Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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1 answer

CGI scripts are not working on lighttpd with SSL

CGI scripts worked perfectly, while I was using HTTP. Then I set redirecting for all traffic through https and now CGI doesn't work at all (404 - not found). I use lighttpd server. Here is the part ...
miloserdow's user avatar
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Lighttpd rewrite rule for Flight PHP microframework

I'm using the Flight PHP microframework, and it includes its' own router, and needs the server to rewrite requests to the index.php file. It features rewrite-rules for both Apache and Nginx but ...
Henrik's user avatar
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How can I set up a web server for reverse proxy having websockets and working normally?

I have a VPS currently hosting node.js web apps and one site. However I'm currently using custom ports for the apps. I'd like to simply give each its custom domain and so for more sites, that would ...
diegoaguilar's user avatar
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Lighttpd fastcgi remote instance operation

This article suggests that it is relatively easy to scale an application by getting lighttpd to spawn php-fastcgi instances on multiple machines. What I do not understand is this - how does a PHP ...
DroidOS's user avatar
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3 answers

Can Apache, nginx and lighttpd coexist in a Ubuntu system?

Just for learning and testing, I've installed these three different web servers, I've also installed mysql and php5. I changed the DocumentRoot for each to /var/www/apache, /var/www/nginx and /var/...
diegoaguilar's user avatar
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Redirect with lighttpd and fastcgi on Django App

I have setup my lighttpd in a fashion which redirects all subdomains to my primary domain in following fashion * -> Unfortunately when i type in a subdomain such as www.domain....
JavaCake's user avatar
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Redirect all subdomains to main domain with lighttpd and regex

Is it possible to redirect all * to my I have been messing around with the Regex but without any luck: $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*\.domain\.com" { url.redirect = ("^/(.*)"...
JavaCake's user avatar
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Lighttpd wrong config file syntax

Been trying for hours but just can't seem to get the correct syntax in my lighttpd configuration. As a last resort I am now asking the hive mind of server fault :P I am trying to get trac hosted on ...
Boelensman1's user avatar
2 votes
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lighttpd server not serving images, js or css files

I am given a try to lighttpd. I configured a server with the instructions I found here. Below my configuration file: server.document-root = "<my_site_directory>" server.port = 4000 server....
Sergio's user avatar
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SELinux policy issue

As qemu & KVM are working fine with SELinux out of the box I'd like to enable SELinux to improve guest isolation on my CentOS 6 server. The problem is that I'm using a 3rd parity virtualization ...
justlovingIT's user avatar
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lighttpd behind pound gets "connection timed out" error when using browser other than Chrome

Please help me diagnose a problem. I had a working website (WordPress) for the last 6 months working just fine. No updates or new installations have been made in the server. Today users complain ...
supercoco's user avatar
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convert lighttpd to nginx rewrite rules

I'm trying hard to make my code work on nginx. This configuration works with lighttpd but I want migrate it to nginx. Rewrite rules on lighttd : url.rewrite-once = ( "^/(ui)/(.*)$" => "/gi.php/$...
user3355434's user avatar
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Rewrite rules for Anchor CMS on Lighttpd

I installed Anchor CMS on my server running Lighttpd, and I am trying to setup pretty url's. I have anchor installed in a sub-directory "/blog". The htaccess file that works with anchor cms in ...
meskarune's user avatar
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Use : redirect to "http://www" except for one page in https (with lighttp)

I use the awesome front end optimizer , which requires www subdomain. Also I have a payment page that I would use HTTPS without using fasterize, so on another subdomain. I use lighttpd, ...
Julien D's user avatar
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Serving image content over https, must encryption strength match that of the main website?

Im looking at migrating my website to https throughout. I have a server responsible for the HTML/PHP, and 4 other servers which serve image content Now clearly all the image servers need to be https ...
carpii's user avatar
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How do I configure lighttpd to serve static documents and proxy requests to a cluster of Rails app servers?

I'm trying to configure lighttpd so that it serves static documents of my Ruby on Rails app, and also routes requests to my Ruby on Rails app servers. This is the configuration I have so far: $HTTP["...
Blaine Lafreniere's user avatar
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HAProxy: ACL to forward to different webservers based on directory

basically I have a raspberry pi with multiple webserver daemons on different ports, to be specific lighttpd, apache, and the ADAFruit WebIDE. Basically here are the ways i need it to work[how would ...
user205211's user avatar
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Browser based SSH [closed]

I have a small debian server colocated which hosts a domain and a single flat file site via lighttpd. For a variety of reasons I'd like to be able to run ssh in browser (without a browser plugin) via ...
Dr.Avalanche's user avatar
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lighttpd 403 forbidden jpeg image access

I am running a stock lighttpd installation with no configuration changes. Client sees a 403 forbidden error trying to access static images (even from an img tag on a static page). Nothing in the logs ...
taz's user avatar
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How to convert RewriteCond rules so they work in Lighttpd?

How can I convert this Apache rewrite rules so they work on Lighttpd? This is in fact a .htaccess file, and I need to put those in a lighttpd.conf file. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on ...
user3126896's user avatar
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Lighttpd, Error with upload, [413 - Request Entity Too Large]

I posted thread on Ubuntu forums couple of months ago but I never got any responds from them... So today I replied there and posting a new thread here, since I have a feeling I wont get a reply there ...
Cokaric's user avatar
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lighttpd How to allow executing fcgi programs on www folder?

This is the first time I install lighttpd and I'm having a hard time configuring fcgi to work on /var/www/site/ I keep getting 403 Forbidden and so far have only found guides specific to php or that ...
2013Asker's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

HAproxy 503 Service Unavailable No server is available to handle this request

I'm new to this load balancing scenario and I'm being tasked to figure out how to make this load balancing works. My environment: Centos 6.4 64 Bit Webserver: Lighttpd All running in ESXI virtual ...
Le Dude's user avatar
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How to redirect URLs without break a FastCGI app?

(I consider this question a duplicate of Lighttpd redirect from to, but that one didn't get enough attention and it's too old). I'm trying to deploy an app over lighttpd+...
Tae's user avatar
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Balancing server bandwith

I am working on a file uploading website. It will be run on dedicated server with 1GBPS connection. I wanna offer visitors max download speed possible at the current moment. So lets say server can ...
user2976389's user avatar
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Lighttpd, regex in conf, path including regex match

The background : - Lighttpd 1.4.28 - Debian 6.0.7 i686 Several developers are using this web server, and each of them has his own virtual host named after "username.mysite.tld". These hosts are ...
Httqm's user avatar
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What do I set the 'socket' to in lighttpd/fcgi?

I want to configure lighttpd to run fastcgi but I'm not sure what I should set the 'socket' to. What is the socket? Surely it doesn't expect me to create a socket before the program is actually ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

on debian, lighttpd apache2 using 80 port, lighttpd throws :address already use error [closed]

I bought the linode( server the other day. I've been trying to run lighttpd and apache2 at the same port, using lighttpd for static files. As linode is only providing ONE ipv4 address, I ...
Hans Xeng's user avatar
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Lighttpd user directories with individual user processes

I have enabled user directories (mod_userdir) for my lighttpd server but I don't really know how different user processes can be spawned when php files in these directories are ran. The user's ...
Cobra Kai Dojo's user avatar
4 votes
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Lighttpd won't start when fastcgi.debug directive is used

I'm running lighttpd/1.4.28 (ssl) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Everything's working, and I'm trying to do some performance tuning. I'd like to enable debug mode for the fastcgi module, however when I add ...
Alan's user avatar
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2 answers

Unable To Activate User Directories In Lighttpd

I am using Debian 7 based host and configure PHP-FPM and lighttpd along with rutorrent on this host. I wants to use user directories instead of default /var/www path. I already run following command ...
Pradeep Gupta's user avatar
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lighttpd Regex for automatic forwarding of subdomains

I have been looking round and I have not found a good way to automatically set the document root for domains automatically. For example: In the DNS, * points to And in the ...
user avatar
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After Enabling User Directories On Lighttpd I Got Failed After Restart Lighttpd Server

I am using Debian 7 64 as host, And i installed Lighttpd and PHP-FPM with mysql support, After fresh installation of lighttpd and PHP-FPM, I tried to enable user directories and i run following ...
Pradeep Gupta's user avatar
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lighttpd access control affecting subdirectory trees sibling to a htpasswd file

Suppose I have a htdocs directory tree served by lighttpd htdocs htdocs/foo htdocs/foo/spam htdocs/foo/eggs htdocs/foo/eggs/stirred htdocs/foo/eggs/fried htdocs/bar htdocs/bar/bacon Now I'd like to ...
datenwolf's user avatar
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Remove port from the url [closed]

How can I change the url http://localhost:8080 to http://localhost in a lighttpd server.. I searched on Google, but no luck.. My current .conf file server.document-root = "/mnt/sdcard/www" dir-...
Niket Malik's user avatar
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lighttpd rate limits per directory

I'm creating a site with a large number of small tools. One is a tool which uses a Python cgi-script that interacts with the Natural Language Toolkit (nltk), which is disk and CPU intensive. I have ...
Brigand's user avatar
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Global and per user php.ini

On my server (lighttpd + php-cgi) I have several php-cgi processes, each running as the user of the site it's serving. I know I can set a php.ini for each process through the PHPRC enviroment variable....
Zeta Two's user avatar
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Lighttpd init script doesn't work on Debian Wheezy

[EDIT] I have found why it did not work, I just had to add the directive = "/var/run/" to the lighttpd.conf file. I can't figure out why the lighttpd init ...
toro's user avatar
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flask, lighttpd with fastcgi can't get it to work

i'm tring to deploy a simple flask script to a lighttpd server with fastcgi. this is the configuration file for lighttpd builded using the flask documentation
kurojishi's user avatar
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moodle with 10 threads is slow on lighttpd

I runnnig Moodle on Lighttpd on Centos 6 with 1G RAM. If I open 10 threads to moodle then moodle starting to be very slow. How I can to speed the server? I need to serve lot of users. I checked the ...
amiad's user avatar
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lighttpd: SMP workers causing performance degrade

I am trying to increase the performance of my lighttpd system by using SMP workers for multiple cores.It turns out that instead of improving the performance it is degrading it. I dont seem to ...
auny's user avatar
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lighttpd mod_auth using LDAP

I've setup lighttpd to use an ldap backend like so: auth.debug = 2 auth.backend = "htdigest" auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "" auth.backend.ldap.base-dn = "ou=active,ou=employees,ou=...
Honus Wagner's user avatar
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2 answers

Use lighttpd to access a website over a proxy

this is going to be my very first question. At our company we are using Squid as a proxy between our intranet and the internet. Now we have the need that a software package can't handle a proxy ...
mf6190's user avatar
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How does lighttpd/nginx determine filetype of a file? (which method?)

I want to configure my lighttpd to serve some static files, with compression capability. The files are plain text but they have .bin extension. I have these lines in my lighttpd configuration: ...
Reza Mohammadi's user avatar
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epoll timeout configuration in lighttpd

Is there a configuration option to tune epoll timeout in lighttpd? I'm developing an embedded Linux (2.6) device, with lighttpd 1.4.30. And I'm observing the following issue: even when the system is ...
alexa's user avatar
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How to forbid HTTP TRACE in lighttpd

In a recent PCIDSS scan at a client of mine, I got aware of Web Server HTTP Trace/Track Method Support Cross-Site Tracing Vulnerability (CVE-2004-2320, CVE-2007-3008). The proposed mitigation for ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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(network.c.379) can't bind to port: 80 Address already in use

I have one server running both apache and lighttpd on two separate IPs. After rebooting the server I can't access the stuff on lighttpd: /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart (network.c.379) can't bind to ...
chonko's user avatar
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SSL with authentication without encryption

Is it possible to setup lighttpd server and curl client so that both the client and the server verify each other's self-signed SSL certificate but the file is downloaded without SSL encryption? How ...
jackhab's user avatar
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Lighttpd: htaccess protection does not work

i have tried to setup an htaccess protection of an file from my website. i have pasted the following code into the 05-auth.conf $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/www/hosts/domain" { auth.backend = "htpasswd" auth....
hazelnut's user avatar
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PHP processes keep overwhelming my server, eating up the CPU and making it lock up :(

I have a Debian Squeeze Lighttpd server with PHP and MySQL, and also with XCache and Varnish set up. I am quite new to this, but have tried as hard as I can to resolve this problem with no success. ...
Wave's user avatar
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