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Benchmarking ssd MySQL write performance: sysbench oltp_write_only vs write iops, fio. Madness

I've benchmarked about 10 diffrent ssd devices with sysbench oltp_write_only.lua and I found no coroleation whatsoever between max sustained write IOPS of device (both from specification and from fio -...
ndd's user avatar
  • 139
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL perf bad on SSD-based server. Small tables. MySQL config? RAID?

I have a couple of servers in an industrial setting (air-gapped network) that do some fairly light telemetry gathering. We generate about 10GB of telemetry history in ~30 days. All telemetry goes ...
Kyle's user avatar
  • 31
0 votes
1 answer

Improving SQL speed - Can SSD and more RAM be effective?

I'm running a website on a VPS package on nomral Hard drive, and 3.25 GB RAM. I created a test page and realized that by simply including an SQL command such as: SELECT Name from table where Name IN ...
rockyraw's user avatar
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1 answer

What can be moved safely to local ssd on Ubuntu Azure VM?

I have an Azure VM which recently have been resized to D2 size form A2 Basic so it has a new SSD local disk (a temporal disk with no persistence guarantee). Now it has the swap file, but I think it ...
PhoneixS's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I make MySQL, PHP, & Apache run off of my SSD? (Linux)

I'm fairly new to the whole Linux Server thing but one of my websites has grown to the point that I'm moving to a dedicated hardware virtual-server instead of using a web-hosting service. I'm ...
Hobbyist's user avatar
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2 answers

Recommended 3x SSD Raid for mysql database [duplicate]

I've been configuring dedicated MySQL server (linux) with 3x 300 GB SSD in SoftRaid. I'm trying to decide which Raid to use to get best performance. I'm expecting this database to be a read-heavy (90% ...
Javel Tarsagio's user avatar
2 votes
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mysql - measure amount of write

System : Centos 6.4, PerconaDb/MySQL 5.5.31 Im running relatively small mysql database with some 30 databases, total amount of 12Gb, but heavy on reads, updates and writes (texts, posts, user data ...
Radek's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Database (MySQL) and SSD lifetime - "lot" of writes to DB

In company where I work we started using SSD for our internal 3 GB MySQL database Difference in perfomance is HUGE, which is great. What I am worried about is lifetime of SSD Writes to DB are ...
Peter's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Mounting ssd. Expectations vs reality about server load

I'v installed SSD on my server and moved tmp folder, mysql data folder and 2 most loaded websites(php) on it. I'v expected that server load will fall a little bit, but it seems that it is on the same ...
Jevgeni Smirnov's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

InnoDB on server with 2 SSDs [closed]

I have a server with 2 SSDs. I'm running a LAMP install and have an innoDB database on it. my questions are : 1) would innoDB automatically use both SSDs or would it only use one ? 2) would I incur ...
redmoon7777's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

SSD for database or webpage files? [closed]

I can have SSD for the mysql data files and system or the website files (.php files, images, video). I can not have both because of the SSD capacity I have. What would be best, to make Windows 2012 ...
Jerry2's user avatar
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2 answers

Why load increase ,ssd iops increase but cpu iowait decrease?

There is a strange thing on my server which has a mysql running on it. The QPS is more than 4000 but TPS is less than 20. The server load is more than 80 and cpu usr is more than 86% but iowait is ...
mq44944's user avatar
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Considering MySQL on SSD with NTFS and Windows 2008

My company is considering migrating our MySQL data from an HDD array to an SSD, possibly the Intel SSD 520 series. We have a fairly large set of databases, some with upwards of 100 million rows, so we ...
William Buchanan's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

MySQL moving ibdata & ib_logfile

I'm trying to move ibdata & ib_logfile on ssd drive. I tried this way, but it don't work: service mysql stop cd /var/lib/ cp -ra mysql mysql_backup cp -a mysql/ibdata1 mysql/ib_logfile* /...
XoR's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL Cluster on SSD

We are planning to implement a four node MySQL Cluster and are considering using SSDs as the storage. We would like to get a high level of performance and very low latency on disk IO from the small ...
somecallmemike's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Recommended filesystem, mysqltmp and filesystem related settings for a mysqld box running ssd + BIG ram + linux?

What is the recommended filesystem + mysqltmp location when dealing with a ssd based system that has some ram to spare? Currently we run our mysqltmp folder on a 4gb tmpfs partition. Works great. But ...
anonymous-one's user avatar
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3 answers

SSD Performance for PHP?

My programmer just built an application with PHP using Doctrine ORM (will be a high traffic social networking website), and it's very heavy in PHP/Apache and CPU. The queries are wonderfully fast, and ...
Andrew Fashion's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

2x SSD's in RAID1 for MySQL server

I'm in need to upgrade my MySQL machine, as currently I am running 2x SATA 7200rpm drives in RAID0. This of course is quite dangerous incase one of the drives fails. As I do not need too much storage ...
Mr.Boon's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does it makes sense to run "optimize table" when the mysql database is stored on SSD?

The manual says about "optimize table": "Deleted rows are maintained in a linked list and subsequent INSERT operations reuse old row positions. You can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to reclaim the ...
András Szepesházi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Install MySQL on SSD, best mount options?

I want to install the mysql-server on my SSD, what are the best mount options for this? (/etc/fstab) What else I can do to increase the SSD Speed? My current configuration: /dev/sdc /ssd ext4 ...
heuri's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

MySQL, disk I/O and SSD drives

We have a LAMP box with 2x mirrored 1 TB WD Black Caviar disks running the whole OS and MySQL. 8 GB / RAM, 2x quad core CPUs. We're really taxed on disk I/O, and I've been thinking of ...
Stephen J. Fuhry's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

RAID of SATA SSDs or PCIe Flash?

As a reference: Crucial RealSSD C300 256GB drives. MySQL 5.1.5x running InnoDB tables. Linux (CentOS 5.5 etx3 journaled). Questions: Is it better to use a RAID of these so that drives can be ...
purplemonkeydishwasher's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL installation question

I am far from a DBA and have a question. Recently I installed MySQL. On my machine C:\ is a 50GB partition of two mirrored 10k SAS drives. The remaining space on those drives is allocated to D:. I ...
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