Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

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2 votes
4 answers

How to protect Lighttpd from DOS attacks and flooding? [duplicate]

I have a problem with Lighttpd because someone started to use some Web downloader from very good connection and it blocked my whole website. Is there any way to protect Lighttpd from DDOS attacks and ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd not serving files

I'm using lighttpd 1.4.19 on Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm having an odd problem. I'm using it to serve static content, mostly pictures. But when i go to the picture url, the picture doesn't actually show up. ...
The.Anti.9's user avatar
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1 answer

Strange Centos 5 Lighttpd access log

I've investigated my Lighttpd access log and found some strange things listed below. I do not know if it's good or bad, but bearshare? I was never or these sites I use my Centos only for website ...
Tom Smykowski's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Better webserver performance for Python Django: Apache mod_wsgi or Lighttpd fastcgi

I am currently running a high-traffic python/django website using Apache and mod_wsgi. I'm hoping that there's a faster webserver configuration out there, and I've heard a fair number of ...
BrainCore's user avatar
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lighttpd: set up mod_auth for site on custom port

I am running lighttpd 1.4.19. I have mod_auth enabled. If I do something like: auth.require = ( "/" => ( "method" => "digest", "realm" => "Authorized users only", ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

what is lighttpd equivalent of RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$ /index.php This is Zend htaccess, I can't seem to find a lighttpd equivalent of ...
Devrim's user avatar
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2 answers

Sticky sessions in Lighttpd

I've read in that sticky sessions are not currently implemented in lighttpd. I'd like to know if it is possible to have sticky sessions ...
Matias's user avatar
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2 answers

Why would internet explorer conflict with lighttpd/mod_compress?

We've been running lighttpd on our image servers for quite some time, but in an effort to speed up page load times, we've been working toward using mod_compress and etags to speed things up. I've ...
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1 answer

How to: Zend .htaccess Lighttpd conversion

We are using Zend Framework, we switched from apache to lighttpd, main htaccess file for zend is this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d ...
Devrim's user avatar
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2 answers

What's the best way to secure lighttpd per fcgi-php app?

I have a machine with lighttpd and evhost setup. All the evhost contain various php apps like wordpress, drupal etc. If one of the php apps gets compromised the attacker will have access to all the ...
pielgrzym's user avatar
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1 answer

What is lighttpd's version of "mod_substitute"?

Recently I read that Apache 2.2 has a new mod to patch outputs on the fly. mod_substitute provides a mechanism to perform both regular expression and fixed string substitutions on response bodies. ...
Dennis C's user avatar
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5 answers

HTTP request pause for one minute

I have this website which works very smoothly but occasionally when I click a link it pause for around one minute before I get the page, and when I open the same page in a new window, it open smoothly ...
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1 answer

lighttpd configuration for running django and legacy website together

I'm planning to migrate an old website to django. Initially, I want to use django for the urls, and continue to use the old static website for everything else. I have little ...
Alasdair's user avatar
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lighttpd + FCGI settings

I have decided to change my projects server backend from Apache+WSGI to lighttpd+FCGI. Now, everything work fine, except one annoying problem with DOCUMENT_URI, that receives my django server (started ...
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3 answers

Remove trailing slash Lighttpd url

A weird request, but I really need this answered. Can you guys help me using re-write rules to remove the trailing slash from urls in Lighttpd.conf? EG: **A** **B** www.example....
James's user avatar
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2 answers

What is lighttpd's version of mod_ruby?

I'm trying to find a mod_ruby for lighttpd, not apache2. Does anyone have any ideas?
chutsu's user avatar
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4 answers

Media server and Web server -- same IP address, how do I set this up?

Hi I'm trying to build a website where users can upload images. I am wanting to have a seperate media server to host the images, so that the web application can point to the images like mediaserver....
SteveM's user avatar
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4 answers

WebServer Permission problem, Ubuntu & Lighttpd

Just setup lighttpd on Ubuntu 9.04, but struggling with the permissions. The website loads fine, as i am using Fast CGI, however my media (Javascript, CSS, Images) wont load. I enabled the logging ...
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2 answers

Memcached concurrency w/ lighttpd php

I'm having an issue with memcached. Not sure if it's memcached, php, or tcp sockets but everytime I try a benchmark with 50 or more concurrency to a page with memcached, some of those request failed ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Memory usage of php-cgi processes is growing steadily

I'm trying to set up a web server on a VPS. My problem is that memory usage of php-cgi processes increases over time even though the website is not receiving any traffic at all. (it is behind a ...
John's user avatar
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4 answers

Apache / Lighttpd for load Balancing

What do you think about lighttpd for AJP load Balancing? I use Apache and mod_jk for this, it works fine. What would be the benefit of switching apache to lighttpd? What software use to load ...
Matthieu's user avatar
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1 answer

How would I set up my lighttpd.conf to serve a fastcgi app on a particular evhost virtual host?

I have evhost.path-pattern = "/home/lighttpd/vhosts/%2/public" When this pattern hits a certain host, let's say 'foo', I would like to use a fastcgi server. How do I configure just one of my virtual ...
Instance Hunter's user avatar
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3 answers

Debian Open port 81

I install lighttpd in one server using port 81. The problem is that the port is closed, and I don't know how to open the port. Regards, Pedro
Pedro's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle encrypted and unencrypted http connections through a single port

Please, take a look at the following diagram. How should this work? When a remote requests http://* , the request should be forwarded to the http server that listens on port 8008 of ...
alemartini's user avatar
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9 answers

Handling http and https requests using a single port with nginx

i was wondering if nginx is able to handle http and https requests on the same port. [*] This is what i'm trying to do. I'm running a web server (lighttpd) handling http requests, and a C program ...
alemartini's user avatar
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3 answers

How to diagnose erratic disk behavior?

I have a web site with users lighttpd and CGI scripts. After upgrading to Fedora 11 (ext4) the disc access became erratic. The timing of python -c 'import cgi' varies between 0.1 to almost 10 seconds:...
Miki Tebeka's user avatar
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Lighttpd start error. Cannot write to log

I'm following a tutorial to help me install the lighttpd server software on my Mandriva box. I think that I've ...
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4 votes
4 answers

how to disable unencrypted traffic(port 80) on lighttpd

We want to run an SSL only lighttpd process. Which configuration option should be used to turn off port 80 with its unencrypted traffic ? Lighttpd documents only provide a "redirection" to https ...
hayalci's user avatar
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Any experience migrating high-traffic sites from Apache to lighttpd?

I'm in the process of creating a hosted web application that has the potential for huge amounts of traffic. In the past, I've almost always used Apache as a web server, so I have very little ...
Jordan Ryan Moore's user avatar
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1 answer

lighttpd server-status

I have enabled lighttpd mod_status as /server-status. When I go to the URL, I get the status page. I am interested in monitoring connections -- most specifically KeepAlive connections to make sure ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

logrotate rename files with date

Right now, logrotate renames old log files to access.log.1.gz, access.log.2.gz, etc. I would prefer if it named them access.log.20090714.gz, access.log.20090715.gz, etc - one for each day. I cannot ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

The Current State Of Serving a PHP 5.x App on the Apache, LightTPD & Nginx Web Servers?

Being stuck in a MS stack architecture/development position for the last year and a half has prevented me from staying on top of the world of open source stack based web server's recent evolution more ...
Gregory Kornblum's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Configuring lighttpd for many lightweight concurrent Keep-Alive http connections

I am using lighttpd as a front-end proxy to my custom HTTP based application server. I need to configure lighttpd for a large number (let's say around 5000) simultaneous http connections which have a ...
Krystian Cybulski's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

In an Apache + lighttpd setup, who should be the proxy?

In a setup where you use Apache for PHP / Python scripts and lighttpd for static files, but only one listens on the outside IP address and acts as a proxy to the other listening on the loopback ...
Hanno Fietz's user avatar
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6 answers

Lighttpd cannot create php-fastcgi.socket

I have installed FastCGI using yum, and edited my lighttpd.conf, but when restarting the server I receive this error. 2009-06-24 12:44:43: (log.c.97) server started 2009-06-24 12:44:43: (mod_fastcgi....
James's user avatar
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1 answer

Redirect from SSL for non-ssl pages

I'm trying to force SSL and non-SSL on certain pages of my site with redirects in the Lighttpd config file. I have redirects to SSL working fine: $HTTP["host"] == "" { url....
Parrots's user avatar
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4 answers

Rewrite rules for Drupal Boost with Lighttpd

I have been given the super task of preparing a web site to get hammered.... Or site is drupal based, I have found what could be my answer in the form of Boost. But I can't for the life of me find ...
bsdjunkie's user avatar
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3 answers

Lighttpd not cleanly restarting (address already in use)

When doing a dist-upgrade recently, my lighttpd-1.4.19 install on Ubuntu 8.0.4 has begun failing to restart or reload properly with the /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart command. ~$ sudo /etc/init.d/...
Ecton's user avatar
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7 answers

High performance web server with no database interactivity

I'm getting ready to setup a server that will be responsible for tracking statistical data from a high volume traffic source. It will be handling requests at about 6-7mil/hour on average, all of ...
Tom's user avatar
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4 answers

Which web server has better rewrite syntax that closely mimics Apache's?

Since most open source projects include mod_rewrite rules to work with Apache I need to be able to convert them to work with lighttpd or nginx. Which web server allows me to convert the rules exactly ...
kovert's user avatar
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1 answer

Lighttpd big uploads memory consumption

Consider the following scenario: I am running lighttpd-1.4.19 and I am handling big uploads (hundreds of MBs but less than 1GB) through it. Server is running on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. Files are ...
lpfavreau's user avatar
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2 answers

Recommended setup to serve both HTTPS & HTTP connections to a pylons web-application

I'm looking for a simple way to serve my pylons application in both HTTP & HTTPS (for the administration section). I had come across some tutorials on serving pylons applications through an Apache ...
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How can I recreate a directory in /tmp on reboot?

I'm running lighttpd on a Debian Lenny host. My lighttpd version has a bug where it doesn't recreate its compress.cache-dir on startup (I have it set to use /tmp/lighttpdcompress/). As a result, on ...
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2 answers

Recommend books/resources for this stack: linux, lighttpd, postgres, webpy

I'm trying to learn to run a simple server (and python simultaneously, but that's beside the point). The tutorials available at the websites of the aforementioned technologies were enough to get the ...
Instance Hunter's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Which is best for Django? Lighttpd or Nginx? Or maybe something else? [closed]

Which of Lighttpd and Nginx is, basing on your experience, better suited for Django? I've used both and can hardly notice any difference at all, they just work fine... Are there any use cases when one ...
1 vote
1 answer

lowering lighttpd response time

Been using Pingdom to track the response time of some of my sites. A couple are using Apache, and a couple are using lighttpd. The response times for domains on lighttpd are hovering around 1300-...
Glen Solsberry's user avatar

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