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1 answer

Lighttpd/Nginx Non-Functional

I'm using the Blackboard AMI from AWS and can't get the lighttpd to function on it. I continually get 502s. I've run service lighttpd status which gave me back: ● lighttpd.service - Lighttpd Daemon ...
user3783243's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Random speed on downloading files from Nginx/lighttpd

I've tried both lighttpd and nginx as webservers. All to very same result: In the morning, when the load is low, files are lighting fast to download. But later, when the load is a BIT more, server ...
user275407's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using an EV SSL certificate for your site with non-EV SSL content

If I purchase an EV SSL certificate for a site that is using static content from a non-EV SSL site does that effect the EV SSL certificate presentation on the main www site? For example: www.example....
Hibbie's user avatar
  • 21
0 votes
3 answers

Architecting a web server hosting mixed small and large (100MB+) static content [closed]

I have the challenge of hosting about 200-1000 mp3 files, all in the 100MB+ size range. Furthermore, there are some smaller RSS files, and some smaller JPG files. All this is static content, no PHP, ...
Carsten's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are the advantages of using dedicated server software over framework built-in servers?

Being a beginner in the web world, I've always used Apache to develop applications in PHP. Getting tired of it, I learned Node.js, Rails and Django -- just to get a taste of each of the most used web ...
gchiconi's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd rewrite rule for Flight PHP microframework

I'm using the Flight PHP microframework, and it includes its' own router, and needs the server to rewrite requests to the index.php file. It features rewrite-rules for both Apache and Nginx but ...
Henrik's user avatar
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3 answers

Can Apache, nginx and lighttpd coexist in a Ubuntu system?

Just for learning and testing, I've installed these three different web servers, I've also installed mysql and php5. I changed the DocumentRoot for each to /var/www/apache, /var/www/nginx and /var/...
diegoaguilar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

convert lighttpd to nginx rewrite rules

I'm trying hard to make my code work on nginx. This configuration works with lighttpd but I want migrate it to nginx. Rewrite rules on lighttd : url.rewrite-once = ( "^/(ui)/(.*)$" => "/gi.php/$...
user3355434's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Balancing server bandwith

I am working on a file uploading website. It will be run on dedicated server with 1GBPS connection. I wanna offer visitors max download speed possible at the current moment. So lets say server can ...
user2976389's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How does lighttpd/nginx determine filetype of a file? (which method?)

I want to configure my lighttpd to serve some static files, with compression capability. The files are plain text but they have .bin extension. I have these lines in my lighttpd configuration: ...
Reza Mohammadi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Identifying performance bottleneck on a high-end VPS (Apache 2.4 event_mpm/lighttpd/nginx)

I have quite a high-end VPS from vpsblast (their SSD13) - 4 cores, 16gb RAM, 320gb of SSD hard drive space on a 1GigE Internet backbone (virtually uncontested). As near as I can tell it is running ...
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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1 answer


So lately I heard about people running apache and nginx together, nginx for static content and apache for dynamic. Can the same be done with lighttpd and apache?
teeiger's user avatar
1 vote
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Mumble Django via Nginx - config file infinitely loops in rewrite

I am having a bit of problem of configuring Nginx in place of Apache, so that it served Mumble Django to clients. I have vhosts configs for both Apache and Lighttpd - let me put them here side by side,...
Gelmir's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

SVN and 'lite' web servers

I plan to setup and configure SVN server. Think about 'lite' web servers, such as nginx or lighttpd. AFAIK nginx has only limited support for the DAV and does not have SVN module itself. Is it correct ...
Evgenii Iablokov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Should I switch from lightty to nginx? [closed]

I've been using lightty/lighttpd for about two years, and have had no problems. I occasionally have to restart lighttpd to regain some memory but other then that I love the config files and how ...
Kyle's user avatar
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1 answer

Ruby Passeger + Nginx or lighthttpi + fgci for shared hosting

I have set up a passenger + nginx setup and I plan to offer a free non-commercial hosting (or in fact on the fly deployment) for rack-based frameworks (e.g. camping, sinatra). I am facing an "issue" ...
devnull's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Nginx equivalent to lighttpd "evhost.path-pattern"

I'm setting up a new server for my personal stuff. On the old box I've used lighttpd for almost two years now. I've read a bit about it and most people tend to switch to nginx since it's development ...
Manuel's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

web servers & php [closed]

I usually code in PHP, and always used apache. I have started my own website but I soon realised that apache is not the best solution to have: it uses 15MB of memory per page, making a small server ...
Enrico Tuttobene's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Lighttpd's memory leaks, a myth or true? If true, does it apply to static content? [closed]

[First, please read it all before marking it as being subjective, or irrelevant as of ServerFault's community guidelines.] EDIT: I should have mentioned that the site I am building serves video files....
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to filter/edit web content using Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd?

Is it possible to use any of the following HTTP servers: Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd as a proxy to make the following: Disallow certain HTTP bodies (web pages) based on their content (e. g., words) ...
user444214's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is nginx good for dynamic content?

I want an alternative for apache, lighthttpd has memory leaks problems so i can't go for it, i keep reading that nginx is good for static content but is it good for php-mysql dynamic video sharing ...
user's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is Nginx so slow at serving static files with this configuration, and not lighttpd?

We wanted to switch all our servers from lighttpd to nginx but while the Web server migration went fine, the static files server migration was disastrous. We ended up with up to 10 seconds of latency ...
Bite code's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Webserver vhost configuration in database?

I know it's possible with lighttpd, but is there a way to achieve the same thing with Apache or better yet, nginx?
Matty's user avatar
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An Amazon EC2 "Micro" (smallest) linux instance can reliably serve a dynamic website to how many users?

How "large" of a website can one reliably host on Amazon EC2's micro instance? Running apache, nginx, lighty, I don't care. Just curious how far that $5.20/month would get you and why I should or ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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Multiple protected locations with Nginx

I am trying to secure couple of locations using the basic HTTP authentication that comes with Nginx, but for some reason it won't work. I have: (This is accesible by user ADMIN) ...
Ivo Sabev's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I use lightttpd or nginx for an ubuntu VPS?

I'm working on setting up a VPS, and I'm not about to go with slow apache. I'm looking into lighttpd and nginx, but I don't know which one to go with. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on an OpenVZ VPS My ...
Sam Bloomberg's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Limit upload file size and redirect user to error page if limit exceeds

Is it possible to redirect user to file file too big page when POST request size exceeds specified limit? I am aware about max-request-size option, but it gives just static page that cannot be ...
jonny's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

optimize nginx for large file downloading

Hey, I'm wondering what are some general options I should look into for optimizing an nginx server for large file downloading (typically 100mb to 6gb). I just migrated from lighttpd and I'm noticing ...
Jorge Israel Peña's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Fastest web server for serving static content

I'm optimizing our system for some faster static content delivery, and was wondering if anyone has any proper experience with the fastest web servers out there for such a purpose. From the three main ...
Swader's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

lighttpd: Does it still have memory leak and CPU consumption issues?

This page here compares nginx and lighttpd: There are numerous reports of memory leaks unfixed for years as well as severely worse CPU consumption (2% ...
user41356's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Apache MPMs - Worker vs Prefork

I'm trying to figure out what which is the best Apache MPM I can install on my VPS. I saw some benchmarks and MPM Worker seems to perform better than the Prefork one but for some reason everyone seems ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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2 answers

What would be better in my case - apache, nginx or lighttpd?

I'm writing a PHP site that's expected to get about 200-300 concurrent users browsing it. When initializing the application will load about 30 PHP classes, some 10 maybe 15 images and a couple of css ...
tftd's user avatar
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Why does everybody mentions Apache/NGINX/Lighttpd... but not YAWS [closed]

I see a lot of comparisons between Apache, NGINX, Lighttpd, Cherokee ... but never a comparison with the YAWS webserver written in Erlang. Maybe there is a reason for this? Or maybe YAWS deservers ...
PieterB's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Server setup for image storage

I need to store 25M Photos in 4 sizes = total 100M Files, the filesize will vary between 3Kb and 200 kb per file and the used storage at beginning is about 14-15 TB. Our goal is to have the data on 2-...
Nenad's user avatar
  • 375
2 votes
2 answers

Best server for me? Nginx/Apache/LightHttpd

I need to setup my new dedicated server (Intel Atom E220 1.6 Ghz ONE CORE, 2 GB RAM) And my website is not a usual one. It has many concurrent processes(php) that's because some php request take over ...
user avatar
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2 answers

When should I go for Varnish / Nginx or Lighttd?

I am fairly new to using any of these servers, so it will really help in knowing what specific features are most optimized of any of these three webservers. And in what scenarios should I choose one ...
phoenix24's user avatar
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lighttpd, ngingx, fastcgi, static content, What are they, and when do you need them

i am working on an web application that requires the page to be updated every second. You can think of a websites with stocks where the data has to be updated real time. Background For this real ...
Saif Bechan's user avatar
21 votes
6 answers

Why is Nginx more popular than lighttpd?

I'd like to use Lighttpd in production for serving Django apps but i see that these days Nginx is more and more popular. Why is that? I'm aware that in the past Lighttpd had memory leaks but isn't ...
daniels's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

Apache, nginx, or lighttpd? [closed]

I am going to be live blogging from an event and expect huge spikes in traffic. I am currently using apache with modphp and it died last year under heavy traffic and I don't want it to happen again. ...
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Nginx vs Lighttpd for WordPress server performance?

Which web server would be more suitable for running a few instances of wordpress? They are both pretty easy to setup, so I am wondering mostly about performance. Would there be a difference? I think ...
verhogen's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to handle encrypted and unencrypted http connections through a single port

Please, take a look at the following diagram. How should this work? When a remote requests http://* , the request should be forwarded to the http server that listens on port 8008 of ...
alemartini's user avatar
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23 votes
9 answers

Handling http and https requests using a single port with nginx

i was wondering if nginx is able to handle http and https requests on the same port. [*] This is what i'm trying to do. I'm running a web server (lighttpd) handling http requests, and a C program ...
alemartini's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

The Current State Of Serving a PHP 5.x App on the Apache, LightTPD & Nginx Web Servers?

Being stuck in a MS stack architecture/development position for the last year and a half has prevented me from staying on top of the world of open source stack based web server's recent evolution more ...
Gregory Kornblum's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Which web server has better rewrite syntax that closely mimics Apache's?

Since most open source projects include mod_rewrite rules to work with Apache I need to be able to convert them to work with lighttpd or nginx. Which web server allows me to convert the rules exactly ...
kovert's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Which is best for Django? Lighttpd or Nginx? Or maybe something else? [closed]

Which of Lighttpd and Nginx is, basing on your experience, better suited for Django? I've used both and can hardly notice any difference at all, they just work fine... Are there any use cases when one ...