demand application

I am working on an Rails 6 application, already on production which is heavily dependent on AWS Services like S3, Lambda, Cloudtrail, SNS and CDN to serve a video-on-demand app, where users can upload ...
Milind's user avatar
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AWS ElasticBeanstalk: Early termination of worker [puma] Loading development - gems?

I'm currently upgrading rails from 6 to 7 and so had to upgrade my eb platform-version as well (to run ruby-3.0). Now puma isn't able to start and always looping through: [13033] + Gemfile in context: ...
metafoo's user avatar
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mysql root password is empty

I am trying to install mysql after i replaced my disk with MySQL on it with a bigger and faster one. After installing mysql-server on ubuntu, when running select user,host,authentication_string from ...
juls07's user avatar
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Redis is seeing legitimate connections as attacks - possibly due to reverse proxy?

I'm running Redis for use with Rails and Action Cable. These all sit behind an Nginx reverse proxy. Currently whenever Redis is connected to, I get # Possible SECURITY ATTACK detected. It looks like ...
tsvallender's user avatar
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Passenger not running (Ruby on Rails + Nginx)

My AWS instance was working fine with my app. But, today, the server was down without memory ram. Then I run: sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches sudo service nginx start After that, ram ...
Diego Somar's user avatar
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NGINX Is redirecting to localhost:3000

I'm using ruby on rails in a docker container running my website on port 3000. I'm trying to setup NGINX to redirect http:// traffic to https:// and redirect port 80 to port ...
Ryan Glenn's user avatar
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EC2: Relatively small network out spikes cause 100% CPU usage

Background Hello, I have a server I'm running on a free EC2 instance. I'm using nginx and passenger/rails as my web server and application server. The server receives little traffic (still in ...
jacob_g's user avatar
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Connecting to db via SSH on docker fails

I'm trying to connect to a database via SSH from my docker container. I'm getting an error could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and ...
Antarr Byrd's user avatar
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add an asp .net core application to a ruby on rails site hosted on a linux server

I am new to web hosting, and please forgive my ignorance. my company has a website, and the site is an Ruby on Rails application with Passenger hosted on a linux server. I would like to know if it is ...
groupofsomething's user avatar
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nginx unicorn rails authentication failure

I am following this tutorial to deploy a rails app on my cloud server. It's my first time deploying a rails project on a server. When trying to start unicorn or nginx from folder /app/current and user ...
oooOOO000m000OOOooo's user avatar
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Rails application not working on AWS after upgrade to Rails 6.1.3

I recently upgraded my application to Rails 6.1.3. When I attempted to deploy the application to AWS the deployment failed with the error message "Following services are not running: application.&...
Trent Walls's user avatar
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How do I configure the hostname for the GitLab NixOS service?

I am trying to deploy a new GitLab instance on NixOS 20.09.1632.a6a3a368dda (Nightingale). I have this rather minimal configuration.nix: { modulesPath, ... }: let host = ""; ...
Jean-Paul Calderone's user avatar
6 votes
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Why is bundler failing to find rake while deploying with Capistrano?

I have a Rails project which was running on Ubuntu 18.04, and I've just upgraded the system to Ubuntu 20.04. cap production deploy is failing at the step deploy:assets:precompile with: 00:07 deploy:...
afarley's user avatar
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Sidekiq not starting on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS in production

I am trying to run Sidekiq in production using Systemd. I am receiving the following error when trying to start sidekiq. /bin/bash -lc "bundle exec sidekiq -e production -C config/sidekiq.yml -L ...
jeffci's user avatar
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Nginx responding with 429s but I don't have it configured in my config

I'm hosting a rails app on AWS elastic beanstalk and am noticing my nginx server returning 429s in the nginx log. The problem is, I'm not seeing where the limit_req is being defined so I'm struggling ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Shouldn't UFW configured Iptables deny access before the request reaches our Unbutu 16.04 hosted Nginx server?

We are using ufw to configure iptables. We have numerous rules denying access from ip addresses that use bots. Here is one example: sudo ufw deny from These bots are attempting to ...
Jay's user avatar
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Get rid of content ripping bots in a Rails 4 app served by Nginx using Passenger on Ubuntu 16.04

Our rails app is being inundated with requests from bots that are trolling using IP addresses. Every request results in an exception notification error message. Our original Nginx server block: server ...
Jay's user avatar
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Apache to serve multiple ruby on rails applications from the same domain

I want to serve multiple different ruby on rails applications using Apache and Passenger via a single domain. The applications all should use the same certificate and I want to deliver the apps using ...
Claas-Thido Pfaff's user avatar
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Bundle install freezing on sassc during Rails server deployment

I'm trying to deploy a Rails app using capistrano. The deployment script, initiated by cap production deploy runs fine, until this command: $HOME/.rbenv/bin/rbenv exec bundle install --path /home/...
jacob_g's user avatar
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Elastic Beanstalk Puma NGINX - Ruby on Rails Load Issues

I have an Elastic Beanstalk instance running Ruby on Rails using Puma with Ruby 2.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.11.7, the instance is scaled to a c5.2xlarge and a database of db.m5.large. The ...
Rs Graphics's user avatar
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Deploy Rails app to Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04?

I have an existing Rails app that's been sitting on an old Ubuntu 14.04 server on AWS, and I've recently moved the staging environment over to a new AWS EC2 instance running Ubuntu 18.04. I'm not a ...
DelPiero's user avatar
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Failed to run multiple Rails apps with Unicorn + Nginx on single AWS EC2 Instance

I know this issue has been discussed several times but I had no luck and I couldn't fix the issue. I am going to run multiple Rails apps on AWS EC2 Instance with Unicorn and Nginx. I could run one ...
Remy Wang's user avatar
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Nginx Gzip not compressing JSON

I have tried various settings available for Nginx.conf, none of them are working for me. Below id my current config, gzip on; gzip_disable "msie6"; gzip_vary on; ...
Vipul's user avatar
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Installing Discourse, after creating admin the website turns blank

While installing Discourse from source I successfully got to the point of displaying my site. After adding admin with “RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake user:create” the website went blank, white ...
localalex's user avatar
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403 Forbidden with apache and passenger

I am getting sporadic 403 responses from a server running Passenger within Apache. The problem starts on seemingly random occasions, and ends randomly as well. From the log, it seems that Apache is ...
Moshe's user avatar
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Ruby on Rails Deployment to Server resulting in old Wrapper Scripts

I'm trying to deploy my RoR Application to an Ubuntu (Latest Version with Updates) Server. The Application will run with the Gem "Passenger". However, i am unable to run Passenger. rvmsudo bundle ...
Dominic Järmann's user avatar
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Nginx will only use error pages with certain filenames

Using Nginx I am able to get the default error pages to work for 404 and others, but only if I name the file exactly after the error code, i.e. 404 -> 404.html... 40x.html doesn't seem to work. I ...
user8897013's user avatar
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Rails application with Apache on Windows Server

I need to migrate an existing Rails application (Redmine) on a Windows Server 2019 machine. It's been requested to use Apache as web server. The application runs correctly on localhost through webrick,...
Fed C's user avatar
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gcloud app deploy error(Ignoring mysql2-0.3.21 because its extensions are not built. Try: gem pristine mysql2 --version 0.3.21)

I'm in trouble with GAE(GoogleAppEngine) deployment. I've done two turorial.
D.A.'s user avatar
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Nginx + Passenger: Cache 404 urls

Context I have a Rails app with a nginx server and Passenger. The app is dynamically generating pages based from the request url: if the url exists in the database the app renders the corresponding ...
Benj's user avatar
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Puma with systemd and socket activation - Errno::EADDRINUSE

I have a Rails 5 app, running on puma 3.12.1, MRI 2.6.2, and Ubuntu 18.04. It used to run with pumactl and a custom control script but I want to configure it properly with systemd, using socket ...
vbalazs's user avatar
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Puma hangs after upgrade from Debian 9.7 to 9.8

I have a frontend with Nginx talking to Puma over a Unix socket in two separate containers. The base image for the Puma container is ruby:2.5-slim. After clearing my Docker cache two days ago and ...
Eric W.'s user avatar
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File size increases while uploading to nginx server and fails

I'm uploading a .wav file of size around 5745kb, the limitation in the nginx config is set as client_max_body_size 10m; The upload fails with error as "Request entity too large" and content-...
Bijendra's user avatar
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Rails SSL running puma and EC2 AWS

Specs: Rails 4.2.4, Ruby 2.1.9, running puma, EC2 instance in production mode I have an SSL certificate that I want to install on my server but using techniques like this one yields no results ...
Randall Coding's user avatar
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ProxyPass just displays folder contents of rails app that is running on port 3000

I have a personal site I'm working on and its the first time I try to configure a server to run multiple apps. So far just getting one to be found through the url instead of with a port number has ...
yoshinator's user avatar
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/home/webapp: No such file or directory elastic beanstalk

When I deploy my ruby app on aws using elastic beanstalk. Following error occur. pass log App 20278 stdout: intializing git App 20278 stderr: error: could not lock config file /home/webapp/.gitconfig:...
Fun Media's user avatar
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gitlab installation failing on debian 9.6

I'm having a issue on Debian 9.6. When installing gitlab an error is returned: Setting up gitlab (8.13.11+dfsg1-8+deb9u3) ... Creating/updating gitlab user account... Making gitlab owner of /var/lib/...
Fabrizio Mazzoni's user avatar
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Unable to push recent changes to old ruby website on heroku

To be honest, I am not a ruby developer. I am working on certain fixes on a ruby website. It's hosted on Heroku server. The changes I have made doesn't involve adding or removing any gem but only ...
Curious Developer's user avatar
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Puma + Nginx permission denied on files that don't exist

Getting an error in the nginx logs: [error] 6193#6193: *1 open() "/home/ubuntu/app/assets/bootstrap.min-2e2a039f4eb020ba4438b6e2ad6a83748c14257a60f68facd2d72df75c452969.css" failed (13: Permission ...
user58446's user avatar
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Use default `ubuntu` user to deploy an app or make separate users?

I have a Ruby on Rails app and use Capistrano to deploy it to the server. The deploy user and the user running the app is the same - the default ubuntu user. (this has sudo access: ubuntu ALL=(ALL) ...
Zabba's user avatar
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