Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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Lighttpd mod_rewrite to Apache mod_rewrite

I want to turn this Lighttpd mod_rewrite to apache rewrite code. $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(i\.ylar\.se|puush\.me)$" { server.document-root = "/var/www/servers/" url.rewrite-once = ( ...
Ylar's user avatar
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lighttpd server-status blank host and uri

Looking at the server-status on lighttpd, running behind a AWS load balancer, I'm seeing some long-lived (up to around 60 seconds) requests, in a "read" state with a blank host and blank URI. What ...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
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Lighttpd fails with 403 - Forbidden with SELinux enabled

I've setup a CentOS 6.3 box with lighttpd, php-fpm and I can server both static files and PHP files with SELinux enabled if I leave the lighttpd home directory set to the default (/var/www/lighttpd). ...
Brad's user avatar
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disable direct file access on lighttpd

I'll be fast: Is there a way to block direct file access to files/images on my /var/www? So for example: If I am loading the page that contains the image hello.jpg, can I block ...
john smith's user avatar
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LightHTTPD - Software caused connection abort

I have a local LightTPD server running on my windows 7 computer. I have SSL set up and it works - but every time I request a document from the SSL part of the server I get the following on the ...
starbeamrainbowlabs's user avatar
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Lighttpd Redirect to SSL results in 301 redirect loop

I am running lighttpd 1.4.31 with ssl support and am having an issue with forcing https on a specific virtualhost. If I disable the redirect line from the following config, it works as expect (http ...
Trcx's user avatar
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Lighttpd + Node.JS (via ModProxy) - 500 Internal Server Error

At the top of my lighttpd,conf file I have the following server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_compress", "mod_redirect", # "mod_rewrite", "mod_proxy" ) At the bottom I addded proxy....
cantsay's user avatar
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Lighttpd as tomcat proxy with static content serving

How can I configure Lighttpd to serve static content on specified URL address (eg. from specified directory (e.g. /var/www/my-domain/static) ? Rest of requests must be ...
michal.kreuzman's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What's the most effective way to block incoming HTTP/HTTPS requests from an old domain name?

A own a dedicated CentOS box that uses lighttpd to serve However, the same IP used to host an old domain The box still gets requests for What'...
Iraklis's user avatar
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Identifying performance bottleneck on a high-end VPS (Apache 2.4 event_mpm/lighttpd/nginx)

I have quite a high-end VPS from vpsblast (their SSD13) - 4 cores, 16gb RAM, 320gb of SSD hard drive space on a 1GigE Internet backbone (virtually uncontested). As near as I can tell it is running ...
fluffyponyza's user avatar
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What is a good approach to install a webserver? [closed]

I wan't to install Lighttpd on my V-Server under Debian. I'm new to Linux and I wonder if I should install Lighttpd as root or as a new User to avoid security issues?
Lama's user avatar
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Lighttpd and OpenCart GET requests with mod_rewrite

Our OpenCart is running on Lighttpd and we use mod_rewrite for SEO. Whenever we have our rewrite rules on, GET requests such as do not work. Here are my current ...
Nik's user avatar
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Lighttpd vhost regex

I'm having a problem with my vhosts using regex. When I use the following code, I get a 404 not found: $HTTP["host"] =~ "(^|\.)example\.com$" { ... } However, when I explicitly set it to the ...
Mike's user avatar
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lighttpd redirect/ rewrite

I am trying to setup a redirect/rewrite so that the urls end with / (trailing slash) (for making seo friendly). However there are other internal rewrites, which are not shown in the browser address ...
tike's user avatar
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lighthttpd proxy rules to allow for snap-shot testing and amazon monitoring

I use this rule for my proxy: $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { proxy.balance = "round-robin" proxy.server = ( "/" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 9000 ) ) ) } Because I'm ...
jcalfee314's user avatar
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lighttpd logs clogging hd

I have a php website running on lighttpd. I have around 15 to 30k visits daily. Now, in my PHP code, I have a lot of warnings generated by undeclared $_GET or $_POST variables. Obviously these are ...
john smith's user avatar
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Lighttpd / PHP-CGI will crash without warning

I'm using Lighttpd / PHP-CGI on a Windows XP machine. I was using the normal CGI interface which is very stable, but I tried FastCGI and I love the speed boost. However, even under light load, the ...
Kaslai's user avatar
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Can lighttpd be configured to spawn it's own instances of PHP on Windows7?

Currently, this is how I start PHP and lighttpd and it works fine: start /b php-cgi -c .\php-debug.ini -b start /b LightTPD.exe Once and awhile PHP crashes and I get 503 errors until ...
Larry's user avatar
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Configure mod_rewritte for two hosts in Lighttpd

I have a problem configuring mod_rewrite in two hosts with Lighttpd. I have one which is a newer version of the old. The old doesn't use mod_rewrite, while the new one does. However, the problem is ...
AbrahamSustaita's user avatar
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lighttpd: backend is overloaded

I have a high traffic site I'm trying to maintain, but from time to time at spikes get stuck with: (mod_fastcgi.c.2900) backend is overloaded; we'll disable it for 2 seconds and send the request to ...
Aaron A's user avatar
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Why does lighttpd or Apache2 proxy change my URL when accessing index.html?

I have a little awkward setup with a Apache 2 webserver being the gatekeeper and proxying traffic based on the incoming domain: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName RewriteEngine On ...
Marcus Riemer's user avatar
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Multiple SSL based IPs on lighttpd

I have lighttpd as web server and on it I have installed IP-based SSL certificates. I want to have a way to have multiple SSL certificates on each new IP that the server may get. For example, at the ...
Alin Andrei's user avatar
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How to return 410 with lighttpd

I have a subdomain with service I am going to kill. I'd like to use 410 to mark it as such. Is there a way to do that with lighttpd without resolving to mod_magnet and lua scripts?
Almad's user avatar
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lighttpd virtual hosting configuration

I need help setting up virtual hosting in lighttpd. i have the lighttpd default webpage in /var/www/lighttpd dir and i have created other dirs for my other websites /var/www/ and /...
redhatengineer6's user avatar
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Lighttpd QUERY_STRING escape properly

Problem is to escape query string in Lighttpd: This is url: domain/publisher/adframe-34.html?tag=xzzx&gg=yy&uu=121 and this is lighty rule: adframe-([1-9][0-9]*)\.html\?(.*)" => "ad/...
Nenad Milosavljević's user avatar
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How to combine Lighttpd simple_vhost with www to non-www redirects?

I've set a simple virtual hosting using Lighttpd simple_vhost module and want to do a permanent 301 redirect from www to non-www. Here are most significant parts of my configuration file: server....
Konstantin Pavlikhin's user avatar
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lighttpd: weird behavior on multiple rewrite rule matches

I have a 20-rewrite.conf for my php application looking like this: $HTTP["host"] =~ "" { url.rewrite-once += ( "^/(img|css)/.*" => "$0", ".*" => "/my_app.php"...
netmikey's user avatar
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mod_access for lighttpd causes a 403 error for all POST requests

I have found on my debian server that running the lighttpd module mod_access is causing the server to response with a 403 to all POST requests. It's very odd as I have two servers, one is running as ...
Samuel Parkinson's user avatar
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mono 3.0.2 + xsp + lighttpd delivers empty page

I needed MVC 4 (and basic .NET 4.5) support so I downloaded mono 3.0.2 and deployed it on an lighttpd 1.4.28 installation, together with xsp-2.10.2 (was the latest I could find). After going through ...
Nefal Warnets's user avatar
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How to optimize Lighttpd to host really small, static image files that do not change over time?

This Lighttpd server will need to very quickly serve different image files (say about 500 requests per second). Each image file is about 50-70kb and there's only going to be about 1000 or so of them. ...
Henrique's user avatar
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LighTPD and PHP not working if outside of LightTPD folder

I need to set up a simple web server with PHP on Windows XP that a number of different people will use for local testing. I'm using LightTPD 1.4.30-4-IPv6-Win32-SSL and PHP 5.2. So far I've created ...
Marco83's user avatar
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FastCGI on lighttpd no data received

I have a simple FastCGI script: public static void main (String args[]) { int count = 0; while(new FCGIInterface().FCGIaccept()>= 0) { count ++; System.out....
Michael Sh's user avatar
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redirecting HTTPS requests to http in lighttpd

I have a lighttpd server running which has an SSL certificate installed. I would, due to certain reasons, like to forward all https: //www. requests to http: //www. My lighttpd code looks like as ...
chochim's user avatar
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How to block urls that request for robots.txt in lighttpd?

We have a dedicated development server which runs only test PHP applications on a public network. We have setup session-based authentication for the site. The issue we have is there are lots of 404s ...
Vishnu Kumar's user avatar
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Apache2 .htaccess rewrite rule to Lighttpd

could you help me to convert this rewrite rule from apache2 to lighttpd RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://my-site\.net/ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\...
Chris's user avatar
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SSL Certificate for local web server

Is it at all possible to create a self-signed certificate for use on multiple machines on a local network which would stop the browser complaining it is not a trusted site? We have a product which is ...
Firefly's user avatar
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Deploy multiple django instances on one Host

I am trying to setup multiple Django instances on one Host with lighttpd. My problem is to get Djangos FCGI working on subdirectories served by my Webserver. So my aim is the following: www.myhost....
tvn's user avatar
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Blocking HEAD, DELETE, etc. with lighttpd

So I have lighttpd installed and the site it runs only needs to respond to GET requests. I was wondering how I can return 405 responses with Allow: GET headers to anything but GET requests using ...
Samuel Parkinson's user avatar
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Lighttpd referer issue

I have a problem to block files from accessing from different domains as my one. I have added to my lighty config in the "virual host" following: $HTTP["referer"] !~ "^($|http://www\.my-site\.net)" {...
Chris's user avatar
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Server won't reply to POST request

I'm working on a WordPress site that's served by two lighttpd backends behind an F5 load balancer. Previously, the site was served by a single lighttpd server behind a nginx reverse proxy, and ...
felipelavinz's user avatar
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Debain server "HTOP": shows several PHP-CGI instances

I'm new to Debian servers, (Linux VPS in general) and have a question about /usr/bin-php-cgi showing up several times as "tasks" when I run the HTOP "app." I couldn't find any information online ...
user avatar
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PHP File Lister Sub Directory 404 Error on Lighttpd

I just installed lighttpd today and I am having issues with lighttpd always returning a 404 error on the sub directories. I am trying to install this (h5ai) and I've followed the directions to the ...
Zane's user avatar
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vBulletin 5 + lighttpd url rewriting

I'm trying to get vBulletin 5 up and running under lighttpd but I'm having some problems with url rewriting. Here is the apache .htaccess provided by vBulletin. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> ...
Boots's user avatar
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Lighttpd proxy redirect by port

I'm really just starting out with lighttpd and I'm not sure how to configure this exactly. I'm wanting to take traffic and redirect to another server say "http://localhost/url_a/" and redirect the ...
daelious's user avatar
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Enabeling PHP LDAP with Lighttpd

I'm experiencing some difficulties enabling LDAP in an Archlinux environment with Lighttpd (lighty) and PHP. I have downloaded and installed the php-ldap module, enabled it in php.ini and the phpinfo()...
Henrik O. Skogmo's user avatar
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Lighttpd single subdomain Redirect/rewrite

This was originally asked on stackoverflow, but looking around here, I get a comfy feeling someone will know the answer. I am using lighttpd and would like to have the url path for one page show as ...
Josh's user avatar
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lighttpd: Backend is overloaded + fcgi-server re-enabled + all handlers are down

We have a standard lighttpd deployment with PHP-CGI and our error logs are flooding with the following. This is causing a huge problem because we keep returning 500's to our clients: 2012-10-14 14:28:...
AbuZubair's user avatar
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Lighttpd - byte range request doesn't work. can't stream mp4

Am attempting to use the lastest flowplayer. (if it could work it would be pretty awesome btw) One of the cool things about it is it uses the new HTML5 video element and ...
w-01's user avatar
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How to log slow HTTP responses

How does one log slow HTTP responses? I'm using Lighttpd, but could switch to another webserver if necessary. Apache can log response times, but not conditionally, it seems.
XTF's user avatar
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lighttpd: why using port >= 9000 does not work properly

I had a lighttpd server which works normally. I can access this website from outside(non-localhost) via Let's just assume that it's a simple static website, without php or ...
yejinxin's user avatar
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