Questions tagged [yaml]

YaML is a human-readable data serialisation format.

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8 votes
2 answers

quoting colon in ansible

I am trying to use ansible to check that the output of a particular program is set to a certain value. That value includes a colon followed by a space, and this seems to register as a syntax error no ...
stochastic's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Get current hostname and push it into conf file with ansible

I'm working into an ansible playbook to get the current hostname of a server and then set it into a configuration file. I cannot figure it out how can I push the shell output using the lineinfile ...
pedrocalixto's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to merge variables of type hash across different variable files in ansible?

I have two YAML variable files which are reused for many playbooks: # playbook/group_vars/all settings: a: 1 b: 2 # inventory/group_vars/main.yml settings: c: 3 I want settings to be equal {...
Jason Holcomb's user avatar
6 votes
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Adding an existing security group CloudFormation EC2 template

Instead of having to set ingress and egress rules, how do I reference existing EC2 security groups in a CloudFormation Template? Resources: EC2Instance: Type: AWS::EC2::Instance ...
rumplesmyboy's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to change the current user's password in-band with ansible?

I have a Linux distribution that is freshly installed. It has a regular user with a default password, and a locked down root account (no password on root - can't be SSHed as directly). I want to be ...
Tal's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why do some r10k configuration files start their YAML lines with :?

I'm looking at setting up r10k for Puppet deployment, and I have various example r10k.yaml configuration files, but some seem to use an extra : at the start of many lines, for instance, at http://www....
Iain Hallam's user avatar
4 votes
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Ansible check if variable exists in attribute list

I have a variable containing details of host machines on my network (called 'hostlist' - I believe you call this a dictionary, but I'm not sure of the terminology. The variable is defined in a file in ...
Mike Williams's user avatar
4 votes
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Verifying Salt states before committing

I'm storing my salt sls files in a git repository, but I have the perennial problem that I can't verify my YAML represents a valid set of states that could be applied (I've also had difficulty ...
Andrew Aylett's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does the formatting policy look like since Ansible 2.0?

I have seen multiple Ansible examples on github and in the ansible docs, e.g.: --- # this might be in a file like handlers/handlers.yml - name: restart apache service: name=apache state=restarted ...
030's user avatar
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How to define multiple /etc/hosts entries with Puppet ENC?

I'm writing an External Node Classifier for my Puppet infrastructure, and I have the need to manipulate the /etc/hosts file on each node. The following (due to the duplicate key) is invalid YAML: --- ...
Chris Tonkinson's user avatar
3 votes
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Contents in Kubernetes pod gets empty when persistent volume is mounted

persistent volume claim and persistent volume yaml file apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolume metadata: name: my-volume labels: type: local spec: storageClassName: manual capacity: ...
aks's user avatar
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dict as value for YAML key in an Ansible task

I am unable to figure out how to pass a dictionary/hash-map of key-value pairs as the value for an option in an ansible tasks. Default Options: # roles/ec2/defaults/main.yml ec2: key_name: "{{ ...
Mark Feltner's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to pass a group value in inventory file to jinja2 template file in ansible

I have an inventory file named hospital.inventory and it contains following group with a single value. [dockerSwarmManager] Then I have a file name security.json.j2 inside the ...
AnujAroshA's user avatar
3 votes
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Cross-reference Ansible variables within the same mapping

How can I define an Ansible variable whose value is another variable in the same mapping structure? To allow sensible namespacing of variables, I am defining mapping structures like this, where some ...
bignose's user avatar
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Configure AWS CloudFront to send custom query params to origin

Is it possible to configure my AWS CloudFront distribution to append to the request a custom query param (e.g a private key) before sending it to the origin? For example, the front end is calling *....
Nadav96's user avatar
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Problems with setting up bonding on Netplan (Ubuntu server 18.04)

I have a dual port network card that I want to bond both ports and balance the traffic between ports. I want 1 static IP address. I used to ubuntu 16.04 and this worked fine. Im now trying to set ...
Craig Armitage's user avatar
2 votes
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SaltStack: found conflicting ID

My sls file: /etc/sudoers.d/foo: file.managed: - contents: | foo ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart minio_storage-foo.service foo ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl restart ...
guettli's user avatar
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How to validate variables contents in Ansible?

ansible-lint only checks the tasks/handlers and doesn't iterate over the variables (e.g. if you're using with_items, it won't iterate over all the items) and yamllint only checks cosmetic issues and ...
gtirloni's user avatar
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How to use Ansible modules replace or inline instead shell command with SED

i have file with string: MYAPP.db.username.DEV=MYUSERNAME Where: MYAPP mean name of applications DEV means environment MYUSERNAME means name of user for connection to db I need to replace these ...
Piduna's user avatar
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Create JSON Patch 6902 from two yaml/json files

Imagine I have a file foo.yaml and a modified version of this file called foo2.yaml. Is there a way to create a correspondig json patch 6902?
guettli's user avatar
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Use lookup/dynamic variable names in Ansible jinja2 template

The playbook below should generate a file with the content: a,b ssh_host_key ssh_rsa_host_key However, the way I construct the variable names results in either syntax/templating errors or 'variable ...
Willem's user avatar
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How can I enable epel-release before installing packages with cloud-init?

I'm trying to install a few packages on CentOS 8 via cloud-init, like this: package_upgrade: true packages: - firewalld - htop One of them one of them requires epel-release repo to be installed ...
Chef Tony's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ansible error: The tasks/main.yml file for role 'common' must contain a list of tasks

I inherited this ansible git from my predecessor. I can't get it to work though and I guess it's something basic that I'm missing. It keeps giving me this lovely error: ERROR! The tasks/main.yml file ...
Frank Vermeulen's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to delete daemonSet in k8s

I've created a daemonSet in k8s under the namespace kube-system. While trying to delete the deamonSet it got stuck (also when I force it) I've already tried to set a updateStrategy: RollingUpdate To ...
Lidor Ettinger's user avatar
2 votes
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patroni.exceptions.PatroniFatalException: 'Failed to bootstrap cluster'

I have a problem with patroni right here [postgres@localhost ~]$ patroni /etc/patroni.yml 2021-05-25 11:39:56,767 INFO: Selected new etcd server 2021-05-25 11:39:56,772 INFO:...
Tùng Nguyễn's user avatar
2 votes
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AWS CloudFormation - Creating Layer Version and Function that uses layer

I have a Cloudformation template that currently looks roughly like the following. Resources: MyLayer: Type: AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion Properties: CompatibleRuntimes: - nodejs12....
Randabut's user avatar
2 votes
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Puppet - Get interface name from netplan yaml config

How to get interface name which has nameservers defined? I want to get the interface name so I can pass it to another netplan puppet module so the nameservers can be replaced. But I only want to get ...
user630702's user avatar
1 vote
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CloudFormation template: how to use Sub and GetAtt at the same time in short form?

I'm using yaml. So, we can use either: !GetAtt [ WebServer, AvailabilityZone ] !GetAtt WebServer.AvailabilityZone Also, we can use: !Sub 'sometext-${AWS::StackName}' how can I use GetAtt output ...
Putnik's user avatar
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How to use vars in ansible roles

I want to create a ansible role to add user with ssh_keys ├── ansible.cfg ├── hosts ├── playbooks │   └── add_user.yml └── roles └── add-user ├── files │   ├── ...
Nitigya Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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CloudFormation stack yaml syntax?

I'm trying to create a SecurityGroup which has a tag like Name: SG-StackName. This code works perfect in json: "Resources": { "SecurityGroup": { "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", ...
Putnik's user avatar
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How do I loop over items 1 by 1 in Ansible config (YAML/Jinja2)?

I am trying to loop over my hosts from my inventory in Ansible, and use the name of the host of that iteration in a command. In particular, I am trying to set the hostname of each of my hosts to ...
user3399551's user avatar
1 vote
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Commands not working “with_item” in ansible playbook

I am new to ansible and trying to write a basic playbook for mongodb backup with simplest method. here is what i am trying to do: --- - hosts: mongo tasks: - name: Mongo Dump command: ...
Ali Warrich's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can you set the number of rounds that ansible's password_hash jinja2 filter uses?

In ansible, it's pretty convenient to use something like this: - name: Make sure user password is set user: name: my_user password: "{{ user_password|password_hash('sha512', 'SomeSalt') }}"...
Tal's user avatar
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Alertmanager telegram config chat_id and cannot unmarshal errror

I am trying to configure alertmanager to send alerts to my telegram group. Following the configuration I have: global: resolve_timeout: 5m route: group_by: - job group_interval: 5m ...
Jose's user avatar
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Templated dict keys in ansible YAML

I am trying to use a dict in an Ansible task, which is defined like this: in vars/main.yml file: username: user1 userpass: pass1 users: "{{ username }}": pass: "{{ userpass }}" This doesn't ...
Alexander Shcheblikin's user avatar
1 vote
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Ansible expect is not sending response

I'm new to ansible and trying it by writing an ansible playbook for installing graphite, as a part of it I have the graphite-manage syncdb command which I would like to automate. I wrote this task to ...
rivar_'s user avatar
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saltstack configuration "No Top file or external nodes data matches found"

A very similar version of this question is asked here , but it's completely different since the person had their top file in the wrong directory. I have 3 projects, that I'll call project1, ...
trueCamelType's user avatar
1 vote
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replace with regular expression in azure devops

I want to take this buildVariable Build.SourceVersion which will equal for example: 0gc58d92d905d62415b8866g3f48f17416da426s And replace from digit [7] till line end with empty string 0gc58d92 I ...
Shnbook's user avatar
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Password of new user with LXD and Cloud-init

I'm trying to create a profile to automate the creation of a container, but I'm having trouble with cloud-init. For some reason the password is not being set for the user and is also not being added ...
Matheus Saraiva's user avatar
1 vote
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How to convert and save raw data to PDF format using ansible

I will be getting some raw data directly from an API. I want to format this and convert into PDF file and save it. I gone through ansible modules. I am not getting any idea in this. Can someone ...
saffron's user avatar
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Create a tree-like structure with ansible

I have to create an LDAP structure with users and groups. The groups are a bit complex with a lot of nested groups etc. I need to create a tree like structure in my inventory, like the following: ---...
ptselios's user avatar
1 vote
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pod's name from an environment variables defined in yaml

how can I create a yaml file for pod that get its name from a environment variables defined in yaml file. I have tried this but it is not allowed. metadata: generateName: $(HOSTNAME) . . . env: ...
esxzawq's user avatar
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Puppet parse hiera in inline_template

I have got some .yaml hiera file with: iptables::test: ip: : 'adm-1' : 'adm-2' : 'adm-3' And i want to parse this file in inline_template. I write: $...
perrfect's user avatar
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Gitlab CI/CD with conditional scripts

Here is what I wish to do in GitLab CI/CD: Whenever something is pushed into a specific branch I wish to have multiple scrips and CI/CD should decide which script should be run based on the pushed ...
Bert's user avatar
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"Report-To" HTTP header implementation for GAE Standard

I'm attempting to add a "Report-To:" HTTP header to our App Engine's app.yaml configuration file for integration with (based on the Reporting API here, here, and here) but when ...
Jason Poirier Lavoie's user avatar
1 vote
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app.yaml isn't updated when I deploy (Google App engine/Google Cloud Platform)

This is my default app.yaml file: runtime: custom env: flex service: api runtime_config: jdk: openjdk8 handlers: - url: /.* script: this field is required, but ignored automatic_scaling: ...
djokerndthief's user avatar
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Saltstack for firewalld

I am trying to get a state set up so that I can add the associated ports open in firewalld. Tried every example I can find and all fail. Here is my current: firewalld: service.running: - ...
Jonathan Hansen's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I install Development Tools via vagrant and ansible on Centos 6.7

I get this error when running my first ansible playbook (i.e. I am not familiar with ansible yet) TASK: [Install packages] ****************************************************** failed: [default] =&...
codecowboy's user avatar
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Linux program used to gather installed packages, processes, listening ports, etc.?

It's hard to Google this because it seems like everyone and their kid sister has written a script to gather system stats! I once saw a mature program written that is used to gather system stats like ...
Synthead's user avatar
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How should I replace this line "provisioner:" for a "Kind" statefulset.yaml file?

The following is a StatefulSet.yaml file for deploying Cassandra database on a minikube cluster. I am not sure what lines should be replaced if I want to use a Kind cluster instead of a minikube one, ...
best_of_man's user avatar