Questions tagged [aws-ec2]

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How Do I Use The <VirtualHost> Directive To Host Multiple Sites Using An EC2 Instance, ELB, And CloudFront?

I've been really struggling with this for the past few days, and I'm at a lost. Here's what's going on. I have an EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2023) behind an ELB and a CloudFront distribution that I ...
wholelottabob's user avatar
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CPU Credits in AWS EC2

I would like to unserstand better how AWS cpu-credit usage give me some insight about cost savings. AWS costs may be extremely complicated to understand. CPU size, cpu-credits, and so on. I try to get ...
Flavio Lenz Cesar's user avatar
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Validation fails for kops cluster : "kops-controller" is pending

I'm trying to create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using kops tool. After the cluster is created I run a command to validate it and it's not valid. $ kops validate cluster Using cluster from kubectl ...
Siarhei Vouchak's user avatar
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The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

I have created 3 nodes on aws ec2. In these three nodes, I have one master node with type t2.medium and 2 worker nodes with type t2.micro I'm facing an issue The connection to the server
Spiral's user avatar
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Get AWS role name from EC2 instance list using CLI

AWS CLI requests "ec2 describe-instances" and "ec2 describe-iam-instance-profile-associations" include instance profile in the "IamInstanceProfile" property. This ...
Richlv's user avatar
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AWS Elastic Compute Cloud EC2 pricing issue

Description Usage Quantity Amount in USD Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud T4GCPUCredits USD 10.90 ↳ $0.04 per vCPU-Hour of T4G CPU Credits 272.513 vCPU-Hours USD 10.90 Can anyone tell me what is this ...
Faizan Anwer Ali Rupani's user avatar
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How is "Global-DataTransfer-Regional-Byte" transfer calculated?

I started a EC2 t2.micro instance in Canada(Central) region. I've installed WireGuard and Pi-hole in it. Upon VPN Connection, I did some network test using iperf3 between my computer and the instance....
user1843654's user avatar
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What steps can I take to troubleshoot why my server is not accessible over HTTPS after enabling SSL with Certbot?

I'm looking for assistance in diagnosing and resolving this issue. What steps can I take to troubleshoot why my server is not accessible over HTTPS after enabling SSL with Certbot? Are there any ...
Sri's user avatar
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Aws workspace can't access website hosted in aws ec2

I have a website hosted in an ec2 instance. It works ok from outside, for example from my home network. However, i can't access this website from my aws workspace. Both ec2 instance and workspace's ...
Trong Lam Phan's user avatar
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Unable to connect to AWS EC2 instance public IPv4 using http tcp/80

Referring to an instructional book, I am setting up an EC2 instance on AWS using an IAM role. However, when I try to access the URL using the EC2 instance's public IP address, I am unable to establish ...
Scatt's user avatar
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W32Time doesn't respect MaxPosPhaseCorrection settings

I'm having a problem with W32Time service on Windows Server 2019 not respecting the default limit on positive time offsets (MaxPosPhaseCorrection/MaxNegPhaseCorrection = 15 days). The server is ...
kirill_l's user avatar
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Re-route all incoming traffic to my home computer over the wireguard interface

I have setup a server in AWS with WireGuard server installed on it. I configured the server and the client and the vpn connection is up and running. I am able to ping from my local computer to the ...
Tim B.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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AWS NAT Instance Setup

This question was originally posted to stack overflow, they suggested I repost it here ( I am currently learning the AWS cloud and ...
lobis's user avatar
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AWS server completely shutting down because of the insufficient CPU memory (server-kernel: out-of-memory )

WordPress website(4years old) have been recently migrated from shared server to the AWS server (2cpu, 4GB ram,80 SSD).After migration website was working fine but in the night between 2am and 6am the ...
Rakshith k's user avatar
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Change timeout period of Elastic beanstalk worker daemon on deploy

I have an Elastic Beanstalk worker ENV but on update or a task that requires it to stop processing it stops after 30s. I know the Daemon receives a SIGTERM on when to stop, but the time out is only ...
Maker of worlds's user avatar
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Unable to access web server via Cloudflare after configuring EC2 security groups

I have an EC2 instance running a web server (NGINX), and I'm trying to set up authentication via Cloudflare. Here's what I've done: Added a security group to the EC2 instances with an inbound rule ...
MattSt's user avatar
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2 answers

Spot instance windows auto login in User Data using Boto3

I want to launch a Windows spot instance on AWS with a specific AMI and launch the instance and run PowerShell command. The problem i am facing issue is that, when the instance is launched, it shows &...
dextoruz's user avatar
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EC2 instance refuses to connect to ssh, and web server running in it does not handle any requests - how to troubleshoot?

I have two ec2 instances which run different applications on them, which is served through CloudFront. Tonight both became unresponsive at the same time. Any attempts to contact the apps through ...
Edy Bourne's user avatar
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Using Ubuntu 22.04 in EC2 via CloudFormation, why does cfn-hup never trigger?

Amazon's documentation includes extensive examples of using cfn-hup to automate updates of instances provisioned via CloudFormation. For one of many examples, see
Nye's user avatar
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How do I track page cache miss in an amazon cloud instance?

Hi I have been using AWS instance to do perf experiment. Now I am interested to know the linux OS page cache miss rate for a given time window. Online resources told me to try "cachestat" ...
Dachuan Huang's user avatar
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Is this AWS EC2 hardware (cpu, memory) too old?

Is this EC2 hardware too old? Is there a way to select newer hardware(e.g., faster CUP, Memory DDR5) when launching a new EC2 instance? *-cpu description: CPU product: Intel(R) ...
eastwater's user avatar
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EC2 port 80 refused to connect on public IP but can connect using private IP

Question simplified I can do curl {publicip}:4321 but not curl {publicip}:80 or curl {publicip}. But from the server's ssh, i can run curl {privateip}:80 and curl localhost:80 without any issues. And ...
Nandu Kkd's user avatar
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Can access jenkins (ip:port 22) but not ssh

Before adding a rule, ssh was working fine. For Jenkins, I added the custom tcp security group rule (8080) so i could access it. Then jenkins was working fine. Now, ssh does not. Security Group rules ...
chris aimsworth's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

ClamAV detected Kaiji malware on Ubuntu instance

Today clamAV scanned my AWS instances and detect 24 infected files on each. It looks like false positive due to several reasons: All these files are created in October 2022 (why were they detected ...
Rougher's user avatar
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How to import an aws_spot_instance_request into Terraform?

I'm looking for a way to import an aws_spot_instance_request into Terraform. I already made a Spot Request on AWS console, now I would like to put this request on my code. How can I do that? In the ...
Arrow Root's user avatar
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AWS WAF create custom rules

Attackers are repeatedly using the same off-the-shelf exploit to attack my server. It doesn't work because my server is patched and I have some server side modules to prevent the exploit. However I ...
Huw Evans's user avatar
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I can log into my AWS/EC2 instance but my developer can't

I created a new EC2 instance, generated a key with PuTTYgen and was able to successfully log in on my machine using Pageant and PuTTY as well as WinSCP. My security group is open to all IPs, but my ...
George Young's user avatar
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AWS AppStream is unable to push session script logs to s3

I have configured session scripts to log stdout and stderr to s3 bucket as described in
MPP's user avatar
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Why does EC2 allow QEMU/KVM 32 bit VMs to run, but not 64 bit?

The setup is EC2 with 8 cores and 32GBs of memory running Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop. Virtual Machine Manager has been installed. I downloaded 32 bit and 64 bit Windows 10. I'm able to create a VM using 32 ...
Bob Smith's user avatar
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Can't access my ec2 public ip outside rdp

I'm using IIS to host my app and I use port 80, on my RDP if I enter the IP address it redirect me to my app but if I use the IP address outside RDP is not working. I checked with XAMPP and is working ...
Mega's user avatar
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AWS EC2 EBS: btrfs partition and FS automatically resized by just increasing the EBS volume size?

I had to expand the size of an EC2 EBS root volume that uses btrfs (Fedora 38 Server), so I did the following: Stopped the EC2 instance Expanded the EBS volume via the EC2 console Started the EC2 ...
3VYZkz7t's user avatar
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AWS EC2 auto-scaling Windows server: how to set the hostname ("computername")?

I have an elaborate framework for autoscaling UNIX servers to configure their hostname with a script on launch (startup) using an NFS (EFS) where they look up what their hostname should be, then set ...
Gunther Schadow's user avatar
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How to connect to AWS EC2 serial console without access keys

My goal is to connect to the serial console of an EC2 instance, using SSH, e.g. from a laptop, using the best modern security practices in setting it up. The AWS documentation (
David's user avatar
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AWS T3 Linux VM becomes unresponsive when CPU reaches 80%

I am running a t3 small instance on AWS. Whenever its CPU usage reaches 80%, it becomes unresponsive, and we are unable to access it via SSH. After stopping and starting the instance, everything comes ...
hasnain hakim's user avatar
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EC2 instance Status Check failed and server stopped working

I am using an AWS EC2 instance (t3.xlarge) running on Ubuntu server 18.04.6 LTS, which was working fine. But suddenly I encountered an error where the instance status check failed "Instance ...
Surya H's user avatar
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3 answers

How to install and configure Redis server on Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)?

Amazon Linux 2023 is loosely based on Fedora 34, 35 and 36 as per aws: However redis package is not available in AL2023, instead ...
VIVEK's user avatar
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How to Include Elastic IP on EC2 on my VPN

I am able to ping and access SSH on my EC2 using Private IPs. However I want to access the SSH using the Public IP ( elastic IP ). Is that possible? note: my VPN step up and EC2 is under 1 VPC I have ...
Choolo's user avatar
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Can't connect to cognito using the AWS CLI

I have created an instance running bare AL2023. This instance has an IAM role asociated which has a single policy { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ ...
curial's user avatar
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Dynamic propagation from AWS SSM Parameters (to EC2 ASGs etc)

In AWS, can a Systems Manager Parameter Store parameter (with the aws:ec2:image data type) be referenced directly in the AMI field of a Launch Template used by an EC2 Auto Scaling Group, so that the ...
benjimin's user avatar
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How to setup a NAT Gateway together with a VPN in AWS

I have a VPN setup following this guide. I connect to the VPN from my Mac and I can confirm that both, my Mac as well as EC2 instances do have access to internet. However, for this to work, all my EC2 ...
Mariano Martinez Peck's user avatar
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AWS VPN with split tunnel cannot connect to Internet after connecting to AWS VPN

AWS VPN with split tunnel enabled. When I connect to the VPN with the AWS VPN Client, I lose Internet on my Mac endpoint. However, I do seem to reach the VPN as I see my connection in the AWS VPN ...
Mariano Martinez Peck's user avatar
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How could I connect to AWS Windows EC2 using RDP?

I have some question about connect using RDP with Windows EC2. I create two EC2 instances: one is Windows 2016 platform, and the other one is Arch Linux. I also create one VPC with allow any ...
alvinshih's user avatar
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AWS poor performance compared to DigitalOcean's

Why is my Apache2 server with PHP-FPM experiencing significantly lower performance on AWS EC2 instances compared to DigitalOcean Droplets? Despite similar hardware specifications and configurations, ...
robertpartfy's user avatar
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Can you specify the SSM parameter store as a target in an AWS Security Group egress rule?

I would like to tightly restrict outbound network level access from groups of EC2 instances. For these instances, I need to allow access to the Parameter Store. I also need to allow access to S3. ...
Prof Von Lemongargle's user avatar
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Can't connect from AWS EC2 instance to AWS SES endpoint

Disclaimer: my AWS networking skills are basic. I have an EC2 Windows server instance in a private subnet. I connect via a VPN. FOR TESTING I put it in a Security Group that allows all IPV4 TCP ...
Matthew Allen's user avatar
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OpenVPN on AWS (works in NAT mode but doesn't work in Routing mode)

I have a brand new VPC ( with 3 public subnets (pointing to an IGW) and 3 private subnets (with a NAT GW in each). I have deployed an OpenVPN appliance in the public subnet and configured ...
mreferre's user avatar
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EC2 instance crashing when retrieving many files from S3

I have a very annoying problem with my EC2 instance. I have a ubuntu EC2 instance and in a Python Notebook cell I do a loop for retrieving many files from s3 (actually not that very much, around 300 ...
WLD's user avatar
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Calling API from Https website to AWS

I have a website with https consider which wants to call an API from an AWS EC2 instance consider http://ec2.##.##.##/get-users. I am getting Connection Refused when I do so but in ...
Rajat Patil's user avatar
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aws t3.small nginx gzip response time is slow?

I am having php web application on t3.small ec2 instance. webserver : nginx gzip on; gzip_vary on; gzip_min_length 10240; gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth; ...
Hitesh's user avatar
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AWS storage slow simultaneous reads

We are finding that using AWS file storage (EFS or EBS using GP2 or GP3) from an EC2 instance is very slow when doing simultaneous reads. Here's an example: I'm reading 30 binary files into memory, ...
JoeMjr2's user avatar
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