Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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SSL: couldn't read X509 certificate from pem file lighttpd

I have installed ssl key in the past on my lighttpd and I've documented the steps I did to make sure that I can replicate it in the future. Well, I haven't touched the server for a while and I need ...
Le Dude's user avatar
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How to set up a lighttpd modular config for several vhosts

I have a question regarding lighttpd best practices for vhosts setups. I wanted to set up a modular config for several vhosts with splitted config files to be able to enable/disable specific vhosts ...
LBC's user avatar
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Fixing syntax errors in lighttpd.conf?

lighttpd newbie here... We're trying to set up lighttpd to host a local django app, kiosk-style. We intend to use wsgi for this, but we're having trouble figuring out the syntax for lighttpd's config ...
Tom Corelis's user avatar
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missing for lighttpd

I am trying to set up ssl (i.e. https) for my lighttpd web server running Debian 8 (Jessie). The relevant lines in lighttpd.conf are: server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_alias", "...
steffen's user avatar
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404 when trying to shorten URLs for MediaWiki with Lighttpd

I'm absolutely new at this, so please bear with me. I installed MediaWiki on Lighttpd with no problems, except that when I try to follow up redwerks instructions on how to shorten the urls for ...
MajestosoAlce's user avatar
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Converting lighttpd rewrite rules to apache

I'm in the process of converting an application from Unix to a Windows based infrastructure, one of the changes being made is utilizing apache instead of lighttpd for the web server. Most of this ...
rage8885's user avatar
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Inconsistent "unable to open database file" error from a CGI program using SQLite

I've been running a task program for a psychology experiment on my virtual private server with lighttpd 1.4.28 and Ubuntu 12.04. The experiment is a CGI program written in Perl using a Perl module I ...
Kodiologist's user avatar
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Disable logging ip adress to access.log in lighttpd

I have my webserver configured with lighttpd/1.4.31. About 80% of all entries in lighttpd's /var/log/lighttpd/access.log consist of my own ip address. I would like to disable my ip address logging ...
kzpm's user avatar
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Lighttpd ldap auth issue, massive performance loss (lighttpd 1.4.35-1.el6.x86_64 + RHEL 6.6)

I installed lighttpd for the first time from epel repo. I changed user and group for the webserver and ran the lighttpd server. I can download a page with 200 small images in about a second. If I ...
Daniel Sootcliff's user avatar
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Lighttpd static file server 403 forbidden error

I installed lighttpd on Debian Jessie for serving static files, I have a USB drive mounted at /media/storage, with /media/storage/www as my document root and my lighttpd.conf looks like this: server....
Superpelican's user avatar
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lighttpd config file fails to parse $HTTP["url"] conditional configurations though other ones work

I'm trying to set mimetypes for files at a specific path on my server, which is running lighttpd version 1.4.31 with SSL. I'm following this documentation of configuration: http://redmine.lighttpd....
inquiryqueue's user avatar
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Remove Lighttpd password auth for one path

I have a lighttpd server that I want to serve some files from. Unfortunately the server is currently set up to require password authentication and I want these files to be available publicly. How can ...
Max's user avatar
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Random speed on downloading files from Nginx/lighttpd

I've tried both lighttpd and nginx as webservers. All to very same result: In the morning, when the load is low, files are lighting fast to download. But later, when the load is a BIT more, server ...
user275407's user avatar
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Lighttpd redirect non-www to www

I want to redirect all non-www to www on my domain. But when I use this code provided by some websites, and do a graceful restart of the lighttpd server, my website doesn't function anymore - at all:...
AnonymousJ's user avatar
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Why isn't Lighttpd caching files?

I've installed lighttpd 1.4.33 /not mod_cache patched/ on Ubuntu 14+. I've put .html file with embedded .unity3d on server (unity3d file is somewhere 50+ Mb.) lighttpd.conf do contain mod_expire, ...
user275407's user avatar
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Lighttpd Proxy -> Apache SVN mod_dav_svn - Stuck via command line but works in browser

I have a confusing problem. I have installed a long time ago Apache 2.4 with mod_dav_svn to be able to access my repos via https urls. It all works fine with Apache only. Now i switched to lighttpd ...
Brain Foo Long's user avatar
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lighttpd: How to disable auth on second site

My setup has the current auth config. it forces authentication by any remote host. That's good. But I need to make an exception. auth_file="/etc/lighttpd.users" #if auth_file is not empty enable ...
NinjaCat's user avatar
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Lighttpd stops writing to access.log

I have this issue with my lighttpd installation where logging to access.log will cease once the default log-rotating software erases my access.log after copying it to access.log-YYYYMMDD. I have to ...
Nick's user avatar
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bind9 + lighttpd: Accept all requests coming from certain name servers and reply with static page

So, I've this situation: A server (under CentOS) with a lot of domains with around 2 TB of data under them, and I'm migrating it all to another machine with faster I/O. The migration details / ...
TCB13's user avatar
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Dual stack Lighttpd without repeating the SSL configuration

I'm trying out Lighttpd and I've stumbled across a small but very annoying problem; the IPv6 configuration is a total mess and requires you to duplicate your SSL settings two times; see for yourself : ...
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2 answers

Lighttpd error log increases too fast

I am using lighttpd v1.4.35 and I have developed a simple web page with some links to test. After some clicks I have noticed the error log is increasing too fast. In /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf I ...
aloplop85's user avatar
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lighttpd + PHP-fcgi slow response

We have a problem regarding lighttpd as the webserver with php5 as backend via fast-cgi. Sometimes the server's response is taking more than 5 seconds (up to 20 seconds) when requesting a simple file ...
robert's user avatar
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Error 500 / 503

I get an Error 500 / 503. My theory was that php5-fpm was being killed and re-spawned every second due to messages like this in php5-fpm.log [27-Jan-2015 08:21:34] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 30045 [...
acanessa's user avatar
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Starting lighttpd from nagios renders lighttpd broken

I'm using Debian 7.8 (wheezy), and lighttpd 1.4.31 with nagios 3.4.1. when I start lighttpd normally (as root), everything works as expected: /etc/init.d/lighttpd start However, when nagios starts ...
Flimzy's user avatar
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Wrong IP with lighttpd reverse proxy

I use a lighttpd reverse proxy to serve django with gunicorn. Now this config worked: proxy.server = ("" => ( "" => ( "host" => "", "port" => 8000, ))) Now i moved the ...
allo's user avatar
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Make Lighttpd return 404 for unused subdomains?

I have some domains set up on my Ubuntu server that uses Lighttpd. I have wildcard domains and I want the unused subdomains to return 404 instead of 200 and displaying the regular domain. This problem ...
Ray Walz's user avatar
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Weird subdomains in access log? [closed]

I have Lighttpd on an Ubuntu server. I just checked the access logs from lighttpd for a particular domain. This domain only has a very simple index.html file that basically says "coming soon". Below ...
Ray Walz's user avatar
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SSL for a single Lighttpd Vhost

I've inherited a lighttpd server that I have really very little knowledge of how to manage. I'm currently trying to install an SSL for one domain on that server. I've been looking at this bit in the ...
the.s.brom's user avatar
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Q: lighttpd uses 2GB ram while idle for private page

I'm running a server with lighttpd installed. It runs php5-fpm and servering an owncloud server. Ubuntu Server 14.04 lighttpd/1.4.33 (ssl) (Jan 28 2014 17:26:04) - a light and fast webserver PHP 5.5....
Tobias's user avatar
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3 answers

lighttpd to

I googled around and could not find a solution. I am not sure If I am using the correct terminology. I am using lighttpd (1.4.33) and would like to go to the url and have ...
Jmaes's user avatar
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Lighttpd and Discourse (Docker): configuring mod_proxy

I have trouble configuring Lighttpd to serve the various services hosted on my server. Lighttpd acts as a front, and I have several DNS records, each for a different subdomain, redirecting to the same ...
Silver Quettier's user avatar
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Lighttpd redirect passing original URL

I would like to redirect http://foo/bar to http://bar/foo?q=http://foo/bar Where foo and bar are dynamic... But I cant seem to find a $HTTP var that has the complete url. I have also tried nesting, ...
Adam Mills's user avatar
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Lighttpd to include IP address in error.log

I have lighttpd/1.4.31 (ssl) on Debian 7.6 and I would for the standard error.log to include the IP address of the host which caused the error. Is it possible? The accesslog.format directive allows ...
aland's user avatar
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lighttpd does not start at boot after enabling ipv6

A few days ago I configured lighttpd to listen on my VPS IPv6 address as well. It runs on a Debian 7 Xen VPS (Linode) with a 3.15.4-x86_64-linode45 kernel. The version of lighttpd is 1.4.31-4+deb7u3. ...
noaru's user avatar
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2 answers

lighttpd - redirect everything to https

I have tried to use the example from this wiki page - $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { # capture vhost name with regex conditiona -> %0 in redirect pattern # must be the most inner block to ...
dima_mak's user avatar
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Lighttpd: How to migrate a rewrite rule?

i'm using this htaccess rule on a apache: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example\.com [NC] RewriteRule .* - [F] .. and i would convert it to an lighttpd rewrite rule. How can i do this?...
hazelnut's user avatar
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DNS failure solved by reboot of lighttpd?

I have a run a fairly busy site for 2 years with this setup for the web server: ec2/Amazon Linux AMI 2014.03.2 on a micro instance lighttpd (latest) godaddy dns This morning, the site was down - DNS ...
Baconserker's user avatar
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Rewriting a download URL, but "save -as" dialog shows original URL

I have the following mod_rewrite directive in my lighttpd config file: url.rewrite-once = ( "foo.*$" => "static/foo.pdf", ) I'd like to hand out URLs like this: http://<server>/foo/r=...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Can't get basic plain auth to work on lighttpd win 1.4.35-1-ipv6

I simply can't get Plain Basic auth to work on lighttpd for more than one user. I have this auth.user file formatted like this: [account_1_name]:[account_1_password] [account_2_name]:[...
Bonny1992's user avatar
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Using an EV SSL certificate for your site with non-EV SSL content

If I purchase an EV SSL certificate for a site that is using static content from a non-EV SSL site does that effect the EV SSL certificate presentation on the main www site? For example: www.example....
Hibbie's user avatar
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Configure sub-domains at different ports with lighttpd

I've one domain and two sub domains of it & And I've two applications running at ports 8080 & 8090. How to configure Lighttpd so that, it can ...
Arnab Das's user avatar
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Lighttpd splitting request URI and dropping query parameter

I'm running lighttpd 1.4.33, which is reverse proxied to from an Apache server that is open to the Internet. When accessing a script from the local address of the lighttpd server, GET parameters are ...
Libbux's user avatar
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apache + lighttpd on debian, the both should use ssl, port 443 already used

I installed apache and lighttpd in debian 7, apache used port 80 and lighttpd 88, now I install ssl for apache (443) and when i tried to do the same for lighttpd, I got error because 443 is already ...
deb2014's user avatar
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Rewrite Location response header in lighttpd

I have an instance of lighttpd 1.4.35 listening for https traffic and reverse-proxying it to a back-end server. I.e., .----------. .----------. client ---https--> | ...
indiv's user avatar
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How can I use Lighttpd's $HTTP["remoteip"] together with Cloudflare?

I am using Clodflare DNS. I only want to allow certain IPs to access certain files. How can I set up my lighttpd.conf to properly detect the correct IP? I know how to do it for the access.log. Is it ...
Kaah's user avatar
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Architecting a web server hosting mixed small and large (100MB+) static content [closed]

I have the challenge of hosting about 200-1000 mp3 files, all in the 100MB+ size range. Furthermore, there are some smaller RSS files, and some smaller JPG files. All this is static content, no PHP, ...
Carsten's user avatar
2 votes
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Lighttpd rewrite subdomains to subfolders

I have a server (itself on a subdomain) with wildcard DNS pointing to it. The server is running Lighttpd and PHP. I need requests to to rewrite to http://...
Skylar Ittner's user avatar
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What are the advantages of using dedicated server software over framework built-in servers?

Being a beginner in the web world, I've always used Apache to develop applications in PHP. Getting tired of it, I learned Node.js, Rails and Django -- just to get a taste of each of the most used web ...
gchiconi's user avatar
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5 answers

Retrieve external IP in PHP behind Haproxy

I am using Haproxy to enable running a websocket server and Lighttpd web server on the same machine. I want to retrieve the machines external IP address from the web application running on the ...
Oskar Cronwall's user avatar
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Upgrade Lighttpd 1.4.28 to 1.4.35 on Ubuntu 12.04

I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and installed Lighttpd using: sudo apt-get install lighttpd this installed version 1.4.28. I downloaded the source files for 1.4.35 (latest) from the Lighttpd site and ...
Oskar Cronwall's user avatar

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