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Cannot redirect/proxy from Apache to lighttpd server

I have a home server that is accessible from outside with a static IP and port http://<homeip>:10001. This is a Lighttpd server. I also own a website with Apache, I've ...
TheUnexpected's user avatar
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lighttpd can't access same files and apache can't

I having a issue with lighttpd, It can't access any of my files in ../media/* but apache can. It's the very same files it have been running for a very long time, until for 4 -> 6 hours ago, where it ...
user355906's user avatar
3 votes
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Lighttpd Proxy -> Apache SVN mod_dav_svn - Stuck via command line but works in browser

I have a confusing problem. I have installed a long time ago Apache 2.4 with mod_dav_svn to be able to access my repos via https urls. It all works fine with Apache only. Now i switched to lighttpd ...
Brain Foo Long's user avatar
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apache + lighttpd on debian, the both should use ssl, port 443 already used

I installed apache and lighttpd in debian 7, apache used port 80 and lighttpd 88, now I install ssl for apache (443) and when i tried to do the same for lighttpd, I got error because 443 is already ...
deb2014's user avatar
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3 answers

Architecting a web server hosting mixed small and large (100MB+) static content [closed]

I have the challenge of hosting about 200-1000 mp3 files, all in the 100MB+ size range. Furthermore, there are some smaller RSS files, and some smaller JPG files. All this is static content, no PHP, ...
Carsten's user avatar
0 votes
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Lighttpd rewrite rule for Flight PHP microframework

I'm using the Flight PHP microframework, and it includes its' own router, and needs the server to rewrite requests to the index.php file. It features rewrite-rules for both Apache and Nginx but ...
Henrik's user avatar
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3 answers

Can Apache, nginx and lighttpd coexist in a Ubuntu system?

Just for learning and testing, I've installed these three different web servers, I've also installed mysql and php5. I changed the DocumentRoot for each to /var/www/apache, /var/www/nginx and /var/...
diegoaguilar's user avatar
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HAProxy: ACL to forward to different webservers based on directory

basically I have a raspberry pi with multiple webserver daemons on different ports, to be specific lighttpd, apache, and the ADAFruit WebIDE. Basically here are the ways i need it to work[how would ...
user205211's user avatar
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How to convert RewriteCond rules so they work in Lighttpd?

How can I convert this Apache rewrite rules so they work on Lighttpd? This is in fact a .htaccess file, and I need to put those in a lighttpd.conf file. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on ...
user3126896's user avatar
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lighttpd: SMP workers causing performance degrade

I am trying to increase the performance of my lighttpd system by using SMP workers for multiple cores.It turns out that instead of improving the performance it is degrading it. I dont seem to ...
auny's user avatar
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How does lighttpd/nginx determine filetype of a file? (which method?)

I want to configure my lighttpd to serve some static files, with compression capability. The files are plain text but they have .bin extension. I have these lines in my lighttpd configuration: ...
Reza Mohammadi's user avatar
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Lighttpd mod_rewrite to Apache mod_rewrite

I want to turn this Lighttpd mod_rewrite to apache rewrite code. $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(i\.ylar\.se|puush\.me)$" { server.document-root = "/var/www/servers/" url.rewrite-once = ( ...
Ylar's user avatar
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Why does lighttpd or Apache2 proxy change my URL when accessing index.html?

I have a little awkward setup with a Apache 2 webserver being the gatekeeper and proxying traffic based on the incoming domain: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName RewriteEngine On ...
Marcus Riemer's user avatar
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So lately I heard about people running apache and nginx together, nginx for static content and apache for dynamic. Can the same be done with lighttpd and apache?
teeiger's user avatar
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Mumble Django via Nginx - config file infinitely loops in rewrite

I am having a bit of problem of configuring Nginx in place of Apache, so that it served Mumble Django to clients. I have vhosts configs for both Apache and Lighttpd - let me put them here side by side,...
Gelmir's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to filter/edit web content using Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd?

Is it possible to use any of the following HTTP servers: Apache, Nginx or Lighttpd as a proxy to make the following: Disallow certain HTTP bodies (web pages) based on their content (e. g., words) ...
user444214's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is nginx good for dynamic content?

I want an alternative for apache, lighthttpd has memory leaks problems so i can't go for it, i keep reading that nginx is good for static content but is it good for php-mysql dynamic video sharing ...
user's user avatar
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Centos 5.6 switching/migration from apache to lighttpd

I'm currently running Apache 2 with PHP 5.1.6 running as mod_php on a Centos 5.6 box. I use .htaccess for mostly redirection. I already have latest APC running I also have MySQL, etc. Until ...
Sir Lojik's user avatar
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Will there be a performance gain by using Apache's mod_proxy to proxy off static file requests to Lighttpd/nginx?

I know there are lot of tutorials out there which suggest the use either nginx or lighttpd on port 80 and proxy dynamic requests to apache running on a different port. I am not ready to take that leap ...
freethinker's user avatar
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Setting umask 002 for the apache, lighttpd, ... didn't work?

I'm trying to make the files that created by webserver (Apache, lighttpd, ...) can be writable by the ftp users. Adding apache to nobody group and the vise versa. umask 002 for ftp works fine. But the ...
quanta's user avatar
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Apache only for certain things, rest lighttpd

right now the script I'm running isn't fully functional with lighttpd, and some processes still need to be run by apache. therfore, i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to use apache to handle ...
Belgin Fish's user avatar
2 votes
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Webserver vhost configuration in database?

I know it's possible with lighttpd, but is there a way to achieve the same thing with Apache or better yet, nginx?
Matty's user avatar
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How do you set up a server that will proxy traffic based on hostname?

I'm trying to setup a corollary to how google asks people to point their subdomains to which then presumably directs traffic to the right servers based on hostname. My setup differs in ...
Bill Edwards's user avatar
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An Amazon EC2 "Micro" (smallest) linux instance can reliably serve a dynamic website to how many users?

How "large" of a website can one reliably host on Amazon EC2's micro instance? Running apache, nginx, lighty, I don't care. Just curious how far that $5.20/month would get you and why I should or ...
darkAsPitch's user avatar
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What is the overhead when redirect through mod_proxy

I have an API that used to run on Apache but now is served via lighttpd. I can easily switch the API URL in the app to the lighty port like I wonder if I should use mod_proxy instead to ...
ivoba's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Why are NginX and Lighttpd not affected by Slowloris?

I am investigating the vulnerability to Slowloris and I think I understand how and why this sort of attack works. What I don't understand is why Lighttpd and NginX are not affected (according to the ...
The Shurrican's user avatar
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Issue when moving from Apache to Lighttpd

This might not be the right place, but we think its narrowed down to a Lighttpd config issue on our end, just cannot pinpoint. Asked in Virtuemart and Lighttpd forums with no luck. We have a live ...
Brian's user avatar
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Where is Error Log in lighttpd?

I'm new to lighttpd, I just switched from Apache. How can I find the error log by SSH ? I've been getting some 500 Internal Server errors I want to troubleshoot.
Greatestswordsman's user avatar
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Expire module configured to 0, but swf is allways loading from cache

I am trying to load an swf flash file from my lighttpd web server. expire.url "/static/swf" => "modification plus 0 seconds" However, when I reload from the web browser, chrome seems to load ...
vitidandu's user avatar
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Reverse Proxy redirection based on hostname

Here's my setup: Windows Server (2003) receives all traffic for *, which (up to now) redirects all incoming port 80 traffic to a Linux VM (using VMWare virtual network manager). I now ...
Serge Wautier's user avatar
4 votes
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Apache starts automatically on Ubuntu, needs to be stopped to restart lighttpd

I've some issues with my webserver's Apache and lighttpd on Ubuntu 9.04. I use lighttpd only and I've stopped Apache on Ubuntu. For some reason, starting a few days ago, Apache starts to run and I ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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Will using Apache's ProxyPass directive on persistent Ajax connections alleviate the connection limit error?

I've got some javascript that keeps a persistent Ajax connection open for each client, and I know that this can cause some serious issues for apache, but not for lighttpd. One thing I learned from ...
naurus's user avatar
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6 answers

Which apache/mysql/php package is best for windows? [closed]

I have tried appservnetwork, was the best so far, but I haven't seen them do an update in ages, EasyPHP is just slow to load always. Wamp and Xamp, all put in their description that is not for ...
crosenblum's user avatar
16 votes
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Apache MPMs - Worker vs Prefork

I'm trying to figure out what which is the best Apache MPM I can install on my VPS. I saw some benchmarks and MPM Worker seems to perform better than the Prefork one but for some reason everyone seems ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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Using Lighttpd: apache proxy or direct connection?

I'm optimizing a site by using lighttpd for the static media. I've found that a recommended solution is to use Apache Proxy to point to the lighttpd server. But, does that use up an Apache thread/...
Halfgaar's user avatar
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What would be better in my case - apache, nginx or lighttpd?

I'm writing a PHP site that's expected to get about 200-300 concurrent users browsing it. When initializing the application will load about 30 PHP classes, some 10 maybe 15 images and a couple of css ...
tftd's user avatar
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best http server application as webdav?

what is the best http server to be used as webdav for getting and posting files (big files) to from server? is it apache or lighttpd ? I will use the system as online file storage (for backup) ...
Data-Base's user avatar
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Why does everybody mentions Apache/NGINX/Lighttpd... but not YAWS [closed]

I see a lot of comparisons between Apache, NGINX, Lighttpd, Cherokee ... but never a comparison with the YAWS webserver written in Erlang. Maybe there is a reason for this? Or maybe YAWS deservers ...
PieterB's user avatar
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View httpd/lighttpd modules that are installed on shared hosting

I don't have access to the httpd.conf file on this shared host, but I wanted to see which modules are enabled/installed. Is there a (easy) way to find out without access to the httpd.conf file? For ...
sdek's user avatar
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How to optimize mysql databse for serving 1000s of requests at a time?

How to optimize MySQL databse for serving 1000s of requests at a time? For a site like: Is it possible to configure to separate MySQL servers into one load balancing server? So if one ...
user avatar
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Another benefit of Lighttpd in front of Apache

I have read in a site that another benefit of having Lighttpd in front of Apache is lower number of child processes. Lighttpd will handle keep-alive and client requests while child processes of Apache ...
abednegoyulo's user avatar
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Best server for me? Nginx/Apache/LightHttpd

I need to setup my new dedicated server (Intel Atom E220 1.6 Ghz ONE CORE, 2 GB RAM) And my website is not a usual one. It has many concurrent processes(php) that's because some php request take over ...
user avatar
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Ubuntu 10.04 + Lighttpd. can't bind to port: :: 80 Address already in use

I've had a machine running Ubuntu 9.10, with lighttpd and PHP. After the OS update to Ubuntu 10.04, it installed apache2 automatically for some reason (I believe it is due to some dependencies php -> ...
migajek's user avatar
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lighttpd VS Apache

could you pelase tell me what's the difference (i never heard of lighttpd before) ? pro / cons ? and what would you pick for a website who have to deal with a lot of querys (like 20,000 min per day)...
Tristan's user avatar
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How to manage static content with dynamic

I have a lot of static pages, which include html files + js (SCORM packages). I have dynamic pages, also with JS which talks to the static pages JS. Static pages are being opened in an iframe, and we ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
2 votes
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Apache2 with lighttpd as proxy

I am using apache2 as web server. I would like to help him lighttpd as a proxy for static content. Unfortunately I can not well set up lighttpd and apache2. (OS: Debian) Important things from ...
user36022's user avatar
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How do I setup a lighttpd server to serve all images/js/css files with a main apache server?

I have an apache server on a linux ubuntu server. I would like to configure a lighttpd server to serve all the static content.
Doron's user avatar
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Tomcat & lighttpd/apache on same CentOS server

I'm wondering whether it would be possible to setup Tomcat 6 (for hosting Confluence) and either lighttpd or Apache (for PHP things) on the same machine. Ideally I want to have the root be PHP and /...
user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

Apache, nginx, or lighttpd? [closed]

I am going to be live blogging from an event and expect huge spikes in traffic. I am currently using apache with modphp and it died last year under heavy traffic and I don't want it to happen again. ...
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Serve static images from lighttpd and php from apache?

So I have 2 IP Addresses, and running apache on ipaddress #1 ( What I was thinking, was pointing to ipaddress #2, and running lighthttpd for images and javascript. ...
Kladskull's user avatar
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