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lighttpd won't reload config, restart, or even stop

I made some changes to my lighttpd config file and wanted to force-reload but the changes weren’t reflected. I tried stopping and starting it, again with no effect. I then tried simply stopping it. ...
daniel's user avatar
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How to run multiple dokuwiki instances on debian with lighttpd

I installed dokuwiki using the guide here. Everything was very easy and works great. Now I want to run a second wiki on the same server. I have read enough that I think I could hack it together by ...
user325046's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Lighttpd static file server 403 forbidden error

I installed lighttpd on Debian Jessie for serving static files, I have a USB drive mounted at /media/storage, with /media/storage/www as my document root and my lighttpd.conf looks like this: server....
Superpelican's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd does not start at boot after enabling ipv6

A few days ago I configured lighttpd to listen on my VPS IPv6 address as well. It runs on a Debian 7 Xen VPS (Linode) with a 3.15.4-x86_64-linode45 kernel. The version of lighttpd is 1.4.31-4+deb7u3. ...
noaru's user avatar
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1 answer

Browser based SSH [closed]

I have a small debian server colocated which hosts a domain and a single flat file site via lighttpd. For a variety of reasons I'd like to be able to run ssh in browser (without a browser plugin) via ...
Dr.Avalanche's user avatar
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Lighttpd init script doesn't work on Debian Wheezy

[EDIT] I have found why it did not work, I just had to add the directive = "/var/run/" to the lighttpd.conf file. I can't figure out why the lighttpd init ...
toro's user avatar
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PHP processes keep overwhelming my server, eating up the CPU and making it lock up :(

I have a Debian Squeeze Lighttpd server with PHP and MySQL, and also with XCache and Varnish set up. I am quite new to this, but have tried as hard as I can to resolve this problem with no success. ...
Wave's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

What is a good approach to install a webserver? [closed]

I wan't to install Lighttpd on my V-Server under Debian. I'm new to Linux and I wonder if I should install Lighttpd as root or as a new User to avoid security issues?
Lama's user avatar
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mod_access for lighttpd causes a 403 error for all POST requests

I have found on my debian server that running the lighttpd module mod_access is causing the server to response with a 403 to all POST requests. It's very odd as I have two servers, one is running as ...
Samuel Parkinson's user avatar
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Debain server "HTOP": shows several PHP-CGI instances

I'm new to Debian servers, (Linux VPS in general) and have a question about /usr/bin-php-cgi showing up several times as "tasks" when I run the HTOP "app." I couldn't find any information online ...
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Rule of thumb in RAM estimate for static pages? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Web Sites I've seen tutorials saying they can run decent websites on 64MB RAM (Debian/Lighttpd/PHP/MySQL) however it's not ...
IMB's user avatar
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Lighttpd mod_accesslog not logging fastcgi requests

I have recently installed a lighttpd for serving a python script via mod_fastcgi. Everything works fine except that I don't get the requests handled by mod_fastcgi logged in the access.log file (...
Ponytech's user avatar
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Nginx equivalent to lighttpd "evhost.path-pattern"

I'm setting up a new server for my personal stuff. On the old box I've used lighttpd for almost two years now. I've read a bit about it and most people tend to switch to nginx since it's development ...
Manuel's user avatar
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Method to proxy Subversion repo in lighttpd with https to the outside world

HTTPS is HTTP over SSL. I have an Apache server running on a machine in order to publish a Subversion repository (read-only). Apparently there is no direct solution to export the repository using ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How to set an environment variable for a process spawned by the webserver?

In my setup (debian etch, lighttpd), one one my websites is calling a program for some image manipulation via PHP, I think. I'd like to change the behavior of this program by setting an environment ...
Jens's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Best sysctl.conf configuration for high load - extremely busy content streaming server

What is the best sysctl.conf configuration for a high load, extremely busy content streaming server ? The server fetches the content from remote servers like amazon, s3, etc. then uses php to ...
Daniel Johnson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Lighttpd with FastCGI won't create /tmp/fcgi.sock on startup?

I'm running lighttpd-1.4.19 on a debian 5 box and try to run web2py with fastcgi. The problem with that is, that lighttpd does not create the socket file /tmp/fcgi.sock. If I'm creating the file by ...
Marlon's user avatar
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2 answers

Lighttpd broken when serving from Virtualbox shared folder [closed]

I've got a lighttpd web server set up on a Debian 6 guest in Virtualbox 4. I've got the www directory in a virtualbox shared folder, so that I can develop a website in the Windows host. My problem is ...
KJ Tsanaktsidis's user avatar
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Lighttpd vhost config

I am running lighttpd on Debian. Is there a way I can place my virtual host designations outside of the /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf file? I want to try for a cleaner approach, as my file is getting ...
muncherelli's user avatar
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Ubuntu vs Debian for lighttpd and mysql servers

I am totally used to running a Debian system for my lighttpd server and MySQL. Would there be any benefits to running an Ubuntu 10.04 web and mysql server vs my Debian 5 web server any mysql servers? ...
muncherelli's user avatar
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3 answers

Debian Open port 81

I install lighttpd in one server using port 81. The problem is that the port is closed, and I don't know how to open the port. Regards, Pedro
Pedro's user avatar
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