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1 answer

Is possible return a static page in https virtual host using lighttpd?

It seems like redirect is not done. If I put URL https://test2/static_page in browser it works but if I put https://test1 don't redirect SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { $HTTP["...
Aprendiz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Lighttpd - Redirect HTTPS 443 to HTTPS 123

I have HTTPS working for a local instance of Lighttpd. But I'm wanting to redirect: -> -> My ...
Sean Delaney's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd 1.4.45 - HTTP to HTTPS redirects not replacing ${url.authority}${url.path}${qsa}

I tried to reconfigured my lighttpd to automatically relocate any HTTP requests to HTTPS requests. To do this, I found the following config snipped in the Lighttpd Redmine Wiki: $HTTP["scheme&...
SDwarfs's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Lighttpd reverse proxy HTTPS to another server on HTTP

I've a Lighttpd server running on HTTPS, and I want to have one subdirectory on the server act as a reverse proxy for a separate server that runs on HTTP. I've tried following guides on doing both ...
cogm's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

lighttpd proxy all except .well-known for letsencrypt

I want to configure lighttpd to accept requests from letsencrypt service for cert renewal, but I have a problems with the configuration because it's using as proxy server, so my /.well-known is not ...
TarasH's user avatar
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1 answer

https not recognized by PHP when lighttpd url.rewrite used

I'm deploying a PHP website using lighttpd. To get nice URLs working, I've put this into the configuration file: url.rewrite = ( "^/(?!(wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content))/(.*)" => "/index.php?$...
Philipp Zedler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

lighttpd authentication before redirection from https to http

I would like to redirect from https to http after authentication so credentials go through a secure channel but everything else is transmitted in plain. Here it is the relevant part of the conf file: ...
Albert's user avatar
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0 answers

Reverse Proxy with https redirect in Lighttpd

I've got a django application here that uses a lighttpd reverse proxy. We recently moved it behind an elastic load balancer on EC2 and I'm having trouble working out the correct config to do what I ...
hopvision's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to reverse proxy https with lighttpd?

I want to forward (reverse proxy) requests to to my internal (HTTPS-)WebServer on port 8443 using Lighttp. Environment-Infos: My WebServer is a Tomcat running on ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

lighttpd - redirect everything to https

I have tried to use the example from this wiki page - $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { # capture vhost name with regex conditiona -> %0 in redirect pattern # must be the most inner block to ...
dima_mak's user avatar
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2 answers

Use : redirect to "http://www" except for one page in https (with lighttp)

I use the awesome front end optimizer , which requires www subdomain. Also I have a payment page that I would use HTTPS without using fasterize, so on another subdomain. I use lighttpd, ...
Julien D's user avatar
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2 answers

Serving image content over https, must encryption strength match that of the main website?

Im looking at migrating my website to https throughout. I have a server responsible for the HTML/PHP, and 4 other servers which serve image content Now clearly all the image servers need to be https ...
carpii's user avatar
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2 answers

Lighttpd Redirect to SSL results in 301 redirect loop

I am running lighttpd 1.4.31 with ssl support and am having an issue with forcing https on a specific virtualhost. If I disable the redirect line from the following config, it works as expect (http ...
Trcx's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd: Redirect specific location and sub-locations from HTTP to HTTPS (without using domain name)

I would like to redirect a specific section of a website from HTTP:// to HTTPS:// using Lighttpd. I've been looking at this Lighttpd wiki entry, but the examples don't work the way I want. I have ...
johndir's user avatar
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1 answer

Method to proxy Subversion repo in lighttpd with https to the outside world

HTTPS is HTTP over SSL. I have an Apache server running on a machine in order to publish a Subversion repository (read-only). Apparently there is no direct solution to export the repository using ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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2 answers

Handling http and https requests using a single port with lihgttpd

At the moment I am using http and https as different port. And based on request uri, I made a redirection rule from http to https switch and vice versa. But If I can use only a single port for https ...
agfe2's user avatar
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5 answers

Can SSH be tunneled over HTTPS using thttpd?

I need to tunnel my SSH server through an HTTPS port using thttpd (I can change to lighttpd if necessary, but I'm trying to avoid installing Apache since it's an underpowered box). I haven't been able ...
Michael's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Running multiple services on Port 443, Tunnel SSH over HTTPS

Situation: I want to tunnel SSH sessions through HTTPS. I have a very restrictive firewall/proxy which only allows HTTP, FTP and HTTPS traffic. What works: Setting up a tunnel through the proxy to a ...
lajuette's user avatar
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2 answers

Lighttpd mod_rewrite and SSL

I'm trying to prevent the search engines from crawling through SSL version of the site, to prevent content duplication and canonization issues. I found the following great article: http://www....
SyRenity's user avatar
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1 answer

Self-Signed SSL Cert in Lighttpd Causing 404s

Hey guys, I wanted to try out SSL on my server so I decided to create some self-signed SSL certificates as outlined here. After going to the document-root, firefox did indeed allow me to accept the ...
Jorge Israel Peña's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to handle encrypted and unencrypted http connections through a single port

Please, take a look at the following diagram. How should this work? When a remote requests http://* , the request should be forwarded to the http server that listens on port 8008 of ...
alemartini's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

Handling http and https requests using a single port with nginx

i was wondering if nginx is able to handle http and https requests on the same port. [*] This is what i'm trying to do. I'm running a web server (lighttpd) handling http requests, and a C program ...
alemartini's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

how to disable unencrypted traffic(port 80) on lighttpd

We want to run an SSL only lighttpd process. Which configuration option should be used to turn off port 80 with its unencrypted traffic ? Lighttpd documents only provide a "redirection" to https ...
hayalci's user avatar
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