Questions tagged [cgi]

Cgi is the common gateway interface, used for interactive webpages.

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1 answer

Suexec, group-writeable files

I am running an Apache server with Suexec. However, I get an internal server error if I try to execute a CGI script that is group-writeable (if I chmod g-w , the script runs fine) However, I want the ...
Jeff's user avatar
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2 answers

CGI script fails to open a socket (CentOS 6.2/Apache2)

I have a webserver running CentOS 6.2 and the latest Apache from repositories. Todey I encountered a problem when running an executable program via CGI on Apache. The program is supposed to connect to ...
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Compiling FastCGIWrap fails on slackware (nginx cgi support)

I'm currently trying to get nginx to work with cgit which uses cgi. I know nginx doesn't support cgi directly but it appears you can support it indirectly via FastCGIWrap. The link above is pretty ...
tftd's user avatar
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1k views exists, but a cgi can't find it

I have a Debian 6 server, 64 bits... I checked ldconfig, ldconfig path, symbolic links... , rebooted and so on... but still a cgi can't find The package libidn11 is installed (...
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Apache Server CGI Error 500

I am trying to set up a server for the "cgit" web-ui for GIT. I have downloaded the source code from the developer's website and correctly compiled it per the instructions. My default-server.conf ...
dsljanus's user avatar
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Unreadable error using FCGI

I recently installed mod_fcgi on to Amazon EC2 64bit Linux AMI and using Movable Type 5.13 with it. Here is my error log. [warn]mod_fcgid: error reading data, FastCGI server closed connection, ...
Maca's user avatar
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Modify apache 2 to use different Perl instance

I have 2 installed Perl on the OS, now my cgi script need to run the module on newly installed Perl, I've already set played the PERL5LIB, @INC to include the new instance but it doesn't work. Any ...
lupin's user avatar
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2 answers

Is this script nefarious?

This is sitting in my web site's cgi-bin. Should I be concerned about it? #!/usr/bin/perl print <<HTML; Content-type: text/html <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 ...
binaryorganic's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Apache: Include Virtual SSI not working for CGI script

I have the following Server Side Includes within an .html file called test.html... <!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/myScript.cgi"--> <!--#include virtual="/includes/myFile.html"--> When I ...
Sparky's user avatar
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1 answer

Enable Windows Authentication on website, allow only some users

I am investigating this problem. I have a CGI application that I publish through a website published in IIS7. EDIT: I changed the web.config to use url authorization. This is the web.config of a ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Munin isn't showing graph history

I'm setting up my new Ubuntu 10.04 server and installed munin to view my machine's stats. It was working for a while, then I changed a couple of things (PHP spawn-fcgi to PHP FPM, reinstalled nginx) ...
mr_schlomo's user avatar
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Is there any equivalent to php5-cgi for python?

nginx doesn't allow to directly execute external programs, so to run CGIs you need to run an standalone fcgi backend and connect to it with the fastcgi_pass directive. For php it's easy, e.g. using ...
Jaime Soriano's user avatar
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Unable to SSI include some CGI scripts

I have a page site.shtml on an Apache server in which I am trying to include a few CGI scripts, like so: <p><pre><!--#include virtual="files/testfile" --></pre></p> ...
ssube's user avatar
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3 answers

Can advanced web servers be faster than basic web servers?

A bsic web server such as python SimpleHTTPServer or THTTPD reads static files with least process; thus is quite fast. Normally, adding more features to create an advanced web server (but still ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Bugzilla CGI not working under Apache on Windows 7 [closed]

I am trying to install Bugzilla on my Windows 7 machine. I have only been able to get the apache,mysql,perl stack operational by installing XAMPP. Apache works well for php, and mysql seems quite ...
ProfK's user avatar
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2 answers

Centos 5.5 - run cgi scripts from multiple locations

I want to be able to run cgi scripts from other locations besides /var/www/cgi-bin, examples: /var/www/folder1/cgi-bin /var/www/folder2/cgi-bin /var/www/folder3/cgi-bin How do I go about configuring ...
Anthony Miller's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I properly disable cgi scripts e.g. guestbook.cgi on WHM [closed]

After a PCI scan identified guestbook.cgi as a risk, I want to disable the cgi-scripts installed by WHM (v11, running on CentOS5). I would like to do this "properly" using the WHM Web interface if ...
agtb's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing server API from CGI to FastCGI

I have a server set up on CentOS and I need to change the API from CGI to FCGI (Someone else set this up initially) for x-cache to work (we need this as we have a TV appearance on monday and are ...
mylesagray's user avatar
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Redirecting a non-existent file in cgi-bin

We are using RHLE 5.6. I am fairly new with linux and apache. We currently have a website using an archaic exe file in the cgi-bin directory for a shopping cart (on Windows). We are migrating this ...
Joseph at SwiftOtter's user avatar
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How to serve php requests through a single persistent php-cgi instance?

How to set up PHP Version 5.2.17 on Apache/2 to serve php requests through a single persistent php-cgi instance?
LLub's user avatar
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3 answers

Munin graphing by CGI

I have Munin working just fine, but any time I try to do cgi graphing - it just stops graphing... no errors in the log, nothing. I've followed the instructions here:
Vaughn Hawk's user avatar
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Force Apache to kill its children after lost connection ("stop button" pressed)

How can I make Apache kill the CGI's that it has spawned, after the client (browser) has closed the connection? I got a couple of CGI's that perform long-running operations and send output every 15 ...
Willem's user avatar
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1 answer

How to switch from CGI/FastCGI Server API to DSO?

Apache: How to switch from CGI/FastCGI Server API to DSO? I want to switch back and forth. I found this answer for the reverse step, but I need the the first part: Apache: How to switch to CGI/...
Mark's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Display static pages with a RAND seed, expiry? [closed]

In Apache, is there any way (using scripts like CGI and PHP, etc.) that will fetch all static content (html, images, and files within a specified size range) and send it to the user as a randomized ...
U4iK_HaZe's user avatar
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2 answers

Scaling Python CGI scripts [closed]

I have Apache running on a quad-core Ubuntu server on a 384kbps ADSL. Files are uploaded by users via a web-form and processed by various Python programs running as CGI scripts. Some scripts are CPU ...
SabreWolfy's user avatar
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Execute CGI script as specific user with Apache

I want to run a specific (perl) CGI script on my webserver. This works reasonable, but it would work immensely better if the CGI script would be running as the currently authenticated user. Is there ...
dtech's user avatar
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Problem with cgi-bin directory

I want to execute cgi files from /var/www/html/cgi-bin and /var/www/html/s1/cgi-bin. I currently have this in my httpd.conf Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/html/...
Matthew Hui's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get rid of TCP or lighttpd 4KB buffering on CGI output?

I have a stock lighttpd install on a Amazon Linux AMI running on EC2. The only config changes I did is to enable CGI support. Then there is a custom CGI tool (written in C) put in /cgi-bin/ that is ...
Pol's user avatar
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CGI script not working properly on new web server

I have a simple CGI script that is working now in production that returns a json object, and so it returns a content type of application/x-javascript. In internet explorer, this file is asked to be ...
Roy Rico's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache mapping URL to CGI script

In Apache I would like a URL "/myscript" or "/myscript?param=myparam" to execute a CGI script located at: /usr/local/scripts/ I have tried: Action custom-action /usr/local/scripts/custom....
PP.'s user avatar
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1 answer

C CGI invoked by apache 2.2 on Windows 7 cannot read environment variable

I have a C CGI that is invoked by Apache, both running as SYSTEM. The CGI relies on the setting of WINDIR and TEMPLATES environment variables. It gets the value of WINDIR without any problems but ...
SpacedMonkey's user avatar
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Are there benefits in using CGI in a large scale Apache2 server or should I just use FASTCGI?

I have a web product done in PHP that theoretically should support a lot of users. Problem is, I just left the apache as it is and found out its just running as CGI. Is this very wrong and I should do ...
gianebao's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Mod_Rewrite: Aliases and CGI

I am trying to get Apache to run a cgi executable in my "project" directories. It should respond to HTTP requests at: localhost/packages localhost/packages/ However, it should not respond to http ...
nomen's user avatar
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how to spawn php-cgi automatically when it exits?

I am using php-cgi on ubuntu(with nginx), and the command to start it is: spawn-fcgi -a -p 9100 -f /usr/bin/php-cgi -P /var/run/ but sometimes the php-cgi process will exit ...
Bin Chen's user avatar
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Windows Apache 2.2 painfully slow executing CGI

I've recently set up Apache 2.2 and git on one of our Windows XP PCs for gitweb access using the setup at As noted on the wiki, the only version of ...
JJS's user avatar
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3 answers

Generate TFTP Content on the fly?

I know this isn't the purpose of TFTP, but I'm working in an environment where a lot of different types of devices pull provisioning info from a TFTP server. What I'm developing is a provisioning ...
andyortlieb's user avatar
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Installing Redmine with apache in localhost slackware 13.1

I just installed Redmine in slackware 13.1 I followed the instructions and test of the installation works fine using webrick: ruby script/server webrick -e production However, I now want to use it ...
QLands's user avatar
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lamp php ubuntu 10.04 with cgi I get accesses to '/var/www/...' instead of '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/...'

I have a basic php cgi configuration problem on top of the apache web server in Ubuntu 10.04 . I am trying to setup cgi so as to answer one of the urls localhost/cgi-bin/index.php or localhost/index....
branco's user avatar
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PHP as a CGI binary vs. PHP as an Apache module

What are the benefits of running PHP as a CGI binary compared to running PHP as an Apache module? Are there: Security benefits? Stability benefits? Performance benefits? I've always installed and ...
Aaron's user avatar
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access cgi script from a subdomain with nicer URL

I want to access this page (working) via <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Moak's user avatar
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"svn update" on a remote machine

I need an ability to run "svn update" on a remote machine for a non-technical user, how would I go about it? Our non-techincal users are using Windows XP and have Tortoise SVN client installed. I'm ...
alexus's user avatar
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Should apache ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ line be removed in production?

Here is the part of my current apache config that refers to cgi-bin stuff. This info was included in the default configuration in debian. Should this be removed on a live/production machine? ...
Kzqai's user avatar
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3 answers

Apache CGI Script Can Cannot Overwrite a File in a Directory it has full permissions to

Having a weird problem on a Solaris 10 box. I have a cgi script (perl) which needs to overwrite a file. We do not have suexec running on Apache so the destination directory has full (777) access so ...
user770395's user avatar
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PHP CGI for apache virtual host

I'm using PHP5.3 as module for Apache2.2(Windows). For one virtual host i need use PHP4 as CGI for .php files. This is my config <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "E:\projects\php\wp\dev" ...
Kein's user avatar
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2 answers

How does nginx support cgi?

With apache ,I just put my binary under cgi-bin,how about nginx? Does it support cgi at all?
kernel's user avatar
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How do you give execute permissions to Apache2 user and NOT to everyone else?

I have Ubuntu Server running and I am setting up a separate directory as a cgi-bin. I have the directory ready and I changed the file for the site. However, to get it to work, I need to change the ...
Lenny K's user avatar
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1 answer

Git Server on Shared Hosting

Are there any revision control systems (git preferred) that could run on shared hosting server presumably by being launched as CGI scripts?
Eric Pruitt's user avatar
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Can't configure trac to work with Apache2

I've been trying to set up trac to be deployed with apache for a little while now and I'm running into a wall. This is the response I'm receiving from my server Internal Server Error The server ...
Casey Flynn's user avatar
2 votes
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CGI Died, error log [closed]

I've been getting some 500 internal server errors on my website every so often, so I had a look at the error log. I am using lighttpd with Kloxo (lxadmin) installed. I have xcache enabled. 2011-04-...
Greatestswordsman's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

How to add a pool to FPM (nginx) without reload/restart fpm itself?

Im building an environment (on a ubuntu 10.04.02 machine) to handle a website with many (should support at least 1000) subdomains, each of them served by a different FPM pool, with a different user. ...
Strae's user avatar
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