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PHP & lighttpd: Cannot access POST data

I am running PHP 7.2 fpm with lighttpd/1.4.53 on Raspbian. My goal is to upload image files through HTTP POST - But whatever I post to the script, the $_POST, $_FILES, $_REQUEST superglobals are just ...
Aileron79's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP curl_exec failing with HTTPS

I have a wordpress site that its failing. I tracked the issue and I found that is due to curl_exec() failing with HTTPS sites. I'm running php 5.6 in a Alpine Linux v3.8 container with lighttpd. The ...
lepe's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd stop responding to php calls

I am running 2 servers with Lighttpd 1.4.45 with fastcgi and php 5.6 on gentoo linux. We have a problem in both servers that about twice a day the Lighttpd stop responding to php calls, only restart ...
Miko Meltzer's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Arch Linux - Pass MAC address of connected client to web application via web server [closed]

I currently have a raspberry pi running Arch Linux acting as a wifi access point. There is a web server running on the pi with a LAN web app (PHP). I want my web app to know the MAC address of a user ...
Prash's user avatar
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1 answer

https not recognized by PHP when lighttpd url.rewrite used

I'm deploying a PHP website using lighttpd. To get nice URLs working, I've put this into the configuration file: url.rewrite = ( "^/(?!(wp-admin|wp-includes|wp-content))/(.*)" => "/index.php?$...
Philipp Zedler's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

lighttpd + PHP-fcgi slow response

We have a problem regarding lighttpd as the webserver with php5 as backend via fast-cgi. Sometimes the server's response is taking more than 5 seconds (up to 20 seconds) when requesting a simple file ...
robert's user avatar
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1 answer

Error 500 / 503

I get an Error 500 / 503. My theory was that php5-fpm was being killed and re-spawned every second due to messages like this in php5-fpm.log [27-Jan-2015 08:21:34] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 30045 [...
acanessa's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Retrieve external IP in PHP behind Haproxy

I am using Haproxy to enable running a websocket server and Lighttpd web server on the same machine. I want to retrieve the machines external IP address from the web application running on the ...
Oskar Cronwall's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

lighttpd 403 forbidden jpeg image access

I am running a stock lighttpd installation with no configuration changes. Client sees a 403 forbidden error trying to access static images (even from an img tag on a static page). Nothing in the logs ...
taz's user avatar
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2 answers

Global and per user php.ini

On my server (lighttpd + php-cgi) I have several php-cgi processes, each running as the user of the site it's serving. I know I can set a php.ini for each process through the PHPRC enviroment variable....
Zeta Two's user avatar
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1 answer

PHP processes keep overwhelming my server, eating up the CPU and making it lock up :(

I have a Debian Squeeze Lighttpd server with PHP and MySQL, and also with XCache and Varnish set up. I am quite new to this, but have tried as hard as I can to resolve this problem with no success. ...
Wave's user avatar
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2 votes
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Lighttpd / PHP-CGI will crash without warning

I'm using Lighttpd / PHP-CGI on a Windows XP machine. I was using the normal CGI interface which is very stable, but I tried FastCGI and I love the speed boost. However, even under light load, the ...
Kaslai's user avatar
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Can lighttpd be configured to spawn it's own instances of PHP on Windows7?

Currently, this is how I start PHP and lighttpd and it works fine: start /b php-cgi -c .\php-debug.ini -b start /b LightTPD.exe Once and awhile PHP crashes and I get 503 errors until ...
Larry's user avatar
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1 answer

LighTPD and PHP not working if outside of LightTPD folder

I need to set up a simple web server with PHP on Windows XP that a number of different people will use for local testing. I'm using LightTPD 1.4.30-4-IPv6-Win32-SSL and PHP 5.2. So far I've created ...
Marco83's user avatar
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2 answers

Debain server "HTOP": shows several PHP-CGI instances

I'm new to Debian servers, (Linux VPS in general) and have a question about /usr/bin-php-cgi showing up several times as "tasks" when I run the HTOP "app." I couldn't find any information online ...
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2 votes
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PHP File Lister Sub Directory 404 Error on Lighttpd

I just installed lighttpd today and I am having issues with lighttpd always returning a 404 error on the sub directories. I am trying to install this (h5ai) and I've followed the directions to the ...
Zane's user avatar
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1 answer

Enabeling PHP LDAP with Lighttpd

I'm experiencing some difficulties enabling LDAP in an Archlinux environment with Lighttpd (lighty) and PHP. I have downloaded and installed the php-ldap module, enabled it in php.ini and the phpinfo()...
Henrik O. Skogmo's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

lighttpd: Backend is overloaded + fcgi-server re-enabled + all handlers are down

We have a standard lighttpd deployment with PHP-CGI and our error logs are flooding with the following. This is causing a huge problem because we keep returning 500's to our clients: 2012-10-14 14:28:...
AbuZubair's user avatar
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2 answers

How to increase simultaneous requests for LIGHTTPD

I have Red Hat 6 and I've installed Lighttpd + MySQL and at the moment in getting 500 internal server error, logs shows that I have arround 2000 requests / sec, while as soon as requests drop below ...
ProDraz's user avatar
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3 answers

Security implications of adding www-data to /etc/sudoers to run php-cgi as a different user

What I really want to do is allow the 'www-data' user to have the ability to launch php-cgi as another user. I just want to make sure that I fully understand the security implications. The server ...
BMiner's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Lighttpd and PHP generates error "No input file specified" after server.document-root is moved

I would like to use Lighttpd and PHP to provide a lightweight standalone web server on Windows. I downloaded all the latest builds yesterday and after an hour everything was working fine. Today, I ...
Larry's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Replacing Apache2.2 with lighttpd 1.4 to speedup. Fine tuning?

I am trying to reduce memory usage and increase speed. I am serving a small webservice that receives a max of 800 hits/sec and an average of 400 hits/sec. The server is a 2 xeon dual core 3.0GHz with ...
Don Viegues's user avatar
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Confused! php-cgi opened (and didn't close) a UDP "connection" ...but isn't UDP connectionless?

This question is more for my own education than to solve any problem. I am running a VPS at linode w/ lighttpd and PHP 5.3.13 via fast-cgi. When I list internet connections, I get this strange ...
CNYLiberty's user avatar
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2 answers

load balanced server farm in php with sql

What is the best configuration for a load balanced server farm for a high demand download web page that uses php and mysql. I have servers that currently use centos with lightppd. Has anyone got ...
user1074541's user avatar
2 votes
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file_get_contents url wrappers work on cli but not cgi

I have a big problem. I have just upgraded to a new dedicated server running Plesk 10, and Ubuntu 11.04 and my scripts can't run file_get_contents or curl to external urls in cgi mode. ...
Liam Bailey's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to effectively have less php-cgi processes running?

My server is a Linode 512, and on it I run a Wordpress MU with 3 websites (they don't get a lot of visitors) and a couple of NodeJS apps. I need to switch to Lighttpd because Apache 2 was using about ...
João Pinto Jerónimo's user avatar
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lighttpd + php-cgi: Memory increase crazily if there's syntax error in the php file

I use lighttpd as the webserver, and module mod_fastcgi is on. So I can fetch php file with lighttpd. Here is a segment of my configure file. fastcgi.server =( ".php"=> ( ( "bin-...
Miaonster's user avatar
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1 answer

Measure duration of a php web request on lighttpd

I'd like to get time (ms) from php request to response for each hit on a page. Can this be done through lighttpd, or should it be done in php? How? If done in php, what would be the best performing ...
Professional Sounding Name's user avatar
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Make Lighttpd treat .CSS files as .PHP files

I want files with a .CSS extension to be treated as PHP, and parsed/executed as if they were .PHP files (in addition to retaining the default behavior of parsing .PHP files as PHP). Is there an easy ...
Keith Palmer Jr.'s user avatar
47 votes
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Curl POST - 411 Length Required

We have a RestFUL API we build in PHP. If we make the request: curl -u api-key:api-passphrase -X POST We get back: 411 - Length Required Though if we simply add -...
Justin's user avatar
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3 answers

PHP 5.3 and Lighttpd?

I currently have a couple of servers, running CentOS: Lighttpd/MySQL/Php5.1.x - because that's the PHP version that installs with Yum. The problem is that 5.1.x is out of date (by a long time) and in ...
user avatar
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When restarting ligttpd, how do I get fastcgi php-cgi's to restart

I'm running lighttpd with php5-cgi. Running /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart does not cause the php-cgi processes to restart. Should I just killall them, or is there a more appropriate way to get them to ...
fratrik's user avatar
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3 answers

Optimizing fastcgi + php5

Running a debian system with lighttpd, php5, xcache and fastcgi. 2GB ram, 2 cores, less than 10% cpu load in 5 min averages peak time, less than 1GB of ram in use. The system runs a custom build ...
3molo's user avatar
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Need help starting lighttpd

Today I installed lighttpd on my CentOS 5.6 machine attempting to replace httpd. The things I did: yum install lighttpd nano /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf I set the document root to my files service ...
Kyle's user avatar
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PHP-FPM chroot mistake

I'm using lighttpd and php-fpm. The .php script are processed with with the correct user permission, I see the result on my browser. At the moment all run correctly if i comment chroot= option on ...
Damiano's user avatar
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PHP-FPM doesn't process php request

I have a strange situation, I have installed lighttpd and php5-fpm through aptitude I've created one vhost and the and the fpm pool. This is the main.conf (global FPM) [global] pid = /var/...
user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Which apache/mysql/php package is best for windows? [closed]

I have tried appservnetwork, was the best so far, but I haven't seen them do an update in ages, EasyPHP is just slow to load always. Wamp and Xamp, all put in their description that is not for ...
crosenblum's user avatar
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500 Internal Server Error with PHP application

I have written a PHP application using Windows and XAMPP. I've been trying to run it on Ubuntu 10.10 with Lighttpd 1.4.26. Parts of the application work fine, but whenever I try to log in, I get a 500 ...
James's user avatar
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Lighttpd, PHP, WordPress and permissions

I'm wondering why WordPress isn't able to install or update themes and plugins. I can upload files thought. This is a permissions problem, even when I CHMOD 0777 on the wp-content/themes and wp-...
Ahmed Nuaman's user avatar
16 votes
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Apache MPMs - Worker vs Prefork

I'm trying to figure out what which is the best Apache MPM I can install on my VPS. I saw some benchmarks and MPM Worker seems to perform better than the Prefork one but for some reason everyone seems ...
Alix Axel's user avatar
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lighttpd and mod_proxy with PHP

I am trying to create a rather complex setup using a combination of lighttpd, some custom Ruby proxies, rails/ramaze (running on Thin), and PHP. Currently it is setup like this: A browser issues the ...
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Installing APC on a server with little ram

I'm going to install APC on my server to enhance Drupal performances, however I've read on internet that if I have little ram it might be a risk, and performances could get worse. I have 256MB ram, ...
aneuryzm's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get rid of webmin environment variables in PHP [closed]

I installed lighttpd with fast-cgi. Then I installed webmin. It appears webmin has taken over the lighttpd install and changed the PHP configuration to add a bunch of their own environment variables ...
John P's user avatar
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php curl extension problem, ubuntu

i've installed (as root) aptitude install curl php5-curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev and added to my php.ini (i assumed this wasn't done automatically because i'm using Lighty and not ...
Juddling's user avatar
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Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
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Lighttpd: requesting local URLs via PHP

I have a webserver which serves content for a site, let's call it "". On that site, I have several PHP scripts that serve content. When someone browses to that site, everything works. If I ...
Mojah's user avatar
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lighttpd eating all memory and CPU

So my lighttpd was running fine for more than a year. Two days ago I decided to install Wordpress 3.0.1 (PHP was already in use by other tools). So after some hours of very few hits (i might get 10 ...
weeheavy's user avatar
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Make PHP FastCGI process write to a specific error log?

I have a server running Lighttpd with three user's serving domains from it. Each user gets their own PHP FastCGI process for serving PHP content across all of their domains. Lighttpd allows me to ...
James Sumners's user avatar
3 votes
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Lighttpd getting 403 forbidden page

i have newly installed lighttpd in ubuntu 9.10 first it showed the detault page and i changed the permission of /var/www/ directory to 777 and now its saying 403 forbidden my php-cgi -v PHP 5.2.10-...
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Lighttpd Prepending Strings to Certain Files

I have a Mint install (Fantastic stats, if you were wondering) and I would like to move over to Lighttpd for my server needs. Unfortunatly, this means that php_auto_prepend is no longer easily ...
Kyle's user avatar
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