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1 answer

lighttpd: ajax request prints the content of cgi script instead of running it

I am using lighttpd version 1.4.55 within an ARM environment. I created an HTML pages in which there is a button used to download some json data. This button trigger a submit form that calls a cgi ...
marco's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd URL and host matching and include-file spanning (is it possible?)

I have an interesting condition resolution problem to resolve and have not had luck with on-line searching and looking through documentation for lighttpd yet. Many of those searches led to similar ...
Bernd Wechner's user avatar
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Lighttpd 1.4.45 - HTTP to HTTPS redirects not replacing ${url.authority}${url.path}${qsa}

I tried to reconfigured my lighttpd to automatically relocate any HTTP requests to HTTPS requests. To do this, I found the following config snipped in the Lighttpd Redmine Wiki: $HTTP["scheme&...
SDwarfs's user avatar
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Lighttpd - can be run, but not showing up as service on Ubuntu

I've got a little Atom box that I'm running Xubuntu (18.04.3 LTS Ubuntu with Xfce) on and I've got lighttpd up and going by adjusting the port number in the conf file (to avoid a collision with Apache ...
user3055321's user avatar
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lighttpd 1.4: Include scheme in www-to-no-www redirect config, with path exclusion

I'm using lighttpd 1.4.45 on a Debian-based system and have the 10-no-www.conf (from /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/10-no-www.conf in the lighttpd package) in use to redirect "www.<something>" to "...
Thomas Perl's user avatar
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1 answer

Is possible to use Lighttpd $HTTP["url"] conditional to enable ssl.verifyclient.* option dynamically?

I should enable ssl.verifyclient.* option for a single endpoint of the website, to proceed with certificate login or validation. But it is not working. The configuration: $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(.*\.|)...
LeonanCarvalho's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd: specify two http hosts with same document root?

What is the best or proper way to specify two http hosts with the same document root on Lighttpd? For example, to serve a domain at and Given the following in the ...
user981178's user avatar
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1 answer

Fixing syntax errors in lighttpd.conf?

lighttpd newbie here... We're trying to set up lighttpd to host a local django app, kiosk-style. We intend to use wsgi for this, but we're having trouble figuring out the syntax for lighttpd's config ...
Tom Corelis's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd config file fails to parse $HTTP["url"] conditional configurations though other ones work

I'm trying to set mimetypes for files at a specific path on my server, which is running lighttpd version 1.4.31 with SSL. I'm following this documentation of configuration: http://redmine.lighttpd....
inquiryqueue's user avatar
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Random speed on downloading files from Nginx/lighttpd

I've tried both lighttpd and nginx as webservers. All to very same result: In the morning, when the load is low, files are lighting fast to download. But later, when the load is a BIT more, server ...
user275407's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd wrong config file syntax

Been trying for hours but just can't seem to get the correct syntax in my lighttpd configuration. As a last resort I am now asking the hive mind of server fault :P I am trying to get trac hosted on ...
Boelensman1's user avatar
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What do I set the 'socket' to in lighttpd/fcgi?

I want to configure lighttpd to run fastcgi but I'm not sure what I should set the 'socket' to. What is the socket? Surely it doesn't expect me to create a socket before the program is actually ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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lighttpd Regex for automatic forwarding of subdomains

I have been looking round and I have not found a good way to automatically set the document root for domains automatically. For example: In the DNS, * points to And in the ...
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Remove port from the url [closed]

How can I change the url http://localhost:8080 to http://localhost in a lighttpd server.. I searched on Google, but no luck.. My current .conf file server.document-root = "/mnt/sdcard/www" dir-...
Niket Malik's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Lighttpd and PHP generates error "No input file specified" after server.document-root is moved

I would like to use Lighttpd and PHP to provide a lightweight standalone web server on Windows. I downloaded all the latest builds yesterday and after an hour everything was working fine. Today, I ...
Larry's user avatar
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Exclude directory from rewrite with mod_rewrite and lighttpd

Im migrating an apache2 server to Lighttpd, however im having some issues with Mod_Rewrite. I have a directory /api/, which I need to exclude from the rewriting rules as follows: url.rewrite-once = (...
Brad Morris's user avatar
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1 answer

How to setup Tomcat 6 with Lighttpd so that Tomcat6 forwards requests to Lighttpd

I have run into this scenario where I have a Rackspace VPS server running Ubuntu 10.10 with Tomcat 6 serving a moderately complex JAVA WebApp using a fixed domain. The problem is that I would like to ...
DeeTewari's user avatar
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Lighttpd doesn't read mime-type from files without an extension

I have a folder with images that I need to be lightweight hosted. So I decided to go for lighttpd. So I read that I had to add the following option in the config file: mimetype.use-xattr = "enable" ...
Zequez's user avatar
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lighttpd configuration for virtual host and fastcgi

I am trying to set-up a virtual host configuration so that requests that go to /cgi-bin/iipsrv.fci are processed by fastcgi all other requests are processed by a proxy configuration So far tough, I ...
Manuel Bernhardt's user avatar
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2 answers

Allow only certain files to be exposed to the web on Lighttpd?

Just installed it on my linux desktop, and I only want 1 or 2 files accessible to the outside world. Everything else should only be accessibly via http://localhost/ for various privacy/security ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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lighttpd folder/site specific config files

I've been researching what I'm sure is a very simple task. Coming from .htaccess to lighttpd.conf, I'm sure I am still missing some important concepts. I am using lighttpd for a number of virtual ...
Jonathan Kratzke's user avatar
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4 answers

Lighttpd Virtual Host Error

gah, I just noticed, the lighttpd config is somehow corrupted. It was literally working fine 3 hours ago. Starting lighttpd: Undefined config variable: var.home_dir 2010-08-29 17:29:31: (configfile.c....
H4Z3Y's user avatar
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2 answers

Best server for me? Nginx/Apache/LightHttpd

I need to setup my new dedicated server (Intel Atom E220 1.6 Ghz ONE CORE, 2 GB RAM) And my website is not a usual one. It has many concurrent processes(php) that's because some php request take over ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Rewrite URL before passing to proxy Lighttpd

I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy in lighttpd, such that all requests (and only those requests) under /mobile/video is redirected to the / directory of a secondary web server. This is pretty easy in ...
futureelite7's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Setting module path in lighttpd config file?

What is the option in lighttpd.conf to set the default path for lighttpd to look for modules? My lighttpd would not start because it keeps looking for critical modules at the default path, and I had ...
futureelite7's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

lighttpd config and rewriting/disabling attempts to access favicon.ico

I've got lighttpd and apache working together on an app I'm building. lighty is serving out static content. However, each time a static asset is requested, I see a not found: favicon.ico message in ...
Kyle's user avatar
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1 answer

How would I set up my lighttpd.conf to serve a fastcgi app on a particular evhost virtual host?

I have evhost.path-pattern = "/home/lighttpd/vhosts/%2/public" When this pattern hits a certain host, let's say 'foo', I would like to use a fastcgi server. How do I configure just one of my virtual ...
Instance Hunter's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd server-status

I have enabled lighttpd mod_status as /server-status. When I go to the URL, I get the status page. I am interested in monitoring connections -- most specifically KeepAlive connections to make sure ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar