Questions tagged [tc]

TC is the linux tool used to manipulate the traffic control functionality in the kernel.

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How to handle QoS(traffic control) based on physical interface of virtual bridge?

I have a requirement to limit the traffic rate based on different interfaces of the router, such as controlling the upload speed of ssid1 to 10mbps, download speed to 20mbps, lan1 upload speed to ...
Ryan.Ran's user avatar
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Ingress traffic shaping with OVS port

I have a ovs topology like this: h1 | | [SW 1] / \ / \ [SW 2] [SW 3] \ / \ / [SW 4] | | h2 Traffic is sent ...
Hai Pham's user avatar
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Traffic control on an interface for all sessions

On an interface that is connected to a 1G port I want to limit all users/sessions to have no more than 20Mbits download speed individually. I mean If two of them tried to use bandwidth at the same ...
PouJa's user avatar
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How to set speed limit per IP in IP range in Ubuntu

What I want: I've setup a openvpn-server and want the clients in range of limit their speed to 10mbit for each IP as a total limit of 100mbit. wan interface : eth0 openvpn interface : ...
Root's user avatar
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Using cgroup & tc in linux seems to NOT apply exactly my rates: 10x discrepancy

I'm using the "standard" way that I found everywhere on the internet (including ServerFault) to try and limit the bandwidth of a process, using cgroups & tc. What I see in practice is ...
Gui13's user avatar
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How to limit Wireguard bandwidth

I have Debian 11 server with installed Wireguard with wg0 interface and 3 peers. Server bandwidth speed is 100 MBit and traffic is around 500 GB per month. What I need is: these 3 peers can use 100 GB/...
Space's user avatar
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linux tc + vlan interface

This is my tc simple script. It limit bandwidth based on source ip address and use hashing filter based on /24 subnet. This example filter works but only when this example subnet is add ...
PawelZ's user avatar
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Any way to limit bandwidth per IP in network behind linux router

I whant to limit bandwith of clients from network behind my linux based NAT gateway. My clints is connected via wifi or directly via ethernet to router and receiving their IP address from DHCP. I want ...
Spider's user avatar
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How can I have different delays for different IP Addresses using tc and netem?

I have been using tc with netem to delay packets being sent from my computer to a specific IP address. I have managed to get this to work but I would like to have unique packet delays to each IP ...
P Malone's user avatar
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Limit bandwidth for incoming packets to specific ip and port

I have a Linux server application running on a specific IP and PORT. Incoming packets need to be manipulated and put into an nfqueue based on sources and ports, for example: iptables -t raw -A ...
seq16's user avatar
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Linux Traffic Control: What is the difference between qdisc multiq and mq?

By default Linux creates a qdisc mq. I am configuring it on my computer to change some parameters but I found that there are 2 qdiscs that seem to be the same: mq and multiq. I can't find any ...
Juan Simón's user avatar
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Traffic control with tc qdisc taprio

Currently, I am working on a TSN project and I am trying to implement a TSN scenario in a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. I leverage on tc qdisc command: tc qdisc replace dev gateway-eth0 parent root handle 100 ...
Gpapa's user avatar
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TC: link sharing for ingress traffic not working

I was trying to set up an ingress link sharing env. by tc & htb qdisc. and I made two macvlan subinterfaces(say mgmt, data) under a parent physical interface enp8s0f0 and enp8s0f0's speed is 1000 ...
gary zhang's user avatar
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Combine netem with pfifo_fast at the root

I am unable to combine netem with pfifo_fast so that at the root I have pfifo_fast and then netem as sub childs on the same interface. I can afford to run sudo tc qdisc add dev <interface_name> ...
lovellax's user avatar
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Linux traffic balacning over multiple interfaces using traffic control

I have a server with virtual machines on libvirt. The server has an eth0 external interface. Each virtual machine has its own tap interface (tap0, tap1, tap2, etc.). I need to balance the traffic ...
arykalin's user avatar
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Huge lag with linux Traffic Control - TBF failed?

I've been working with Ubuntu18.04 and trying to shape the traffic with linux tc. Things went well in the passed few months. Here's my commands: # init queue sudo tc qdisc add dev enp2s0 root handle 1:...
MingXuan Yan's user avatar
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How to apply `fq_codel` to balance traffic in multiple VLAN connections?

I have an Ubuntu server connected to multiple VLAN networks over a single physical 1 Gbps network port. The network connections are configured via /etc/network/interfaces like this: auto lo iface lo ...
Mikko Rantalainen's user avatar
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HTB "rate" parameter limits available bandwidth

Good day, I have the following situation: 4 TCP streams of data from one machine to another. Each streams has its own destination TCP Port. 4 streams have different priorities : high, medium, low, ...
Hadarelv's user avatar
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Where does u32 packet classifier start

I have a functioning traffic classifier that uses raw packet offsets to match on the source and/or destination MAC addresses of the packet. The filter uses negative offsets as the default appears to ...
axon's user avatar
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Which values for Netem to emulate WAN?

I am developing a distributed application, which I'm currently running on a cluster of Ubuntu VMs over LAN. I'd like to evaluate the performance of my application over WAN. So I decided to use Netem ...
ePezhman's user avatar
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tc prio qdisc example not working

I'm used tc to priority send packets to port 9999. tc qdisc add dev eno1 root handle 1: prio priomap 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tc filter add dev eno1 protocol ip parent 1: prio 0 u32 match ip ...
hello's user avatar
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How to see contents of output queue of NIC in Linux and introspect frame delay

I am experimenting with tc tool to implement prioritization of specific data coming from my computer and would like to see exatly how the frames are scheduled and how much time they spend in the qdisc ...
Hadarelv's user avatar
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WireGuard: Limiting download & upload bandwidth

I'm trying to limit download and upload speed of each wireguard peer to 512kbit. The problem is that my following commands, only limits download bandwidth of peer and doesn't limit upload bandwidth. ...
user3411911's user avatar
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Dynamic bandwidth in Tc (Bandwidth Changes over time)

Basically I wanted to change the bandwidth after every 10 seconds using tc. So how to do that thing in tc. This is my script. !/bin/bash # # tc uses the following units when passed as a parameter. # ...
Abhishek Chapla's user avatar
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TC Corruption of Packets Ingress

I’m new to tc & this may be naive question but correct me if I’m wrong tc qdisc change dev eth0 root netem corrupt 5% Does above command corrupt ingress packets only ? If Yes, does outgress ...
Genie's user avatar
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Why the CLASSIFY action isn't applied by the iptables?

Why might the following simple iptables rule not work: iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --dport 1194 -j CLASSIFY --set-class 1:10 ? I'm trying to prioritize outgoing traffic to VPN. I am ...
Serge Roussak's user avatar
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How can I limit incoming/outgoing connection speeds based off IPs?

I want to limit the speed each IP can download/upload files for every application on my server to 1Mb/s Example IP is downloading at sustained 900Kb/s through FTP server if the IP then ...
Toodarday's user avatar
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traffic control (tc) filter not working

i am using Debian and am trying to limit the upload-bandwidth on an ip basis. The configuration is the following: #!/bin/bash tc=/sbin/tc $tc qdisc del dev eth0 root 2> /dev/null > /dev/null $...
Christian's user avatar
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Does tc guarantee network bandwidth for a process or run as best effort?

I have a tc rule as follows: qdisc tbf 1: dev bwp93ce2ea9d929 root refcnt 2 rate 100Mbit burst 100Kb lat 25.0ms Is this rule guarantee network bandwidth to be 100Mbps or it'll throttle if not enough ...
Michel Gokan Khan's user avatar
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linux traffic control qdisc mq pfifo_fast: where to put netem?

When I list out the qdiscs on my system, I see an mq qdisc and some pfifo_fast qdiscs. The pfifo_fast ones all seem to have a major number that is the same as their parent. Or am I misunderstanding ...
Brenda J. Butler's user avatar
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Reduce the network traffic priority in Linux

I want to reduce the priority of specific network traffic using tc in particular tc-u32 in my Linux server. In other words all other traffic must have higher priority than traffic with specified IP-...
red0ct's user avatar
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Linux traffic control u32 hashtable filters based on MAC address

I am currently working with a traffic shaping Linux node. The rule set has grown to about 2500 hosts, all identified specifically by MAC address. The filter configuration is "basic", meaning ...
axon's user avatar
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tc: one qdisc for two classes (multiqueue)

The default tc configuration on my server is: # tc class show dev ens5 class mq :1 root class mq :2 root # tc qdisc show dev ens5 qdisc mq 0: root qdisc fq 0: parent :2 limit 10000p flow_limit 100p ...
Vasili Syrakis's user avatar
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Why does my bond interface with multiq ignore tc's queue selection?

On Debian Buster, Kernel 5.4.51, I have two interfaces tap0 and tap1 joined in a bond interface in mode balance-xor to increase throughput. There is, however, some traffic that must be sent through ...
RenWal's user avatar
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limit bandwidth per IP Linux ubuntu openVPN

I am a newmember in config ubuntu server and I installed an OpenVPN on a ubuntu 18.04 linux server, now I want to limit the server bandwidth with 2Mbit per IP for users that connect to the OpenVPN, ...
mohsen's user avatar
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tc filter does not apply between a virtual interface and a physical one

I am working on a project aiming at managing a network between several components. For project purpose, we want to test some bad network effects using netem. The used commands are the following ones: $...
Nicolas Brax's user avatar
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Using tc to delay packets to several ports

After reading several pages like this this and without having a really deep knowledge about the kernel Linux, I am able to filter up to 3 ports using just the three first leaves of the tree. tc qdisc ...
David_helo's user avatar
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TC Filter With BPF and NFTables Packet Marking

I made a TC BPF ingress program and I want it to process specific packets only marked by NFTables. Here's my NFTables table that marks the specific packets: table ip compressor_tc { chain ...
Christian Deacon's user avatar
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how to proritize UDP port in tc

I have this TC code sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio sudo tc filter add dev eth0 protocol ip parent 1: prio 1 u32 match ip dport xxxx 0xffff flowid 1:1 where XXXX is the port number. ...
striker69's user avatar
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Measure packet latency / drop between ingress and egress interface of a rate-limiting pass-through host

Somewhere between my sender and receiver, there is host explicitly limiting my transfer rate. I know it's a Linux host. The ingress interface for my traffic is eth0 and the egress interface is eth1. ...
rikinet's user avatar
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how to apply TC htb class to each of IPs in an IP range separately?

I use HTB for TC and mark packets with iptables. First I mark a range of IPs (like Now I want to apply a htb class to each of these IPs separately. If I add a class and a filter for ...
amirhossein nasseri's user avatar
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Configuring NAT with Traffic Control for Nginx/Apache on localhost, cache miss

Apache is on and Nginx is on, with Traffic Control performing DNAT from the former to the latter (for source and SNAT from the latter to the former (for destination ...
user2768's user avatar
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Using tc filter together with Snort

I need to add delay to packets after doing some modification using the SNORT inline module. However, I cannot seem to get the packets to match a filter using tc filter ... It always matches the ...
Chamara's user avatar
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Unable to set bandwidth limit on ingress wireless interface with netem and ifb

I am trying to limit the bandwidth on the ingress of a wireless interface using an IFB virtual interface. I followed the instructions here Summary of the steps: Bringing up ifb: sudo modprobe ifb ...
bobsaccamano's user avatar
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How configurable is the Linux Network Emulator in regards to queue disciplines?

Based on this wiki article It appears that I can configure the Linux traffic controller, which seems to be a subset of the Linux Network ...
John Mancini's user avatar
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Performing tasks and custom logic on network packets

I'm looking for a way to process packets in a Linux server in a particular fashion - I need to run some custom logic on every packet, then (possibly) take some actions on the packets and let the ...
FitzChivalry's user avatar
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Why does adding a single class to the htb qdisc in tc slow down my connection?

I'm running tc with the command: sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 1. I then proceed to add a single class like so: sudo tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:0 classid 1:1 htb rate ...
Raiden Worley's user avatar
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Traffic Control - is it possible to distinguish between www browsing and www bulk (iso download) traffic?

Lately i was working on uploading big files to website, this upload eat whole bandwidth and crippled my network. So i implemented chunking one 1MB chunk per second and its working but now I'm thinking ...
Abc Xyz's user avatar
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How to remove the ingress delay introduced using tc

I learned that we can introduce delay to ingress packets using tc by following the commands specified in :
Dinesh's user avatar
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Using tc to decrease bandwidth to a specific destination address

I am trying to find the shortest path between two hosts H1 and H2 using Dijkstra code. Setting a condition in one of the switches on that path. the condition is: if the packet sending to H2 then ...
a66a's user avatar
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